**** Official Motorstorm: Apocalypse Thread****

Had a really quick go of the demo. The demo track they had at the PS show was a much better track than the demo.
All the talk of Split/Second in here made me go and look for the Demo, but it looks like its no longer on PSN? Am I being blind or is it now gone?
See the game has been delayed due to the nature of the game and recent events in Japan. Game has shipped so some may slip into retail no new date has been given yet.
All the talk of Split/Second in here made me go and look for the Demo, but it looks like its no longer on PSN? Am I being blind or is it now gone?

Nope looks like it's gone?

Pretty cheap now, and it's an ok game.....
Bought Split/Second for 12 quid a few months ago, worth every penny if you like fast paced arcade racers.

Shame MS:A has been delayed, I can completely understand why though.
Got an email a few days ago saying that this had shipped. Now my vouchers have been refunded and it's back on pre-order. I wonder if it did actually ship ;)
Mine turned up in the post today. Pre-ordered it back in August and totally forgot about it!

Won't have time to play it until I finish work tonight though.
Let us know whats it like - youre gonna be the very few that has a copy since I doubt it shipped in Japan and the US release date is still next month so only the EU one has slipped (actually is it only UK thats slipped?!?) with a possibility of rogue copies being out there...

Can you compare it to the previous versions or Spilt/Second if youve played them?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Snagged a copy from a popular auction site for £35 this morning, was posted this afternoon so hoping I have it early next week, been a big fan of the motorstorm series so far really looking forward to it.

I think a better idea than postponing it would have been to akowledge it may not be the most appropriate theme and donate a couple £££ from each copy to one of the various charity / organisations helping with search and rescue etc
I think a better idea than postponing it would have been to akowledge it may not be the most appropriate theme and donate a couple £££ from each copy to one of the various charity / organisations helping with search and rescue etc
Erm, I very much doubt Sony as a Japanese company, would have won support in the mass-media by allowing the game to be released as scheduled. It might be ok to you or I, but it would have been picked up very negatively press wise irrelevant of the charity donation spin...

ps3ud0 :cool:
My hopes of it arriving early next week were shattered... (in a good way :P) when it popped through my door 10 minutes ago have to admit I am mightily impressed with the sellers delivery speed, promised to take my nephew into town today but will be online tomorrow if anyone fancies some races.

PSN ID - JonnyCasino82
My bro and I didn't play on it for too long. Quick summary..

Menus are a lot easier to navigate as there are fewer options. Story mode, multiplayer, customisations/perks and the options menu.

The storyline is a bit cheesy. Sort of like Infamous with the comic art style but with less context. None of the cut scenes lasted longer than a minute. If you don't like them, you can easily skip them by pressing x. Doubt you would missing anything of great importance either.. :p

All our races so far have been 'races', no eliminator/chase modes but I'm sure they will be thrown in at the latter stages..

The maps seem to vary quite a bit. On the first map, I was struggling with the thin width of the track in some places. Throw in the fact you have loads of stuff going (buildings collapsing, debris everywhere, explosions etc) on in the background, it makes it a pain finishing the race when you hit something every second. :(
On other maps its fine though, plenty of width and space to bash/overtake etc

The boost icon in the bottom corner has changed a bit, works the same though. Apart from when your vehicle is flying through the air, it 'cools' your engine, as it would when you go through water etc.

In offline play, it's pretty straight forward. Can play up to 4 player splitscreen, choose what cars, tracks, race modes, tracks, laps and AI vehicles/difficulty. When you scroll through the vehicles, none of the stats appear. Like in the old one, bikes would be quick but weak and monstertrucks would be slow but strong. I think they are all equal on Apocalypse as there are 13 vehicle types to choose from but no stats/figures are displayed on screen at all.

In the customisation menu - the main option is perks? Don't think that was on Pacific Rift.. You can earn exp in online multiplayer to rank up and earn perks like better handling, longer boost, stronger bash etc
Not played online to rank up yet though, so can't comment on usefulness of the perks etc..
Don't think you can earn exp in offline play as we didn't get any acknowledgement of exp gain during story mode.

Handling on the vehicles seem as good as Pacific Rift. Not much to say really, it feels ok.. Though the game isn't really known for its handling is it?

Not sure what else we came across. Let me know if you have any questions/think I missed something out and I'll try look into it when I have time. :p
Cheers man...

Any chance of comparing it to the demo? Like are the tracks as bad/good as that one or how the vehicles behave. How fun/frustrating it is and how 'cheaty' the AI is?

Also are there multiple routes per track which suit certain vehicles better? I heard in the campaign you have zero options in what you have to do to progress?

I think the handlings always been average but with wider tracks and less debris to snag on it was more forgiving which at least gave you a chance against the 'cheaty' AI in previous games...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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There are multiple routes per track which each may favour larger / smaller vehicles just like Rift, I actually think the handling is quite different from Pacific Rift, but in a very good way everything feels more responsive to me.

Also it may just be the early "rookie" races but the AI doesnt feel like they are rubber banding as heavily as in previous motorstorm games but like I said that may change as the story progresses.

Really enjoying it so far although personally I could have done without the story stuff.
Any idea what the track was called? I didn't play the demo so not sure which track it is..
I'm gonna guess it was the first track in the campaign, which was the one that threw me off with the tight spaces when going through buildings whilst collapsing and stuff. Having played it through it again for a second time though, It wasn't all that bad. I think you just need to get used to it. Only select parts of the track were annoying because of the width.

As above really, the AI in story mode wasn't at all cheaty as the previous games. I thought it was pretty easy.. getting 1st place within 2 goes mostly. Rookie mode for me too, so I wouldn't go on that just yet.. I think you have to complete rookie mode to progress onto the latter stages, 'Pro' and 'Veteran' iirc.
Campaign, you just need to finish a certain place. I think it differs on each track, not totally sure. Will try and check later!

Again, as above. Multiple routes can favour smaller/larger vehicles. Though I don't think the surface terrain matters any more since all the vehicles are equal in stats. So let's say big trucks won't plough through mud on an alternate route whilst the motorbikes would struggle through it like previous games. I think that's how it worked right?
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