Official Home Gym Building Thread

Nice stuff. I can only dream...

However, the Keter Store It Out arrived yesterday, meaning I can get on my way to clearing the shed...
plates all look in mint condition and shiny, cant really see the rack due to the bright light.

nice simple setup, you have everything that you need, rack, bench, bar and weights.

i am going to clear out the garage today, i haven't used my home gym in a year and over that time my dad has decided to fill it with crap.

it took me a month to clear it out last time he done this, luckily this looks like a 2 day job.

new treadmill arriving tomorrow.
Those work OK, but as soon as a plate presses against them they move.

The flip ones do a similar thing but are quicker and easier to take on and off. The clamps are strong but you need plates with a slight recess to be able to do them up when they are flush with the plate.
Liking your setup LiE sore the pics when you got it all a few months back, most my plates are hex rubber. Now wishing I paid the extra to get the same as yours as mine are a pain in the ass to slide on the bar (rubber inside).
treadmill being delivered today.

I am a bit apprehensive of dust and crap getting inside of it (as it is a mechanical device) and basically ruining it.

cleared out 75% of the garage yesterday, hopefully the rest shall be done over the next week or two i have told them to take what is theirs elsewhere (if they dont want their own stuff i shall just bin it).

so i am going to buy 2 tarpaulin sheets, one shall be placed under the treadmill and when not in use tied up over the treadmill, this still has a gap at the top where it shall be tied, so the other sheet will just be placed over the top of it, basically double proofing it.

this should hopefully prevent spiders, wood louses, dust and all sorts of other crap getting into it.

i need to buy more matting, i also need to move my gym elsewhere because the garage is going to be knocked down next year for a double storey extension. cant be bothered dismantling the rack and pulley system so will have to just put it in a large van on it's side or something.

also worried about how it will fit back inside said extension as the garage door will be gone.

Thinking about going for these dumbbells are they the ones from Fitness Superstore, are they good quality? Also is that the Bodysolid dumbbell rack from there too?

i have those dumbells in 12.5kg up to 25kg, then i have york roundhead dumbells from 1.25kg up to 45kg excluding the 12.5 - 25kg range.

they are good dumbells, and I also have a similar looking rack, although it doesnt get used as i can fit mostly all of them on my york 3 tier rack which is much better.

the rack isn't that good, it does the job, but poorly imo, unlike my york rack which does a stellar job and is solid.
Is it worth getting a dumbbell set?
I'm starting to do more dumbbell work which I do with oly dumbbells. They're ok but a bit cumbersome. I might just buy some more 5kg plates and load them up.
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Is it worth getting a dumbbell set?
I'm starting to do more dumbbell work which I do with oly dumbbells. They're ok but a bit cumbersome. I might just but some more 5kg plates and load them up.

The dumbbells are very good quality yeah, but to be honest i don't use them too much at present (probably because i'm just doing BB work at the mo).

And for the price (£160 if i remember) the rack is excellent value, it's the Bodypower one. Nice and solid, heavy, plenty of room (i have 3kg up to 30kg), the shelves have a nice rubber layer on too to protect the dumbbells.

And yeah Ash, the rack came from Fitness Superstore too.
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It is tempting to add a set. I was looking at used ones but I only found sets that are 4-5 hours away. I'd rather buy new than drive that far.
I'll probably add a leg extension/curl and leg press/hack squat before I consider getting a set
Yeah a little bit, i went up to the actual shop in Castleford so ordered them face to face and got around £50 off, not a massive amount to be fair.
I've got this rack.

I didn't choose it and I probably would have picked a more expensive one if it was up to me, but it seems quite solid. I like it because I can now bench without the risk of killing myself. The things that catch the bar if you fail are solid (not hollow).

Does look very sexy. Confused by the price tho, it shows both £999 and 'Mega Dea;' £229!

So which on is it?
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