*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

18 Jan 2005
It's illogical to not give it any power under the hood though.
But given the way consumerism is going, wouldn't surprise me anymore.
By who's logic? It fits perfectly inline with how Nintendo have been doing things over the last few years. It seemed illogical to do it with the Wii, hindsight shows that couldn't be further from the truth.

Wii U will be a HD console, just like 360/PS3 are HD consoles, there is no reason at all to expect substantially more than that.
15 Aug 2008
Wii U will be a HD console, just like 360/PS3 are HD consoles, there is no reason at all to expect substantially more than that.

Exactly. Nintendo promised an HD console, and that's what they'll deliver. It'll have plenty of nice touches for those looking in the right direction, but it's not trying to chase the PS/Xbox next - it's just delivering HD Nintendo gaming, with more social aspects and some asynchronous touch control thrown in (which MS alluded to with their 'glass' although they seem to think people want to read about a movie while actually watching it ?).

2k/4k is years off, and with most of the industry seemingly concentrating on phones/tablets, it's likely to stay that way until cheap chips can throw around 2k res graphics with ease.
18 Jan 2005
Does anyone honestly believe Nintendo would be willing to incur the extra cost of the new controller and a high end (in console terms) gpu? Who saw Pikmin 3 running and thought there's no way this could be done on a 360/PS3?

Nintendo are going to make some nice looking Wii U games, but as always it will be the art style that makes them visually attractive rather than the graphical fidelity.
18 Sep 2009
By who's logic? It fits perfectly inline with how Nintendo have been doing things over the last few years. It seemed illogical to do it with the Wii, hindsight shows that couldn't be further from the truth.

Wii U will be a HD console, just like 360/PS3 are HD consoles, there is no reason at all to expect substantially more than that.

I'm pretty sure Dev's have been wanting more performance for a while now.
This generation has been very long, with consumerism going the way it's going I can expect the next gen to be even longer (That WILL be painful)
Releasing a console with spec that's already old and getting replaced just seems retarded, especially when handhelds now have that performance and will surpass it with even more progression with ARM and Qualcolm etc.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I lost faith in nintendo since Twilight Princess. Zelda was the only franchise I cased about but as far as I heard they didn't pull it around for skyward sword and the game still plagued with cheap fetch quests of the past decade.

Meh, seriously doubt I will get this. Besides, I will only fork out for a new console when they are sub-£200, going to be quite a wait!
18 Jan 2005
I'm pretty sure Dev's have been wanting more performance for a while now.
This generation has been very long, with consumerism going the way it's going I can expect the next gen to be even longer (That WILL be painful)
Releasing a console with spec that's already old and getting replaced just seems retarded, especially when handhelds now have that performance and will surpass it with even more progression with ARM and Qualcolm etc.
So what do you expect from the Wii U then?
18 Sep 2009
So what do you expect from the Wii U then?

Not much anymore given Nintendo's E3, or at least not much in the first year.
To gauge the console you're really going to see how their exclusive games turn out.

If it's something that's barely a visible improvement over current gen consoles in terms on textures/physics/AI I will be disappointed as frankly those are the 3 main area's I consider to be rather weak at the moment in the current gen.

EDIT : Just seen this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukalSSHAfa8

I am disappoint.
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13 Feb 2003
i really really dont see many third party exclusive games for the wiiu. What are these next gen games on the wii? because so far all it is getting are games they we have already played on the PS3/Xbox. Its going to have a years head start not enough tiime for a big enough install base to warrant Wiiu 3rd party exclusives

I mean what 3rd party exclusives have they announced?

Batman, Battlefield, Mass Effect, darksiders... oh wait/

Third party exclusive games are becoming a thing of the past now with how big the game business is these days.

It used to be that somebody like Sony could pay a 3rd party for an exclusive, think back to games on the PS2 like Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto.

These days that doesn't happen because a 3rd party can make a fortune by releasing the same game across all consoles.

A franchise like COD could convince people to buy a Wii-U but they would have to pay Activision a ridiculous sum of money based of what they forecast they would make across all the consoles... You then also have to remember the other new thing is DLC and subscription services which continue to add revenue after the sale.

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo can now only buy out a Developer early on if they think they have something which is going to be big, thus becoming 1st party. The reality is though that 3rd party exclusives for this generation & the foreseeable one are a thing of the past.
19 Jul 2004
West Yorkshire
I disagree, just look at a company like Apple. Their tablets and phones are pretty expensive and they sell by the bucketload.

Actually the iPad is incredibly well priced compared to the competition. The vast majority of the general public don't realise when they get a contract they are paying £500+ for a phone over two years. They see it as "free" or "£150" etc.

The only business Apple has that is mass-market is the iPod. Mac & iPhone are (compared to the competition) small sellers but HUGE profit makers. iPad is a new business so they are trying to get as many people as possible.

Anyway. Nintendo aim to make a profit and sell A LOT. As Reggie said they need an installed base in order to get the 3rd party games by the truck load. They also need it to be a price people will pay years down the line. £199.99 just before Christmas would do that. Anything over IMO will make people think twice just like the 3DS.
12 Jun 2008
I lost faith in nintendo since Twilight Princess. Zelda was the only franchise I cased about but as far as I heard they didn't pull it around for skyward sword and the game still plagued with cheap fetch quests of the past decade.

Meh, seriously doubt I will get this. Besides, I will only fork out for a new console when they are sub-£200, going to be quite a wait!

Each to thier own at the end of the day, but i can tell you now, skyward sword is definitely worth a play. I can remember two fetch quests in the main storyline, not really ott for a game where you get at least 14 hours of play :p
27 Nov 2002
It will be a very hard sell if Nintendo price this over £200, even then it might struggle. It won't have the appeal that the Wii had for the casual gamers and it's unlikely that many PS360 owners will buy one to play ports of games that they already have. I can't see how it could be priced at £280 as we are talking about very basic tech here, even the controller screen is very old tech.
GameCube partII IMO with sales to match.
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18 Oct 2002
At £280 this will fall on its face.

Simple fact is the family market is unlikely to invest in this after the wii. Most of the older families are not going to buy this as those that never play games will just see it as the same as the wii.

The harder core gamers will not buy it as it's launching with 1+ year old game ports and a few games which look no different to the experience you can already get on the wii.

So it's left to people who love Nintendo and buy all their stuff, and i don't think there are enough of them around.

At a price point of £180 yes it would have had a chance in my view, £280 is too much.
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29 Jan 2003
Someplace close...
I must admit, aside from the 3DS, this will be the first Nintendo console that I won't be buying at launch. Everything that I've seen of it so far just does nothing for me, and I know this is going to be a major part of future consoles, but I just don't care for all this social integration gubbins, I don't really care that so and so beat a level in such and such a time.
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