@mid_gen Do you have any left? Would really appreciate this for a definite purchase if at all possible.
Thanks in advance if yes and no worries if not.
Thanks @mid_gen i really appreciate this, i just have no idea what you mean by trust.
Please forgive my ignorance on this, if its too much trouble please let someone else take it.
As someone with direct access to microsoft, do you also communicate with the developers?; be interested in finding out if they plan to add support for the Saitek X55 Rhino in the game.
Trust is a system on the forums for private messaging people. I can't remember exactly.how you set it up initially, try clicking the trust button on my post.
So signed up for Game Pass and installing this, but guessing its a bug, while its doing the downloading if I have the window minimised my GPU goes to 100% usage, but if its open it sits around 20%
Very odd
Anyone able to recommend some youtube videos to learn the A320?