Official Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Thread

justin isnt entering marvel. i think fchamp will take this.

I think punk the alpha got this lol

Anyone be interested in having Steam usernames added to OP?

I'm still horrible at the game but I'm up for any games. Username on Steam is Spacedeck, feel free to add me. I haven't played online yet but I should make a start sometime :o.

I will add you now my tag is ginnnny, you might not enjoy playing against me though especially if your new as I do love spamming.

I can add names to first post if anyone else wants to.

Also by the way it's worth knowing that for marvel infinite online it's best to have your mic muted via steam as any mic signal seems to make the game lag from what people have been saying.

Netcode is amazing though probably the best I seen on fighting game
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Sorry mate, for some strange reason, Internet cut out, so going to call it there. Good games though and definitely up for more another day.

You are pretty lethal with them tag teams and Dr Strange is a pain :p.

Yeah good games mate.

First time I used doctor strange in this game I was amazed at how good he was and have kept using him ever since.

Not sure if you know about it or not but in the 7 games we had you didn't once activate infinity storm and it's a really important part of the game and you can use it 2 or 3 times per match. You activate it by pressing the tag and the stone button at the same time when ever your meter in the bottom corner gets past half way and then if you press them again before it runs out it also does another special.
Not sure why but I was under the impression that if you used stone button, it uses up your meter so wouldn't fill up for the infinity storm.

Yeah you can actually spam the stone button as much as you like it doesn't use meter.

The infinity storm meter fills up as you take damage, by the time one of your characters has lost 3/4 of a health bar it's ready to go. Also when you activate the storm you are invincible for a split second so even if they right in your face you can mash out infinity storm safely.
On the bottom bar that goes up and has the number increase, what's that? Your stone power? and what does the levels mean?

No that has nothing to do with stones.

The bar is the meter for your hyper combo's when it reaches 1 you can do a hyper combo, some characters also have a level 3 hyper combo which uses 3.

You can build this meter by doing special moves like throwing fireballs across screen.

Edit: biggler beat me to it
I'm starting to get the hang of the combo's now I can do one with Dr Strange that has 15 different moves in it fairly consistently in training mode.

Reality,tag,reality seem very powerful.

I got my self to level 12 online if anyone fancies any matches let me know.
No one bothers playing me at Street Fighter no more when they come over, they all get smashed :D One calls me a cheater lol?

Street fighter 5 is the only fighting game I can get my mate to play me at because he knows it the only game I don't play mkx/marvel/tekken I can play pretty well.

Finished the story which I personally found boring. Nothing else left to do now as far as single player content goes.

Cannot be asked to learn the combos, so it will probably end up being one of those games where I put on now and then for a quick go in arcade. Still good to have this type of game in my collection when I fancy it or when mates come over :)

Have you seen they have got a beginners league online? If would be worth playing a few on there I think before you give up on it.
Yeah I tried it. Keep getting smashed by a million combos. Lol.

I think I much prefer slower paced fighting games. I find MKX, Tekken 7 and SFV much easier to play. This one is a lot more hectic. Wish there was more single player stuff to do.

Yeah I like mkx has lots of single player stuff to do with them new towers each week. I got into top 10 a few times with them weekly towers.
Is online dead for this already? Only played it online once since it came out and I found two seperate people to play against back to back pretty quickly but then I couldn't find anyone. Gave up after about 10-15mins seaching. Jumped on SFV and immediately finding people, only waiting 1 maybe 2 mins between games.
Kinda put me off bothering to play it more cos if I can't play against people then whats the point...

Game is far from dead I get a game around every 10 seconds,

I live in england and I am searching 4+ same region from the training room normally there isn't even time to do more than a couple of combo's before the next match is found.

The game does only search for people with the same download region as you so it might be worth checking where your download region is and setting it to UK. Also searching all region does not work make sure you have it set to same region when you search.

Edit: Just checked I have had 456 rank matches so far!!!
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Got my fightstick today but I feel it will be another learning curve :p. Are the default buttons the best to work with or have you guys changed anything?
What stick did ya get?

I had to change my button layout couldn't get on with the default I will list them the same as biggler.

Top row (left to right)
light kick, hard kick, stone, infinity storm

bottom row (left to right)
light punch, hard punch,tag,dash (light hard punch together)

I found this setup to be best for me as it was easier to dial in the basic light punch,light kick, hard punch,hard kick with kicks at top but took some getting used to as every other game I own is punches at top.

I've changed mine but it's just personal preference.

I have 8 buttons, top four are: Light punch, heavy punch, stone surge, tag. Bottom four: light kick, heavy kick, dash, not sure.

Hey biggler have ya tried adding ya self an infinity storm button? it's really good when the other person has you in a combo you can just mash on that so if they try a reset your storm comes out. I know you can press 2 buttons together but having it on the 1 button seems much more reliable.
Wont have played me, dunno what is about the game but nothing makes me was to play it. Played through the story which was average at best and played online a few times but nothing draws me back to play. Played about 6 hours in total and feel like I cant be bothered to play. Played almost 500 hours of SFV and still play most days

I'm the opposite just can't get in to street fighter 5 much preferred the fighting on 4 had 1000's of hours on it but only clocked 100 on sf5 and only play it if I have a friend over now.

I might start playing sf5 again in January if the arcade edition is any good.
Yeah I prefer IV aswell. Hopefully they add Marvels netcode to SFV for Super/Arcade/Season 3 or whatever they call it :p

Tried playing Marvel online again a couple of hours ago. Still couldn't find any games :confused: Tried beginners league and casual matches searching for same region and 4+. Tried searching with less restrictions when it popped up saying it couldn't find any games and still no joy :mad:

I always search from training room.
Tried that first, nothing.

Yeah I not sure then I did see people on the steam forum that couldn't find a match but they were all in remote countries and most of them fixed it by switching the download region in steam settings to a bigger area. Have you made sure your download region is set to uk?

My first match today I searched from the main menu and got match within 2 seconds.
This game is haaard. I don't always find a match in beginners league, so moved to playing ranked. I lose probably 90% of my matches though. Feels like everyone just uses characters who can shoot projectiles across the screen. I struggle getting anywhere near them without half my health going with it.

Maybe I just suck at fighting games :o still going to keep trying though :D. Really enjoying using Ryu and Captain Marvel at the moment.

I'm not into the double digit combos yet. Most I can seem to manage is button mashing LP and also (down) HP, LP, LK, HP, HK.

Yeah fighting games are really hard when you first start out as nearly everyone else has been playing them for years but the good thing is any effort you put into learning them carries over to other games.

I play from training room and practice my combo's over and over until I find the next match, I got a pretty good thing going now where I can hit them from full screen with a fireball and turn it into a big combo doing 6600 damage with a reset at the end that starts the whole combo again. It's working pretty well got my self to rank 10 now.

The main thing I practiced for the first week is the basic combo light punch, light kick, hard punch, hard kick, then from that you can just add either a special or launcher or tag to carry on the combo.

With captain marvel she has a move called photon barrier where she can jut fly straight through fireballs so maybe try using that if they spamming ya from full screen.
So another question here. If I was going to buy a game to play alongside MvCI, which would you get? SFV, MKX or Tekken 7? Something that's generally active with a good range of skill so I'm not constantly whooped.

Well you can pick up mortal kombat x for around £2 on key sites and there is a lot of single player content well worth picking up at that price. It's around £5 to get the game with all the dlc (10 extra characters and costumes) but the basic one is good enough you still have 20+ characters. The lobby system is quite good so you can see how many matches the others have played and what your odds of beating them are so if there are others on your skill you can see who they are and play with them.

Both tekken and sf5 have regular players of all skill ranges both are good games now just which one you prefer.

Dragon ball fighter z coming early next year people are saying that going to be really good.
Marvel isn't really a game where you can just chop and change characters all the time as it's all about character synergy and knowing your characters in and out, if you switch to characters you haven't used it just button mashing no fun at all.
I am not suggesting one do this. I am saying if you find someone you are playing and annihilating them (think I found him in a lobby) you should consider doing something other than the same thing over and over again which is what this guy was doing with the same hero's.

I do not button mash by the way. That just makes things worse for me.

Think I'm the opposite if I find someone I can beat with one button I will just keep hitting that one button lol.

Reality reality reality reality stone lol
So another question here. If I was going to buy a game to play alongside MvCI, which would you get? SFV, MKX or Tekken 7? Something that's generally active with a good range of skill so I'm not constantly whooped.

They all good choices also you might wanna check out killer instinct on the windows 10 store it's free to play a different character every week and has crossplay with xbox.

Also mk9 has pretty good single player content with the story and the massive tower challenge worth the 99p or whatever it is.
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