**** Official Motorstorm: Apocalypse Thread****

Anyone still play this online? Just started the game so fare is surprisingly good. Damn hard online though! The only thing I seem to win is better who the winner will be
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Hi ak22, I still play online here and there - Dphect is my PSID, feel free to add me.

Also, not sure if you were referring to the betting system, you bet on the person you think you can beat, not the one you think will win :).
Hi ak22, I still play online here and there - Dphect is my PSID, feel free to add me.

Also, not sure if you were referring to the betting system, you bet on the person you think you can beat, not the one you think will win :).

Doh! So I suck at racing and betting lol, so hard atm still getting the hang of things need to learn those short cuts, I will add you my psn is: ironak
I play online as well. Only just starting playing, so not too bad, but not great either. Won two races though :), when the matchmaking put me in a room with other people who had only just started. My psn is fish_goes_moo, feel free to add me if you want to race, just add ocuk or something in the request message as I tend to delete random friend requests.
Been playing for a while now, managed to get up to level 46. Few things about the online are starting to irritate me now though. Bets being voided if someone leaves is stupid, if you leave it should be a forfeit and bets are valid. Noticing quite a few people quitting as soon as they have quite a few bets against them and aren't going to win, they disconnect voiding everyone's bet.

Had someone rage quit just to void one not long ago. They bet on me, I bet on them, I'm first, they're second constantly trying to wreck me, I return the favour, but actually wreck them, and instantly they disconnect. Yet another void bet.

Servers need fixing as well. The amount of server errors while trying to join games is ridiculous, once you join it's normally fine, but don't think I've had it join first time once. Always have to have at least one failed to join game message.
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Need to pick this game up some time, was renting it before had to post it back that's why have not added you guys yet!
They've just done an update, you can now create custom game modes (advanced options). A bug is also fixed it when a player that you've bet against quits and the bets was then void, you now win that bet! You can also have clan tags now. I can't tell if they've fixed the connection issues as I have my own connection issues with talk talk, 2 months left until the contract ends!! Then onto Virgin.
Servers for the game are still crap. Same as it was before, if you get into a game, it's normally fine, but there are still failed to join game, failed to join party errors.

Some more free stuff is up for download now as well. Glowing rims :D, and a skin for the superbike and one for the racing truck.
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