**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

So, are you going to need a super fast connection for this if the world is streamed?

I would say probably yes. Though hopefully there will be a backup generic/procedurally generated world similar to FSX for those who can't or don't want to be connected to the internet.
All sounds a bit awesome.
Was the CPU load fairly spread over the cores, or still primarily single core? Sounds like mostly single core.

Is there any current or planned way to make changes to the provided scenery?
I'm assuming that by default we get a single "world", based upon the current scenery/date/time/weather.

Assuming that to be the case, creating the probable follow on MS Combat Sim (here's hoping) that they might create a way to set different time periods.
So which one of you posted my performance evaluation on Reddit?

Consider this my last post on the alpha.
I don't use reddit, well not to post anyway. But consider this is a public forum and there are many people who read the posts that are not members so it could have been anyone really and not necessarily a member. Google actually crawls and adds stuff posted here very quickly to their search engine.

Only way I can see you keeping it off the Web but continue to share is sending info to people via conversations function which I am sure is meant to be private and Google does not have access to crawl that info.
That sucks man, the damage is done and out there now so just keep it private from now on. Sadly there are plenty of tools that don't understand about keeping cards close to their chests and ruin it for everyone. It doesn't necessarily have to be a member here though, it's a public forum after all.
Witty, thanks.

If said person had exercised some discretion and a little bit of brain then I would've been forthcoming with more info regarding the new sim over time.

The one has spoiled it for the many.

Were you clear with everyone in here that you were under an NDA and the information shouldn't be shared?

I only stumbled on this thread a couple of days ago and can't see anything now as you have deleted your posts.
No idea on release other than "2020".

What's been shown so far has been described as "pre-alpha" and sending that out to testers has been delayed by over a month so far due to an issue with compiling the latest build (we believe it's finally been sent out, at least in a phased manner). Once feedback is collected, acted upon and a new build compiled, it will go out to a second round of testing. Will it still be considered a pre-alpha, and alpha or a beta by then, who knows? Assuming a further round of fixing, recompiling, etc. happens and then another round of testing. Then there's the final touch ups, regionalising, preparing for distribution, marketing wind-up, etc. It will likely all take quite some time, hence they've not specified a half or quarter for 2020. The only thing in its favour is that it's supported by Microsoft, but then again there are a number of cross department dependencies (Bing maps, Azure AI and distribution, Asobo, etc.).

So if you expect it to be released right at the squeeky end of 2020 and it comes earlier, we can all be pleasantly surprised.

Upset about leaking the leak, lol


"I can't believe someone spoiled it for for everyone else by spreading confidential information"......says the guy spoiling it for everyone else by spreading confidential information.

On a serious note, it is good to be able have private test phases, but it does rely on a degree of trust that participants will adhere to their NDA and won't leak information. If people do just ignore the NDAs then developers won't invite people to test phases.
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