****** Official IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad ******

20 May 2010
Since there is no threads on this upcoming game , I thought it was time there was.

The game is now available from the website: http://il2sturmovik.com/ or via steam

^ Which actually turned out to be lies and they gave us something akin to War Thunder except
they made us pay for it and grind to unlock stuff , pretty sad.
You have to play lots of campaign missions (auto generated carp) to gain experience points to get
better guns engines armour etc, which is hard to do when the damn game crashes a lot.

There are 2 versions available

$45.99 version with 8 aircraft
$99.99 full "anal intrusion" version with 10 aircraft

Unlike DCS these guys have thought ahead and will allowing gifting of aircraft to your friends.
I think the business model will be close to how the Rise of Flight one works. (lots of "micro" payments)

Speaking for myself I loved the original IL2 1946 game , not so much the debacle known as IL: Cliffs of Dover,
IL2 BOS has less bugs than Cliffs but is nothing like what we were told it was going to be.

My advise , wait until it is in the bargin bin
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The Rise of flight team are working on this (great) & the Cliffs of Dover team (not so much) hope this works out could do with a decent combat sim in the vain of the original IL2.
In related News , there was an IL2 1946 update patch released this week
It has got some pretty good features 6 DOF etc , defo worth checking out
You can do that now because DCS world is on steam (from 02/08/2013) as you will see my original post was dated 30/07/2013 , which was before that.

You could always do it, since the games and modules were out.
It's called buying something for someone.
I'm a little bit dubious about this, for a start $90 is quite a lot, but ok for alpha all the way through to finished game I could probably live with that.

However on the site there is the quote:

'If there are truly a lot of us, more than the skeptics think, and if the time of serious games for the PC has not passed, then we can make more with your support.'

Now I'm not trying to be one of those 'skeptics' but 1946 was one of the most successful sims around, and rise of flight is extrememly highly regarded. Where have all their profits gone?? Why do they need constant input to finish the game? I really want this to succeed but it worries me that it might not get finished, after all not everyone wants to be in alpha or beta.
I really want this to succeed but it worries me that it might not get finished, after all not everyone wants to be in alpha or beta.

There was never any doubt that the game will be released, more money will only translate to more features. THey already announced that they are currently hiring a new programemr for particles, fire, smoke and other FX (current FX are placeholders) - all due to succesful preorder launch.

New video released today: Stalingrad outskirts Night time (Alpha, no full Damage modelling, no FX)

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well I paid for the deluxe early access version.... and I love it!!

If you enjoyed il2 1946 and rise of flight, this is right up your street.

I've only had 2 early access periods so far but both of them have been great even though the majority of features still aren't implemented.

This will definitely be going a long way
After the Cliffs of Dover debacle, I won't be going anywhere near this I don't think. Not until it's a proper working full release and/ or cheap.

Is there any evidence it won't be a total **** up like the last one?
After the Cliffs of Dover debacle, I won't be going anywhere near this I don't think. Not until it's a proper working full release and/ or cheap.

Is there any evidence it won't be a total **** up like the last one?

Fair enough, but I think that the Rise of Flight team will ensure that its not dissapointing.

You'll probably be best off waiting for release anyway, I just couldn't resist :p
CoD and RoF are very different beasts, i have no doubt, given the mix of the two teams that expectations will be met. I cant justify dropping a 100 o t his, mainly because 150 on SC and 75 on Elite. But the minute this drops below 50 im in ( i missed the first preorders!).
just incase people are still worried about the CLOD business, ive found this on their forum:

Second, to those that understand our approach to development we appreciate it. To those that are not happy we will need to restrict access some until we are able to support 24/7 access all I can say is please be patient and be aware that this is for everyone's benefit. Why you ask? Because...

1. This genre can't afford another CLOD disaster.
2. 1C doesn't want another CLOD disaster.
3. 777 has never had a CLOD disaster and doesn't want to start. Managing ROF development was hard enough.
4. This genre needs new blood and new products that are not 7 years between releases.

So, what you get is a calculated, closely managed early access program that will increase the access over time as important features and support systems are made ready and proven to work. All the while our customers can play, compare notes, alert us to bugs they experienced when they played.

This is the only way we can accomplish the four points above responsibly. You guys should be happy we take this process so seriously and even bothered with an early-access program of any sort. This whole project was a big risk for us either way. We don't take the responsibility lightly.

Our experience and successes and set-backs with ROF have given us good insight in how to manage this. Please trust we are doing what we think is best for all involved. The goal being everyone gets their money's worth in the end.
This game will be great because 777 studios are working on it(Rise of flight).
Rise of flight is fantastic and highly rated! I have all the planes all the field mods and all the weapon upgrades.
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