***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

The charger was hiding...

Guys, i need some help.

When playing L4D2 in win7, i get disconnected within say 30 seconds of joining a game, be it quick match or from the lobby.

i've reinstalled Win 7 from scratch. Reinstalled Steam and L4D2, and it's still doing it.
The steam overlay internet browser never seems to work either.

I think it might be a setting or something in Win7, because as soon as i quit the game, my firefox or chrome won't connect untill about a min later, then everything is ok again.

L4D2 works perfectly under windows XP, so it can't be a router or internet problem.

Any ideas or solutions before i uninstall it for good?
Guys, i need some help.

When playing L4D2 in win7, i get disconnected within say 30 seconds of joining a game, be it quick match or from the lobby.

i've reinstalled Win 7 from scratch. Reinstalled Steam and L4D2, and it's still doing it.
The steam overlay internet browser never seems to work either.

I think it might be a setting or something in Win7, because as soon as i quit the game, my firefox or chrome won't connect untill about a min later, then everything is ok again.

L4D2 works perfectly under windows XP, so it can't be a router or internet problem.

Any ideas or solutions before i uninstall it for good?

What router are you using?
Got this in the steam sale last week, 1st time Ive played an online game for a looong time but liked the idea of the co-op play.

After a few practice solo game I started an-online campaign - thought I was doing alright (3rd or 4th at the end of this stage, miles behind the top 2 tho).

Then some **** called 'Matrix' took it upon himself to send a torrent of abuse at me 'Your mother is a *****' / I ****** your mother / glad your dead you are probably 8 ***** yearsold' !!!

Is this commonplace ? Was really enjoying it up until then :(
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Not really, I find that the French love to send abuse. But then all you have to realise is 'their French...they already lost the lottery of life' and move on :)
Haven't had abuse but some 'tard decided to keep shooting at me in one game. Don't remember hitting him but you can't help but catch folk now and again. He just kept shooting me. I had the grenage launcher so fired it at him. :)

Didn't do as much damage as I'd hoped though.

Its a PITA when people just run off. Or your just at the goal and get put on the deck yet everyone else jumps on the chopper or the boat. No biggie but if someone goes down I'll go back. We either get out or die :)

I still have this ongoing issue with freezing so by the time the game unfreezes I'm surrounded.
Not really, I find that the French love to send abuse. But then all you have to realise is 'their French...they already lost the lottery of life' and move on :)

Lol, not sure where he was from.

Unfortanely I didnt know what the chat key was at this point so I was unable to , ahem, politely ask him to be nice :)
Not really, I find that the French love to send abuse. But then all you have to realise is 'their French...they already lost the lottery of life' and move on :)

Join Antar's list (under his URL) and add a ton of other players to your steam list. Then use the ocuk search key and use our servers. Will change the game.

Well, when the servers are back up anyway, that last update on Friday broke them all and OcUK 3 (modded, Insanity Versus server, see original post for more information) is back up, OcUK 4 is semi working (removed sourcemod temporarily), and currently fixing both other servers. Will post when they are working again.
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