I was obviously joking. I never button smash, that is more my brother. Lol. As you say that may work a bit at the start but then you will forever be stuck playing like a noob.
Personally I just go learn the characters main moves and try and time and use those. What I do not do is learn combos, they take too long for me to learn and I do not have the patience for that in fighting games as I do not play them competitively. Never liked combos anyway.
I like the combo tutorials on Skullgirls because they are setup like an achievement. Once I'm in the game I tend to forget half of it or rarely get chance to execute it but it's a fun thing to play about with.
Like you say practice timing too. Timing is very important, knowing when to block and counter etc. I'm not good at fighting games myself but I only started about 3 weeks ago and I enjoy them. So I'm learning too.
Subscribe to "avoiding the puddle" on YouTube. It's mostly tekken 7 but Aris who runs the channel is great to listen to.