**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

This looks and sounds revolutionary and might finally tempt me to shell out on an upgrade from my 4690K system this year. The videos look incredible.
Pretty incredible really, seems like such a huge step over what is currently available.

Will be interesting how on earth they get this to run on xbox without severe compromise.
I wonder how this will impact companies like ORBX. Can't see them making even better scenery any time soon :p
There will still be opportunity for third party scenery devs.

Default airports are no better than that in P3D/XP11, there are a handful of airports that have been given the full custom treatment out of the box but not many.

Bing map scenery quality is also very variable; North America is best and some parts of Europe are very good, but there are great swathes of the globe where Bing map fidelity is very poor, or non-existent. Same goes for the 3d photogrammetry assets; some are excellent but many are awful.
Which London airports got the full treatment? My fav airports I use is London City Airport and Heathrow :)
No "hero" airports in the UK included in the alpha.

There appear to be 3 levels of airport fidelity in the alpha:

A handful of 'payware addon' level full custom airports
A few dozen that have had a basic tidy up to roughly resemble the layout of their real world counterpart.
Vast majority are the same as default FSX, basic runway and a few generic buildings.

There is however a request thread on the insider forums for a list of full custom airports to be included in the final release; as you'd imagine all the usual popular destinations are being requested i.e. Heathrow, Innsbruck etc etc.
Cool. We need at least one top notch London Airport! :)
I'd imagine Heathrow will be one of them, be very surprised if it isn't.

Third party devs will be releasing add-on content 'out of the gate' we are being told; I interpret that as either existing P3D/FSX add-ons are relatively simple to convert, or some key devs already have SDK access. Perhaps both.

So don't go deleting all your existing add-on purchase emails or account. Hopefully some devs offer crossover discounts, as PMDG have with their latest version of the 737.
I have the South England ORBX one on XP11. Doubt they will offer a cross over. Would be great if they did. Would make me consider buying more if they did.
Too early for that conversation with the scenery devs. But I'm beginning to get the feeling that existing P3D add-ons will be relatively easy to convert over.

I reckon the situation will be you can install add-ons like Orbx's True Earth region add-ons and it will overwrite the default Bing map scenery, just as it does with existing sims.
I can't see exactly why you'd want to do this if your region of interest has good Bing coverage; my main concern is Orbx tries on its old tactic of requiring a user has a base region product installed in order to use an airport.
I would only do it if it improves things. But to be honest what I have seen looks sweet.
For the vast majority of North America and Europe I cannot see any benefit to third party add-on scenery; airports yes, but actual terrain no. Unless they develop something utterly spectacular, but even Orbx's True Earth regions (which are arguably the best add-on scenery available on existing platforms) have been rendered obsolete.
Sounds about right. Thanks for all the info man. I am a noob relative to you when it comes to flight aims. Looking forward to reading more of your posts :)
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