My wish is Nintendo stop this motion rubbish and go back to making a console of worth with decent tech, decent games and some real attitude and actually have a mario game at launch!
I am fearful that this wish will never happen because I cant see this taking off and Nintendo are going to tank hard.
tbh this has been my issue with Nintendo. I cannot stand the whole motion gameplay. Wii controllers I found horrible I just could not play the games comfortably. I used to love Nintendo so much and have such fond memories of playing the SNES and N64 heck even the gamecube. But I bought the Wii when Mario Galaxy came out and I just hated it. Not the game itself but the way you had to play it by shaking the stupid remote and such.
The Wii U looks interesting but I doubt I will be buying one. The whole tablet idea is interesting but could you imagine dropping that pad and having to cough up for another one Meh I'l prob keep an eye on it might pick one up when they get "cheaper" I just wish nintendo would stop with the "we have to be innovative" **** and just wack out a console with a gamepad and produce a load of games for it.
To me it just seems they are spending all their development time on desiging new "innovative" ideas for their hardware and not spending enough time on actual games. You had the Wii with motion dection, the DS with dual screens and touch screens and then the 3DS with dual screens and a 3D screen with no glasses. Now a Wii U with a tablet.... frankly to me its getting boring. I just want a games console to play decent Nintendo games like Mario, Zelda, DK etc.
/end rant lol