*** Official Kodi (née XBMC) Thread ***

I need to be able to actually download a scraper :( since my xbmc won't download anything :/

I might see if 12.1 fixes my problems
I cannot to the TV show scrappers to work at all on XBMC.

I have 2 folders on my storage drive.

1. Movies
2. TV Shows

The movie scrapper works fine on that folder, I have setup the TV Shows folder to be scrapped by the TV show scrapper, but nothing.
Which scraper are you using? I'm using the Universal Scraper and it seems to be working fine.

Also - how do you have your TV shows organised and named?
Just for reference I have my files layed out as follows:


:\Movie Name\Movie.file (i.e. :\127 Hours\127 Hours.mkv)

Inside the Movie Name folder are the thumbnails/extra thumbart.


:\TV Show\Season #\TV Show name *x* (i.e. :\Community\Season 2\Community 2x01.avi)

I'm using the universal movie & TV scraper and it seems to pick everything up. Sometimes I need to rename the files, but I just logon remotely to the NAS and use Bulk renamer to do the job :)
Mine are very similar.


\\server\Videos\Movies\Movie Name\Movie Name.mkv
(\\server\Videos\Movies\Back To The Future\Back To The Future.mkv)


\\server\Videos\TV\Show Name\Season #\Show Name - S##E##.mkv
(\\server\Videos\TV\The Big Bang Theory\Season 6\The Big Bang Theory - S06E12.mkv)

Sickbeard and CouchPotato are set to name files to this anyway - so it's mostly automated now :)
updating fixed my problems! :D now I just need to properly set everything up :)

also, is it possible to have artwork from my media on the homepage?
I'm having real problems trying to connect a remote (iPhone app) to my HTPC... it just won't connect. I've tried 4 different apps.

My main PC is connected via ethernet (home plugs) and my HTPC is connected via wireless - router is downstairs. The remote was working a few weeks back before I got the homeplugs (just connected via a long ethernet cable).

Anyway, I've tried putting the ip address in firefox on my HTPC and I can see my library but when I try doing it via safari on my phone, it says it cannot open the page because it could not connect to the server.

Can anyone help?
I love XBMC Wizard, does it all nicely for me and then I can add my own video addons!

Watched Vikings last night :D
Currently using xbmc on windows with the official remote on android but wondering can i get a remote that also streams currently playing. So I wouldnt have to pause if i was going to toilet for example :)
I've been on a bit of a mission to get my XBMC set-up properly, how I like it and with a few little tweaks, in the last few days.
These are the results;
I'm using Aeon Nox as my skin, have the main screen just with the 3 items, movies, tv and shutdown (I need to rename the shutdown so it takes up less space). Background for each one is a multi-image with a folder of all scrubbed fan art.

Image 3 by PeteW1989, on Flickr
I have added DVD extras, listing them as a TV show then having them in a smart playlist. This is pretty laborious work as you have to write the NFOs yourself. The movie theme song also plays as you choose your episode too (pretty cool!)

TV series look pretty cool too.

I've been using Media Center Master to download all the fan art, metadata, trailers too (all are now locally stored, no need to rely on yt) Also artwork downloader for the Clear Logos which look awesome imo. It's taken quite a lot of time, scratching of heads but i've got there in the end. :D
Been trying to get my DVB-T working inside XBMC with the Next PVR. What a mess. Painfully slow and often locks up. What a nightmare. Such a shame Windows 8 does not come with MCE its something like £6.99. Guess I will have to pay and give it a try. Hopefully it is better to use than this rubbish. No wonder its free.
PVR is a brand new feature of Frodo that is not yet mature. It works perfectly fine in a lot of scenarios, just obviously not the one you are trying.

But you know, lets sully the work of some very hard working devs just because one aspect of the application isn't perfect. You should ask for your money back...
I've been on a bit of a mission to get my XBMC set-up properly, how I like it and with a few little tweaks, in the last few days.
These are the results;
I'm using Aeon Nox as my skin, have the main screen just with the 3 items, movies, tv and shutdown (I need to rename the shutdown so it takes up less space). Background for each one is a multi-image with a folder of all scrubbed fan art.

Image 3 by PeteW1989, on Flickr
I have added DVD extras, listing them as a TV show then having them in a smart playlist. This is pretty laborious work as you have to write the NFOs yourself. The movie theme song also plays as you choose your episode too (pretty cool!)

TV series look pretty cool too.

I've been using Media Center Master to download all the fan art, metadata, trailers too (all are now locally stored, no need to rely on yt) Also artwork downloader for the Clear Logos which look awesome imo. It's taken quite a lot of time, scratching of heads but i've got there in the end. :D

I think you should package that up and upload! :P
Can anyone here help me please

I have been playing with my atv2 today and trying to get my media shared from my router with a usb port and hard drive attached, i wanted to start going this way from having the hard drive plugged directly into my TV so i could stream the files with my tablet/phone.

I have learned the hard way that upnp doesn't like mkv files, everything else shows up except them, i was wondering how else i could set this up, i have little knowledge on the subject, i was wondering if anyone could tell me what setting to use and if NFS is possible? i have attached a picture if that help to tell me the required setting in xbmc from my router :)


I've been on a bit of a mission to get my XBMC set-up properly, how I like it and with a few little tweaks, in the last few days.
These are the results;
I'm using Aeon Nox as my skin, have the main screen just with the 3 items, movies, tv and shutdown (I need to rename the shutdown so it takes up less space). Background for each one is a multi-image with a folder of all scrubbed fan art.

Image 3 by PeteW1989, on Flickr
I have added DVD extras, listing them as a TV show then having them in a smart playlist. This is pretty laborious work as you have to write the NFOs yourself. The movie theme song also plays as you choose your episode too (pretty cool!)

TV series look pretty cool too.

I've been using Media Center Master to download all the fan art, metadata, trailers too (all are now locally stored, no need to rely on yt) Also artwork downloader for the Clear Logos which look awesome imo. It's taken quite a lot of time, scratching of heads but i've got there in the end. :D

How do you get the logos for TV and film titles?
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