**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

I've always wondered about giving VATSIM a whirl, but as an actual ATCO I worry I wouldn't be able to take it seriously :D
You do hear some frustration sometimes from the ATC guys on Vatsim, especially those on the LON and APP positions, mainly because people don't always know the basics of controlling their A/C and also, when something goes a bit wrong the over reliance on Automation.

Sometimes, the attitudes of the controllers doesn't help as some can be very brash for no reason but at the same time I can understand the frustration.

I'm only an S1 and only do a few hours a week on EGPH or EGKK mainly, unfortunately Gatwick being as busy as it can be even sometimes during the morning, people on Vatsim choose it to do their first ever Vatsim flight and if it is busy, unfortunately you just don't have all the time in the world to deal with them bit by bit.

Also, as an ATC Text Pilots as well, by that I don't mean just by PDC/CPDLC but those who choose not to, or don't have the facility of voice add to your workload, Euroscope has shortcuts but even then it can still make your workload higher! and if you're on LON or an APP position and your controlling a lot top down (So KK APP can potentially doing DEL, GND, TWR and APP which can be a stupid workload!)

On the flipside, there are plenty of pilots out there that know what they're doing to,
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Side note... anyone notice some half decent performance gains with the new SU? JFK used to be potato for me a lot of the time, now seems to run half decent!
Has London ever received an update? I did a low and slow flight over it the other day and it still suffered from the melted-building syndrome that’s plagued it from the start. I thought they might’ve fixed that by now?
Has London ever received an update? I did a low and slow flight over it the other day and it still suffered from the melted-building syndrome that’s plagued it from the start. I thought they might’ve fixed that by now?

Melted buildings are not limited to just London. Have to say that it’s one of the things that’s always made me wonder with all the comments of how amazing it looks.
I’m thinking of getting a Quest 3 for use with MSFS so was wondering what peoples’ experiences with the Quest 2 had been like so far with the game?

Also, I’m using a 3080 with a 5900X. Does the 3080 still have enough grunt to do a good job with VR in MSFS?
Melted buildings are not limited to just London. Have to say that it’s one of the things that’s always made me wonder with all the comments of how amazing it looks.

I must agree, please dont get me wrong, but for helicopter flying and close up in big citys like London and New York Manhatten its just awful for the melted building effect (close up) and ruins immersion and needs to be fixed.
I must agree, please dont get me wrong, but for helicopter flying and close up in big citys like London and New York Manhatten its just awful for the melted building effect (close up) and ruins immersion and needs to be fixed.

I just don't see it happening, at least with FS2020. Maybe 2024 will resolve it. My assumption is that current hardware limitations and the fact that it's CPU single threaded are the restricting factors.
It annoys me enough that I barely fly in FS2020. Very happy to fly in that combat sim.

I did my upgrade.

It is much (much) better, but using the Developer tools I've noticed that turning on Frame Generation.... well... pretty much reduces my FPS ?! I'm at about ~70-80 FPS when in the air and about 55-60 on the ground. before I turn it on, and it basically dips when I do.

I'm still getting 'limited by mainthread' which I thought was due to CPU bottleneck.

To clarify, I'm running spec as per my sig block. I'm running 3440x1080 Resolution. Trying 5120x1440 doesn't seem to change the situation. Graphics are set to ultra.

I do get stuttering if I try and pan the camera around rapidly... I thought this would be rock solid looking at the videos I saw online first

DLSS is on.
...using the Developer tools I've noticed that turning on Frame Generation.... well... pretty much reduces my FPS ?!

Am sure I've read that the dev tools FPS doesn't take frame generation into account. Try MSI Afterburner or similar.
I notice my install with all updates is over 800Gb in the WpSystem folder and it is the only Xbox game i have.
Is this normal or has something gone adrift with my installation?
Currently having to move from my 1TB SSD to an old mechanical drive which is far from ideal but with only 3GB available space left on my SSD drive action had to be taken.
I suppose it depends on how many addons you have installed. My FS2020 install is on it's own SSD, Currently 316GB (premium deluxe MS Store version - fully up to date). My addons are on another dedicated SSD currently sitting at 788GB......and rising. Will need to swap to a 2TB SSD soon.
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By gawd this game is a beast to install. To install the Standard edition, it's dawned on me it's going to take ages!

Crickey, it takes me back to the nineties and leaving the PC on overnight and then some! :eek:

Strange as I have this on Xbox One and don't remember it taking hours!
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Am sure I've read that the dev tools FPS doesn't take frame generation into account. Try MSI Afterburner or similar.
There has been some issues using this in the past as something with the sim doesn't like it. There was a specific reason but can't remember for the life of me what it was..
By gawd this game is a beast to install. To install the Standard edition, it's dawned on me it's going to take ages!

Crickey, it takes me back to the nineties and leaving the PC on overnight and then some! :eek:

Strange as I have this on Xbox One and don't remember it taking hours!
It gets worse as you get more addons, as some have said on here, i've got quite a few Payware A/C and scenery, upto 1.22tb at the moment :cry: my last reinstall took the better part of 2 days!!!
I just started playing this and find it quite relaxing. I'm using an Xbox controller and wondering if a budget HOTAS (<£100) setup would make much difference, or does it really need to be a quality unit?
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