Reading this thread is like visiting the avforums, that extra thick +5mm £100 cable i bought increase the heard density of the bass by 0.3% of an ohm and it sounds so much better for the 2 seconds that is happening. Oh yes and my new screen is lighter by 1% and I can notice it because I am senstive to light while zoomed in at 900% moving it left to right, did you see that little sparkle, actually no i didn't I was too busy killing some stuff and enjoying the game
Sometimes you need to enjoy looking at the tress and forest without worrying about the bark, life is too short and one day you will not be here any more, enjoy it while it lasts don't waste it on crap, if you aint' 60 yet when you are, look back at this rubbish and realise wtf was I doing, now I can't see anything, can't grip anything and have rsi but at least the sparklies are good eh..
You're gonna get tried for war crimes with all those truth bombs you're dropping.