** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Were working on orange again but it will never be uv in the pastel range due to the chemical make up it would never work.

Making the Pastel range UV active has taken a lot of work to get it to show though and it takes a lot of testing and time to make each one work properly.
Mixing in pastel is a nightmare as colours react very differently due to the make-up of the nano particles. E.g were working on different oranges as i type this now ....



The left orange is actually much brighter in real life the orange on the right hands side looks brownish because it is reacting to the nano fluid. They are both using different chemicals to get the results.
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charthan the X2 for the moment has failed testing were pulling it apart and starting again on it. Its takes us a very long time to bring a product to market and before it even sees the market place it gets handed over to testers independent of us who push our liquids and report back to us. If any of the tester fail the liquid we then go back to the drawing board. X2 is early being talked about to show you all the efforts we put into developing a single product.

Abz Hussain we have a gold colour that is Metallic looking all ready.
Hello, i've been using the mayhems X1 premix UV blood red for just over a month on my new watercooling setup and the colouring has turned from red to a dark purple colour, can anyone advise me on why this has happened and anything i can do to make it red again? I do have a spare bottle of the same stuff but don't want to risk changing the fluid and for it to go purple aswell.

Did you flush you system properly. If you send me your Address (contact me on the left) ill send you out some PH test strips. if you PH levels have changed for some reason the red will disappear and leave you with blue (purple). Red is sensitive to PH change.

2 Ltr is normaly enough. (most systems take 1 Ltr) To flush if all you have been running is di water then just replace how ever if you had any thing else in there then you may need to flush the system before hand.
EX Biocide has taken many moths of work to create and is totally different from our old biocide. Not only does it help the PH of you liquids it has a descaler and biocides and a few other treats in it to keep your system healthy.

I cannot say what is it it fully as some of the chemicals we use we've been extremely quiet about so other don't copy us.
If im correct in think from there pic its the older biocide so im going to replace there stock with the new version. The old one didn't work as well with dyes as the new ones does. All so the newer one is much better at protecting the system and as said all so incorporates a scale inhibitor. We were supposed to be releasing the new test kits "Free of charge" this week how ever i was not happy with the cards and were having them re-done so they may take a little longer.
Finally after all the fafing about, 500 PH test strips gone missing in the post and loads of other rubbish. The PH test kits will be winging there way to re-sellers over the next few days. All Mayhems Biocide Extreme will come complete with a PH test kit as standard at no extra charge (yes you heard it right its FREE with the biocide extreme). We will all so be offering up a separate test kit for a small fee (no profit to be made from them) for any one who fancies getting one separate.

Mayhems test kit is a simple chart, PH test strip and instructions on how to use. They are good to use with any dyes and biocide and it only takes 1 second to test you system.
Yeh we do recommend you run pumps on max when using aurora. if not there will not be enough flow. What blacks slow down and restrict the slow of the liquid hence a good fast flow block helps a lot such as the DT 5NOZ.
Well now we all ready brought you the pastel range and slowly we've been working on a Active UV pastel range. This has taken a lot of testing and a lot of work to get it to actually show well. We have all ready brought out the UV white (wich is Blue under UV light) now we will show you the next UV active pastel colour ....

This pic isnt the best but here you go anyway.


Now in real life the yellow is no as bright as Pastel sunset yellow and has a slight tinge f green to it how ever when under UV light the green is what i would call a modest colour. Its not a in your face green but has a delicate subtle glow to it winch is very nice. This colour will take around about a month before it will be released or maybe sooner.

enjoy any way
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