If you have no experience with flight sims I would suggest that the best option for you is to stick with your original plan and go with the game pass. To get any real return on investment you have to understand this is not a game but a simulator. If you are looking for a game I think you will get pretty tired of loading up a 747 on a live runway at Heathrow and flying to your favourite holiday destination (give you about 10 minutes before that loses its appeal), loading up a GA aircraft from your local airport to take a look around your local points of interest (maybe 30 minutes), or going through the missions which may add a bit more interest but will inevitably involve flying different aircraft through hoops under different scenarios (maybe a couple of hours). If you treat it as a simulator then you will start off as any trainee pilot learning the basics of aircraft operation, ground rules, VFR navigation, engine management etc. on something like a Cessna 152, this will take you tens to hundreds of hours to do properly before transitioning to twin engine aircraft, IFR navigation and flight management systems which again will take tens to hundreds of hours to master.........Once you know what you want to get out of the experience you can then decide if you want to invest more money into purchasing your own copy of the software and if an investment in hardware is warranted.