** Official Oblivion Story / Help Thread **

Kainz said:
Does anyone know how to get rid of Shadowmere? The thing is a complete hinderance and just charges off at the enemy and gets itself killed always. I fear that the bugger is bound to me now because if I fast travel anywhere he teleports with me :/ Can't stand the thing!

He just abandoned me one day :(

So now I ride the unicorn :p
lol, I just thought it had vanished for good. Have been fighting bandits and the like for 20mins or so and it's no where to be seen. Then all of a sudden it appears and charges into a bandit sending him flying off a cliff into the sea :/

Busy doing the Chedenhal(?) Gate where you have to save the counts son and he's doing nothing but get in my way. He's dies 4 times already by my hand by getting in the way of me and the daedra.

Is there anything i can do to make him stay put?
Vamp is fun for a bit till you realise it means no going out in Daylight which is too much of a pain in the ass. Also if you don't get rid of it quickly enough you have to do a right pain in the ass quest to get rid of it. Not worth it imo.
Belmit said:
This could be for a couple of reasons. First, you'll need to get their disposition up otherwise they'll offer you peanuts, then you need to barter with them. Even after that, they may have a maximum amount of gold they can offer you for a single item.

yeah thanks i think it was because they only had around 200 max!! gold because my disposition with them was about 70 or 80.
(stupid of me to sell it but ill try not to make that mistake again)

However....im sure ive seen merchants who say they only have something like 200 (or whatever) but the sum total of what im selling them will be for over 200 (combined items sold) and their screen will still say "200". Hrmm

anyway heading back in :) (GRAW hasnt had a look in and its pretty good game)
Boogle said:
Noooooo! You missed the best questline in the game! :eek:

Yes I know that now :p

I am not too bothered at the moment though. Have it on pc as well on which I am doing the dark brotherhood quests.

Annoyingly I have got to the bit now where there are ovlivion gates outside each city which is a pain

Had something funny happen to me the other day. I hadn't stolen anything or broke into anywhere but I got arrested (paid the fine etc). I thought this was slighty odd though. Completely random.

Also I really need to stop killing people that look at me funny lol! :rolleyes:
The ammount of gold a merchant has is per item and the higher your mercantile skill is the more gold they will have to barter with.
Anyone help here, doin me brain in now ...

cure Vampire quest...

I found an argonian at Hircine, stabbed it to death with me blade about 100 times, and no sign of blood? (need argonian's blood for part of the cure)

I'm using the enchanted dagger with the blood attribute...

Its that long ago since i got the blade off that witch, so i'm not sure if i'm using the correct dagger? surely its the enchanted one i would have thought.

Or Is there a specific way to stab? i'm just using the attack button.

I'm either missin somethin obvious or its a bug, any ideas :confused:
bruce said:
Anyone help here, doin me brain in now ...

cure Vampire quest...

I found an argonian at Hircine, stabbed it to death with me blade about 100 times, and no sign of blood? (need argonian's blood for part of the cure)

I'm using the enchanted dagger with the blood attribute...

Its that long ago since i got the blade off that witch, so i'm not sure if i'm using the correct dagger? surely its the enchanted one i would have thought.

Or Is there a specific way to stab? i'm just using the attack button.

I'm either missin somethin obvious or its a bug, any ideas :confused:

Where did you get 5 of those Great Soul Gems? I've been in Alyied Ruins all day and only found 1 :(
TheMagicPirate said:
Where did you get 5 of those Great Soul Gems? I've been in Alyied Ruins all day and only found 1 :(

Most of the mages guilds have them (nick 'em ;) )
bruce said:
Anyone help here, doin me brain in now ...


You don'thave to kill him, just use the enchanted dagger, slice him in the back (best that way as you're sure to have hit him), then run like hell back to the old woman and you're sorted.
theres a few in the mages guilds- 3 i think

one in the mystique shop in imperial city

and there's one in the witches house, in the basement.

good luck, its my worst quest by far, hated every second of it, and still am stuck lol.
~J~ said:
You don'thave to kill him, just use the enchanted dagger, slice him in the back (best that way as you're sure to have hit him), then run like hell back to the old woman and you're sorted.
Tried that, nothing, just tries to fight back so i end up killin him, still no sign of blood...i leg it back to the witch but she just keeps saying i haven't used the blade yet...(i'm guessing a caption comes on indicating when you have blood on the blade?)

I have got the right npc - Argonians are lizard type with a tail right?

Just noticed...my weapons are not charged, any of them including this dagger...does it need to be charged for this :confused:

Edit...charged the dagger, that was the problem...doh..thank the lord for that :D
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Just recieved this the other day and started playing it today.

Oh my its huge! Theres so many places to explore I don't know where to begin!

Made it out of the sewers (yes I'm still at the begining) and managed to get into the Thieves guild.

But whats the best way to go about this game? Stay on the main quest for a bit and then the guilds/side quests?
I didn't start the main quest line till level 20 or so I think. So much to do, as you say.

Now level 35 and only closed one gate in the main quest, 80 odd hours played as well, most worthwhile game purchase in years.
GuruJockStrap said:
Just recieved this the other day and started playing it today.

Oh my its huge! Theres so many places to explore I don't know where to begin!

Made it out of the sewers (yes I'm still at the begining) and managed to get into the Thieves guild.

But whats the best way to go about this game? Stay on the main quest for a bit and then the guilds/side quests?

I really don't there is a best way.

You can join the fighters guild first, build up your fighting skills, but then when it comes to thieving, you're more at risk of your victims having higher attacks.

Doing the mage quest first would increase your magic skills, but you'll have no fighting skill if your magic runs out and you're faced with someone with a big sword.

Doing the main quest first will give you an overview of the game map, but you won't have explored the more obscure places which could have helped you in the first place.

It's massive mate! Do what you want, when you want, whatever you do chances are no one else will have done it that way.
Where is the archmage? I am on the quest where I need to talk to him. Is he ever in the archmage chambers?
Any tips for this? Especially combat.

Just entered the first Oblivion Gate and I'm in that tower. Keep on getting pwned by those ball throwing goblin things and those guys in the black cloaks.
GuruJockStrap said:
Any tips for this? Especially combat.

Just entered the first Oblivion Gate and I'm in that tower. Keep on getting pwned by those ball throwing goblin things and those guys in the black cloaks.
What class are you? If you're a fighter just charge at either of them waving your long weap thingy until they drop :)
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