**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

So on my shopping list for this game:

- MFS2020 £110 (purchased)
- Honeycomb yoke - £220
- Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant - ~£250
- Ryzen 4700 ~£350 (?)
- RTX 3070 £500 (?)
- 32GB RAM £120
- Motherboard ~£150
- Maybe a new PSU ~£120

...and probably a divorce lawyer, as the above is c. £1.8k...for a computer game!

Oh and rudder peddles...£150?

This for me too (except for the PC hardware). I wanted to know also about the Honeycomb yoke and the lot....
If I didnt purchase rudder pedals, how would I control rudder? (keyboard I guess?) that would ruin it...
If you have no experience with flight sims I would suggest that the best option for you is to stick with your original plan and go with the game pass. To get any real return on investment you have to understand this is not a game but a simulator. If you are looking for a game I think you will get pretty tired of loading up a 747 on a live runway at Heathrow and flying to your favourite holiday destination (give you about 10 minutes before that loses its appeal), loading up a GA aircraft from your local airport to take a look around your local points of interest (maybe 30 minutes), or going through the missions which may add a bit more interest but will inevitably involve flying different aircraft through hoops under different scenarios (maybe a couple of hours). If you treat it as a simulator then you will start off as any trainee pilot learning the basics of aircraft operation, ground rules, VFR navigation, engine management etc. on something like a Cessna 152, this will take you tens to hundreds of hours to do properly before transitioning to twin engine aircraft, IFR navigation and flight management systems which again will take tens to hundreds of hours to master.........Once you know what you want to get out of the experience you can then decide if you want to invest more money into purchasing your own copy of the software and if an investment in hardware is warranted.

/[Game, Set and Match]
Good post above from PieEater. I would add that there'll be an awful lot of beautiful world locations to recce other than your home and favourite holiday destination.

This for me too (except for the PC hardware). I wanted to know also about the Honeycomb yoke and the lot....
If I didnt purchase rudder pedals, how would I control rudder? (keyboard I guess?) that would ruin it...
Using buttons ruins rudder, it needs to be analogue really. A twistable joystick is the other option, and I guess some controllers have lateral analogue levers.
@PieEater Great post, thanks for that. Definitely given me a rethink of what I'm actually looking for. My current PC won't be able to run this without an upgrade so I'm tied into that at least. I'll have a think and see how I feel when the game is released.
No problem, I'm glad I gave you something to think about. In all honesty the most interesting and challenging aspect of a flight is the planning and implimentation stage up to where you have the flight plan programmed and you are ready to take off (assuming you do this all manually). The most rewarding part is pulling off a succesfull landing, proving your flight plan was correct and you have the skills required to sucesfully operate, navigate and land the aircraft. Unfortunately most people set all of that to auto and focus on the bits inbetween, basically admiring the scenery, which gets old fairly quickly and provides no sense of reward.
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So on my shopping list for this game:

- MFS2020 £110 (purchased)
- Honeycomb yoke - £220
- Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant - ~£250
- Ryzen 4700 ~£350 (?)
- RTX 3070 £500 (?)
- 32GB RAM £120
- Motherboard ~£150
- Maybe a new PSU ~£120

...and probably a divorce lawyer, as the above is c. £1.8k...for a computer game!

Oh and rudder peddles...£150?

No problem, I'm glad I gave you something to think about. In all honesty the most interesting and challenging aspect of a flight is the planning and implimentation stage up to where you have the flight plan programmed and you are ready to take off (assuming you do this all manually). The most rewarding part is pulling off a succesfull landing, proving your flight plan was correct and you have the skills required to sucesfully operate, navigate and land the aircraft. Unfortunately most people set all of that to auto and focus on the bits inbetween, basically admiring the scenery, which gets old fairly quickly and provides no sense of reward.
Yeah I think I was looking at this a bit too much as an arcade game rather than the "simulation" as you say.

I can imagine you get a lot of satisfaction doing everything from start to finish. I am a huge Football Manager player so I know a similar feeling of having to work to get your local team through 20 odd years to the champions League haha!
I'm not a big fan of doing long flights in one go or just speeding up time, so planning on doing a tour in legs might do liverpool, across wales and down to france then maybe wing it, pun intended :) but maybe to Italy
If you want to properly prepare for the release you need to watch this.

Spoiler it involves convincing your other half they are having a mental breakdown and your boss you have a disability, with step by step instructions.

This for me too (except for the PC hardware). I wanted to know also about the Honeycomb yoke and the lot....
If I didnt purchase rudder pedals, how would I control rudder? (keyboard I guess?) that would ruin it...

I would say that you would be able to control rudder pedals on the yoke, I think at the top of the left or right. You can configure the buttons/controls. Been reading on forums people have got rudder working on them.
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So on my shopping list for this game:

- MFS2020 £110 (purchased)
- Honeycomb yoke - £220
- Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant - ~£250
- Ryzen 4700 ~£350 (?)
- RTX 3070 £500 (?)
- 32GB RAM £120
- Motherboard ~£150
- Maybe a new PSU ~£120

...and probably a divorce lawyer, as the above is c. £1.8k...for a computer game!

Oh and rudder peddles...£150?
the trick is in comparisons. find the relevant Star Citizen story on the internet and lead w/ "here pet, look at this - someone's spend over $30k on virtual ships!" and lead smoothly into "makes my £1.8k for actual kit seem very reasonable, doesn't it?!"
the trick is in comparisons. find the relevant Star Citizen story on the internet and lead w/ "here pet, look at this - someone's spend over $30k on virtual ships!" and lead smoothly into "makes my £1.8k for actual kit seem very reasonable, doesn't it?!"

I do this with sim racing but it's easy comparison to make with flying as well. £1000 odd on sim equipment/software etc. vs £100,000 on owning an actual plane/racing. Easy to justify then. :p
the trick is in comparisons. find the relevant Star Citizen story on the internet and lead w/ "here pet, look at this - someone's spend over $30k on virtual ships!" and lead smoothly into "makes my £1.8k for actual kit seem very reasonable, doesn't it?!"

That got some lols from me. Nice one :)
Just ordered my 32GB of RAM ready for Flight Sim.

Then I'll wait til the next Nvidia cards come out and buy a card then ....all pay out..

From what I've read the rx580 won't give me high graphics settings.
Can’t decide whether to leave this alone until I do my next GPU upgrade (3070 hopefully) And maybe even wait until Zen3 or just play around with it. I’m 4K all the way for sims now so a bit undecided.

looking forward to flying Cessnas with my VKB gunfighter...immersive!
I will wait until I have built my new system around the Zen3 when it comes out, my i5-2500k might struggle a bit, although with my 1080 it runs all other modern games fine on highest settings
Or I might just build a system using the best processor that is available this year whatever that one is as hopefully the prices will fall when Zen3 arrives, it all depend on which processor the flight sim runs best on, Intel or Ryzen
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