** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Sorry cannot discuss thing like this on this forum as that would be very wrong of me to do so. This forum is for OCUK not any other company or country.

There are 60 rads and these are a limited run only. 1 Is for a comp on face book, so 59 for sale..
No 1 off the production line

360mm , quad pass, m4 tapped, re tapped 1/4" Fitting, Powder coated. Each rad takes a extras 2 Hours to complete after its comes to me plus a extra flush with ultra pure water. All tested with fitting and screws to make sure every thing good.


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They will go on sale as soon....

now whats a good way to bust these dammed blisters ... blood hand tapping what a nightmare ..
They will be on sale once ive done the rest. there is hours of work to do on every rad first though. Every rad needs tapping, flushing and checking then a final qc check. This takes about 3 hours per rad on top of the work all ready done to them.
Hi Mick
how do i make red darker. i won the competition on facebook for the icedragon and various dyes. if i just add the red no matter how many drops i put in it stays pink :(

ps i was going to leave it white but even after flushing the system via the mains then putting a gallon of di water through it and changing hoses its turning pinky/purple colour

Get some blue and add a tiny drop of blue to i to darken it off. You only need a tiny drop though as the blue is very strong.
Just to let every one know. The rads we have been working on and have a limited supply off we will not be going out full force and doing it again for a long time. It took me two weeks to sort out the rads we got (1st batch) and out of the 20 i have "5" failed my testing. Yes FIVE .... Due to missing pain, flux in the end tanks we could not get out and various other problems. With that amount of failed rads and the time to test them all to make sure they were perfect and the extremely low markup on them we've come to the conclusion it not worth "my" effort. I can now all so see why companies have gone to china ..... We may at a later date come back to rads how ever for the moment and with the "large" amount of company's fighting over scraps its not some thing we feel we need to do. Btw then 15 rads have cost us over £6000+ in development time and costs what a dammed waiste and shame but onwards and upwards as they say :).
ah that's UV yellow / green. they call it yellow but it isn't (they used to call it acid yellow or acid green). To get UV yellow you need a white back ground to reflect the yellow back at you.

the give away is here ->


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one of fesers images

We do a real yellow dye wich can go under UV how ever you will need a really good UV light and it would be suggested to use a Black background with it.
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yeh we did but with the results we've taken them to the makers of the tubing instead as we think posting them in public turns out to be a bad idea due to the erm abuse we may have got lol. We dont believe in slating product even if they are in direct competition with us and would rather the let them sort the problems out.
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