*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

Having a lot of fun on MK8, (giggling like a school girl most the time :D) thanks for the suggestions, will pick up Pushmo for sure.

I'm looking at a few old Wii games to run on the Wii U, I take it the Wii U gamepad won't work with them.

Will the Wii U controller pro work with them ok? Don't see the point in buying old Wii controllers, might as well get the official Wii U pro controller right?

Or must you use Wii controllers on a Wii game?
Have my eye on Goldeneye :) Never played it.

Wii U Pro controller doesn't work for normal Wii games. I have to always switch to my Classic Controller or Controller Pro when I go into Wii mode.

As for games, depends what you looking for. RPG wise, you have Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, The Last Story, Skyward Sword (you need to Wii Motion Plus for) Then there is the Mario series, Kirby Games, Wario Games for platformers. Sin and Punishment, House of the Dead, Zelda Crossbow Training for some shooting.
So I picked up a MK8 bundle afer you guys said go for it :) £120 happy with that.

Realy pleased with the system, I have ordered Super Mario 3D World, and tried a few demos.

I got the system last year for a great price using Tesco club card vouchers, is a shame the system got so much negativity as there are a number of classic games which many people just won't get to experience (unless they come to virtual console later). The gamepad is also really cool when utilised properly but the low res screen is a disappointment.

I think Nintendo buggered themselves up by launching the U with the new Mario Bros. side scrolling game rather than getting it out with Mario Kart 8 or Mario 3D World which are both amazing. I understand they weren't ready at that point but that's just bad planning, weren't any top titles for at least 6 months and by then was too late.

Hoping Zelda and some other AAA titles are ready for the NX launch, not within 6 months but on the day so we don't get a repeat of the U.

Game wise I'd recommend Smash Bros. if you have friends/family to play with, incredibly dull on your own in my opinion but had a blast last week with my 2 nephews.

I'm just playing through Wind Waker HD, my Zelda experience is a bit limited and owned this on the GameCube back in the day but never got round to actually playing it! Beautiful art style, I know some people are not fans but I really like it and doesn't age in the same way something like Morrowind does.
I was massively looking forward to replaying windwalker also. But... the inability to flip the camera axis made it unplayable for me. Such a stupid oversight.
I doubt I will ever buy a Nintendo console again to be honest, none of them have ever come close to the amazing n64. :(
Nintendo need to ensure a good launch line up for once. They need a top mario title, zelda, probably Pokemon, plus they need to sort out third party support. I would imagine the system will be more on par for power this time.

I liked my wii u some of them games were great particularly Mario 3D worlds. But good titles dried up badly and it hasn't been played for months. Shame as I would like it to compete
Caved and purchased a Wii u, comes with 5 games, new smb, Mario maker, rayman, mass effect 3 and sonic racing.

I know what other games I'll be getting - 3d world, Mario kart 8, ssb etc...but what hidden gems are there?

I got it primarily for Mario maker, some level designs I've seen on twitch/yt look amazing :D
Caved and purchased a Wii u, comes with 5 games, new smb, Mario maker, rayman, mass effect 3 and sonic racing.

I know what other games I'll be getting - 3d world, Mario kart 8, ssb etc...but what hidden gems are there?

I got it primarily for Mario maker, some level designs I've seen on twitch/yt look amazing :D

Zelda, Xenoblade, Bayonetta.
Caved and purchased a Wii u, comes with 5 games, new smb, Mario maker, rayman, mass effect 3 and sonic racing.

I know what other games I'll be getting - 3d world, Mario kart 8, ssb etc...but what hidden gems are there?

I got it primarily for Mario maker, some level designs I've seen on twitch/yt look amazing :D

Wind Waker for sure. Possibly my favourite of the 3D Zelda games. Pikmin 3 is great too.
Thanks fellas I'll take a look at those!

Hopeful this will be a gateway to gaming for my son (3yo) too, he can use an iPad easily enough, so hopefully the Wii u touchpad along with the remotes will be enjoyable for him too :D
Ones that have not been mentioned yet:
Donkey Kong tropical freeze amazing platformer but hard,Yoshis wolly world much easier platformer, Captain toad treasure tracker. I would also download Super Mario galaxy 1&2 one the best Mario games you would need wii remote and numb chuck to play it.
Plenty to keep me going, will get wind waker ordered and see if I can sniff out some cheap copys of galaxy 1 & 2.

I'm going to hold off on 3d world as its being released on the nintendo 'selects' thing shortly, so should be able to nab it for under £20 :)
Snagged a pair of motion plus remotes (Mario and Luigi editions) and an official pro controller for the sum of £45 :)

All set now just waiting on delivery,
Caved and purchased a Wii u, comes with 5 games, new smb, Mario maker, rayman, mass effect 3 and sonic racing.

I know what other games I'll be getting - 3d world, Mario kart 8, ssb etc...but what hidden gems are there?

I got it primarily for Mario maker, some level designs I've seen on twitch/yt look amazing :D

If you like local multiplayer and have extra Wiimote controllers for it, picking up Nintendo Land on the cheap is a good shout. It's impossible to get bored of the Luigi's mansion game, I swear.

I bought my WiiU for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Pretty much the only Monster Hunter released on a reasonable platform in recent years, since the others have released on the terrible 3DS (I have them and MH3U is still my favourite). If you like Dark Souls and/or Bloodborne type of games, you'll love Monster Hunter. It's mainly a boss rush with some deep mechanics and a strong learning curve. Anyone who says WiiU only has easy/child-friendly games has never played Monster Hunter. The online co-op multiplayer might still be kicking, I've not checked. I know it was still strong a year or 2 after release. It's my most played WiiU game at 400+ hours (though 100 of that was on the 3DS due to amazing cross-platform functionality).

On that note, I don't have it but I hear Bayonetta is similarly good, for a more 'grown-up' game on WiiU.

If you like strategy, then get Pikmin 3. If you have OCD and don't want to let a single Pikmin die, then don't get it. You'll never get around to finishing the game lol. I know I've not played it much for that silly reason.

Related to that, the WiiU can still play Wii games, so get Battalion Wars 2. It's a very underrated strategy game, with plenty of charm and has similarity to Advance Wars. Except it's real time and you can control any individual unit. Battalion Wars 3 would have been awesome on the WiiU, the gamepad would have been perfect for it. Alas it never came to be. Similarly you can also get Metroid Prime Trilogy. You can even just download it from the eShop for fairly cheap. Among the best and most atmospheric single player fps out there, there's really nothing like it.

One of the few WiiU games I've completed is Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD. My word that game is amazing. Even visually it puts the later released Twilight Princess HD to shame. The best Zelda experience currently on the WiiU.

And finally, the one other game that comes close to Monster Hunter in the sheer number of hours I've played (320+). Xenoblade Chronicles X. It feels like an MMO in some ways to me, but I hate MMOs so it must be doing something right. It's an amazing RPG, with a very in-depth combat system, and open-world that is literally chock full of things to do (no vast open spaces with nothing to do in this game). I loved exploring the world, doing quests, killing enemies for materials to make stuff and it kinda even has 'end-game' too. It has various QoL limitations though and the thing I hated the most about it was the story. If only because of the way it ended and how some plot aspects felt shoddy. But that's just me, I'm fairly harsh when it comes to storylines.

So there's plenty to get and play on WiiU. The only problem is finding the time for it lol.
I'm going to find time by pacing my purchasing I think, got wind waker yesterday, did the first chapter last night, think I'm going to enjoy this one.

Time to sell my glorified Netflix machine aka the ps4 too, funds can go towards an NX.

Nintendo deserve more credit for this system IMO, OK it doesn't have a huge 3rd party library, but the exclusives batter everything, plus my 3 year old son is getting to grips with the remote just fine, not something I could have thought about attempting with another console :)
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