*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

7 May 2008
Born in the U+K
My wish is Nintendo stop this motion rubbish and go back to making a console of worth with decent tech, decent games and some real attitude and actually have a mario game at launch!

I am fearful that this wish will never happen because I cant see this taking off and Nintendo are going to tank hard.

tbh this has been my issue with Nintendo. I cannot stand the whole motion gameplay. Wii controllers I found horrible I just could not play the games comfortably. I used to love Nintendo so much and have such fond memories of playing the SNES and N64 heck even the gamecube. But I bought the Wii when Mario Galaxy came out and I just hated it. Not the game itself but the way you had to play it by shaking the stupid remote and such.

The Wii U looks interesting but I doubt I will be buying one. The whole tablet idea is interesting but could you imagine dropping that pad and having to cough up for another one :eek: Meh I'l prob keep an eye on it might pick one up when they get "cheaper" I just wish nintendo would stop with the "we have to be innovative" **** and just wack out a console with a gamepad and produce a load of games for it.

To me it just seems they are spending all their development time on desiging new "innovative" ideas for their hardware and not spending enough time on actual games. You had the Wii with motion dection, the DS with dual screens and touch screens and then the 3DS with dual screens and a 3D screen with no glasses. Now a Wii U with a tablet.... frankly to me its getting boring. I just want a games console to play decent Nintendo games like Mario, Zelda, DK etc.

/end rant lol
29 Mar 2005
I agree too, I was shocked at how interested i am in zombiu! cant beat a game like that at christmas /november time either
29 Mar 2005
I love Nintendo but the Wii put me right off and the Wii U doesn't look any better.

They know they can't really compete with 360/PS3 so they are trying to go the quirky/different route, they struck gold with the Wii but people are getting bored of it now hence the drop in sales.

The Wii U is just carrying on with the niche trend and I think Nintendo are in for a shock once the Wii U launches.

Microsoft and sony are ripping nintendo of with motion control because they are onto something, its all just stepping stones to VR :p
25 Sep 2009
Microsoft and sony are ripping nintendo of with motion control because they are onto something, its all just stepping stones to VR :p
If they were onto something why isn't Kinect/Move as popular as Wii?

Only reason Wii was popular was because it was aimed at the casuals, a joypad with loads of buttons is daunting to most non-gamers.
29 Mar 2005
Its also better than both of the other technologies in my opinion, as its the most accurate and the only one that works when users overlap, and microsofts also relies on a largish and well lit room.
All it needs is hardcore games wish it looks like its going to get more of for certain
21 May 2006
If they were onto something why isn't Kinect/Move as popular as Wii?

Of course the Wii will be more popular, the Wii remote and nunchuck comes with every console as standard.

Unfortunately in Sony and Microsofts case, Move and Kinect are by definition optional peripherals that you have to buy seperately to the boxed console package.

Combine that with a lack of decent titles that take advantage of the techonology and you can easily see why Nintendo's attempt at the motion control market has had more success.

If Playstation Move and Kinect came bundled with their respective consoles as standard they'd be way more popular imo. I don't mean PS3/360 + Move/Kinect Bundles but the standard console package with the technology packaged with it in one box.

There seems to be allot of hate for motion control in general. I don't think it's perfect by any means, but as has been metioned, it's a stepping stone to bigger and greater things.

Although, I do also wish that Nintendo would pull some more hardcore games out of their collective backside.
28 Aug 2006
Of course its different for the sake of it, just look at their E3 conference. Its like they thought about the controller then thought about how they could implement it instead of the other way around.

Its nice of you to just assume that I'm some braindead CoD moron that only likes pretty explosions just because I don't ride Nintendos ****.

NOTHING the 'gamepad' did at E3 impressed me, it was as I thought it was going to be, half baked ideas and tacked on controls for the tablet.

I don't think any of them had a good E3. Also, I don't assume your "some braindead CoD moron that only likes pretty explosions just because I don't ride Nintendos ****", as you kindly put it. I just said you might prefer FPS's, than other genres. If thats how you picture people who like FPS's, then thats not my fault. I look at all systems and see strengths and weakness, I don't simply look at one and think its the worse thing ever. .

Please don't start with the "true gamer" nonsense, it just makes you look silly.

I think people (here at least) are more interested in performance than in how big the box is.

It don't make me look silly at all, its simply a fact. Performance is not bad for the package. Size is important as to how much performance you can get out of it, hence why the 360/PS3 are in bigger boxes. Nintendo have done good to squeeze that power into a small form.

I don't know why some people are getting so angry, with my comments. They wasn't nasty to anyone. I was just simply looking at the Wii U without any bias. I favour no camp. If any interesting games come out on whatever system, then I get that system.
30 Sep 2005
The Gamecube was a let down, the messed that up, the Wii was okay but nothing to right home about, poor graphics but fun to play for an hour at a party etc. the WiiU looks strange, Nes Snes and N64 top gaming memories cant remember that many good time on the Gamecube

Handheld they have done very well and probably the only reason they have made another console, its not ground breaking and wont have had that much R&D gone into it, all they have done is got an xbox 360 and stuck an ipad into a remote and used the psp function that you could use with the ps3 to control games.
14 Mar 2009
Wii U and that Zombie game = day 1....

was it only me that was disapointed that it wasn't left 4 dead with the guy on the tablet being the director sort of thing still looks cool thou but thats not enough to make me go and buy it especially when i have no idea what their online services (psn, xbox live) will be like.
30 Dec 2003
Bigger box!
I just really don't want to have to jump around and wave my arms about to play games.
I want to sit on my comfy sofa, with a wireless pad, and play with my thumbs like a grown up.
I really, really hope that the next PS or Xbox don't insist on jumpy around wavey arm stuff, and allow us adult controllers.....
28 Aug 2006
Chris [BEANS];22098654 said:
I really, really hope that the next PS or Xbox don't insist on jumpy around wavey arm stuff, and allow us adult controllers.....

Well, sorry to the bearer of bad news, the next Xbox console is known to have built in Kinect v2.
22 Oct 2004
Not 100% sure i want one as all i want to do is play my copies of The Last Story, and Xenoblade Chronicles. I may aswell get a cheap wii console, but on the other hand the wii u has pikmin 3 plus a new mario game:)
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