** Official Mayhems Development Log **


7ml of non stain Yellow
1 ml of non stain pink / red
Per 1 Ltr of Pastel Ice white

to make a Orange close to gigabyte's own colour. Add more pink / red for a deeper colour, more yellow for brightness. Id suggest if mixing this you self buy some 1 ml pipets or plastic syringes.

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Hey guys,

All my aurora2 seems to have disappeared from my loop, im guessing that as there seems to be no noticeable increase in temps that its just found somewhere (annoyingly) to settle out even though i re-designed my loop to avoid this!

Is there any risk of it clumping and blocking or will it be ok to leave it where ever its found a place to settle?
Hey Michael, just wondering what colours and how much should I add to 2 litres of pastel white to create a rich purple colour?

7ml of non stain Yellow
1 ml of non stain pink / red
Per 1 Ltr of Pastel Ice white

to make a Orange close to gigabyte's own colour. Add more pink / red for a deeper colour, more yellow for brightness. Id suggest if mixing this you self buy some 1 ml pipets or plastic syringes.

Thanks so much!!

That's really helpful :D
Can't wait :D I got a free bottle of Mayhems standard Red Dye as a company sent me the wrong colour out by mistake (OCUK was out of stock at the time), so I decided to give it a test in my new build I am working on. This stuff is potent! I am using just cheapo XSPC tubing atm, but will be using primochill tubing once I have everything in place, but here is some pictures after just a few drops of dye..


After 8 drops

Well impressed by Mayhems products.
Hi guys first off i cannot say when any company will be getting any thing i create in as im not the sals guy :). I have nothing to do with sales as such and you must contact OCUK for any thing you would like to stock :).

@Jony27 I need a picture to work from to try and colour match for you. Also are you after non stain or old style dye, would you like it pastel or clear ect ect :).

Don't forget any colours i create on here will not be a perfect match and you must adjust at you own leisure to get a perfect match. Also if you running new rads we fully recommend using a blitz pro kit so that your colour doesn't change because of dirty components.

Colour matching is a bit of an art so always buy a little extra and always take your time :).

@kindai Fire me an email and i can send you out some thing that might bring back aurora for you. My email is michael @ mayhems. co. u k
Hi guys first off i cannot say when any company will be getting any thing i create in as im not the sals guy :). I have nothing to do with sales as such and you must contact OCUK for any thing you would like to stock :).

@Jony27 I need a picture to work from to try and colour match for you. Also are you after non stain or old style dye, would you like it pastel or clear ect ect :).

Don't forget any colours i create on here will not be a perfect match and you must adjust at you own leisure to get a perfect match. Also if you running new rads we fully recommend using a blitz pro kit so that your colour doesn't change because of dirty components.

Colour matching is a bit of an art so always buy a little extra and always take your time :).

@kindai Fire me an email and i can send you out some thing that might bring back aurora for you. My email is michael @ mayhems. co. u k

Any chance of the purple david_labido used on his build log?
Over the last fortnight I have been testing the new Mayhems Havoc 360mm radiator.



I had been using the previous best radiator on the market the PA120.3 actually made by the same people but a different company.
I had a hunch it had to be better, these people don’t mess around with figures picked at random or gimmicks, they work very hard to improve something that I thought couldn't be beaten but they did and by a great margin too.


Havoc 360

When your overclocking for HWBOT scores you need every MHz possible and cooling is a great start to getting that, using the Havoc I consistently got a minimum of a 2c drop over the PA 120.3 but I only show the minimum figures which everyone will get, the maximum I managed was 5c using different fans (using the same different fans on the PA120.3 as well as on the Havoc to get a genuine like for like).



When testing it is vital you get your stall set out and repeat the tests several times to be certain, it is vital you test like for like taking ambient into consideration and the exact same settings on everything then the results mean something.

If you’re in the market for a new radiator and want the one that takes the most heat out of your system and Rolls Royce quality at Skoda prices then look no further than the Mayhem Havoc range.

I have put this on the web to help other fellow Geeks not for any other reason and I am confident anyone would see great temps using the Mayhems Havoc against any other radiator on the market today.

I would not be even considering putting this out if the figures weren't true as that would ruin my trust and reputation which I value very much.

I only show the pictures of the worst figures I managed and everyone will get these.
Oh bugger probably did how ever had a lot on my plate and have totally forgotten., Can you send me a reminder email and ill sort it out in the morning for you, i do remember it was Aurora booster i was going to send you.

Aww man, wish I knew you did colour matching!

I just bought 4 bottles of pastel to try and match my braided cables


Went with Raspberry and Blueberry for my two separate loops.

Any way I can tweak the colours with dye if need be to get a good match?
Its allways best to start off with mayhems pastel ice white

Then for the blue use Blue dye to Pastel ice white
For the purple use Purple dye + ice white

You will easily match them colours.

If i was to start custom matching colour as a full time thing it would be £999 per hour and would take me approx 15min per colour match providing the user supply a sample (sent at there discretion) so for 1 colour it would cost £249.75 pr match (coolant price not inc). Btw thats me being cheap.

Its always more satisfying you do it you self then us doing it :). The people we do normally custom match is because they earn us money via promos and displays and this we cannot put a finger on because we simply do not know and the fact they will wait for when i have some spare time to do it.
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