Agree it craps all over xplane and p3d, The roads are accurate, the buildings and elevation not much so, there's a road up a big hill near my house that in-game looks slightly elevated beyond flat
I have a 6 core 12 thread CPU and the game runs fine so not sure what that is about? Certainly doesn't max my 5820k, hits the gfx card far harder! Ram usage for me is about 12-14GB on top of my normal system usage of around 12GB, so goes upto 2XGB when in-game, should defo be alright on 16GB with less stuff running in the background. And yeah the game will shine with a 2080ti or better, it'll defo push me to buy the next series of cards when released, though my 2070 Super does ok when game maxxed, dial back a bit and performance is awesome.
I'd pay £40 for it as is, and with the missions added, more planes and if they do open up to modding etc it'll be a 10/10 simulator.
Max graphics and watch CPU usage, it will happily hit 100% on all cores and threads. I've seen over 20gb of usage as well on mine.