There's one "mission" at the moment, a landing on a tricky french runway in the hills with wicked winds.
Sim is phenomenal, shame my xbox tag is plastered all over screen otherwise I would show some awesome screens. But the screens that have come out are real it's not vaporware lol, from up high flying it looks great. Low level needs a lot of work, it's defo an alpha on the ground, ai planes are doing funny things etc. The best bit of the sim is how the aircraft feel though (no jets to try yet), alive is a good way to describe it. Also, the weather and time of day are sublime. With the click of a button, you can go from clear sky to a rainstorm with lightning and a slider controls the time of day, can go from midday to depths of the night in a split second.
I've found my road on it, but the houses arent like real life, maybe 1/3 of the houses are autogenned in, but the roads and area look like where I live, so for VFR it's great, xplane and p3d don't have my road on, so it's great in that respect. Also couldn't find the Hollywood sign, but LA looks great lol