** Official Oblivion Story / Help Thread **

IceBus said:
Go to Anvil, check out the first boat in the docks ;) I'm trying to do that mission at the minute, but not having a silver weapon makes it very hard.

McDaniel - I still haven't been contacted by them, but I havent' levelled up since that either. I'm currently going to every Mage's Guild to try and find someone to recharge my magical sword :(

Agata (or Argata, something like that) at the Mage Guild In Llllewlewlewnw or whatever its called can charge

ive just been working through all the recommendation missions, think im on the last one

/edit where did u get the magic sword? i got poo weapons and armour

/edt 2

i saw a unicorn :D
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McDaniel said:
Agata (or Argata, something like that) at the Mage Guild In Llllewlewlewnw or whatever its called can charge

ive just been working through all the recommendation missions, think im on the last one

/edit where did u get the magic sword? i got poo weapons and armour

/edt 2

i saw a unicorn :D

I think I remember where I got the magic sword. It was a guard outside one of the cities telling me about Skrooma dealers. I got it from one of them. It was Leyawin or the one just north of it. It looks like I'll have to try and find it again myself thanks to the major bug I've just hit :(
About to do the last Thief quest "The Ultimate Heist".

I'm NOT gonna tell you what it is, don't wanna ruin the surprise, but even me, a none Elder Scrolls follower thought "Oooooo, this is gonna be a big one!"

Shadow hide you.
McDaniel said:
im rubbish at sneaking lol

Took a while I admit, I think I've played too much thief in the past!

But now a master-rank at it and tend to spend most of my time jumping from roof to roof at night nicking peoples clothing, especially the ladies! :D
~J~ said:
Took a while I admit, I think I've played too much thief in the past!

But now a master-rank at it and tend to spend most of my time jumping from roof to roof at night nicking peoples clothing, especially the ladies! :D

you can jump rooftops?

does being in multiple guilds cause any clashes?

cos being part of the thieves guild i cant murder..yet i have to in darkhood or whatever its called
McDaniel said:
you can jump rooftops?

does being in multiple guilds cause any clashes?

cos being part of the thieves guild i cant murder..yet i have to in darkhood or whatever its called

Yeah jumping roomtops is pretty easy, need to build up the acrobatic skills a fair bit, but if I get stopped looting then it's a quick jump on the roof and bound across them to safety.

You can kill in the thieves guild, you just can't kill from whom you steel otherwise it's the blood price.

How far have you got into Darkhood? Have you, er, (trying to keep it spoiler free!), have you done what you promised you wouldn't? ;)
~J~ said:
Yeah jumping roomtops is pretty easy, need to build up the acrobatic skills a fair bit, but if I get stopped looting then it's a quick jump on the roof and bound across them to safety.

You can kill in the thieves guild, you just can't kill from whom you steel otherwise it's the blood price.

How far have you got into Darkhood? Have you, er, (trying to keep it spoiler free!), have you done what you promised you wouldn't? ;)

I literally signed up and saw there base of operations, then i decided to finish all the Mage Recommendations.

I did have like the main quest and 2 other quests, now i got about 15 quests where people are talking about stuff, i hate it - want them all done.
After Mag gonna do a little bit of exploring, then the Thief / Dark one
McDaniel said:
I literally signed up and saw there base of operations, then i decided to finish all the Mage Recommendations.

I did have like the main quest and 2 other quests, now i got about 15 quests where people are talking about stuff, i hate it - want them all done.
After Mag gonna do a little bit of exploring, then the Thief / Dark one

I know what you mean. There's been a few 'minor' quests that have popped up whilst doing others, investigating dodgy trading, helping a farmer with beasts, a lady with demons, etc.

Currently have Thief and Dark quests but will probably do the Mage afterwards and then a bit more of the main quest.
how many oblivion gates are there? i've closed the one you do on the main quest, but found 2 others while exploring, thing is i dont wanna keep closing them if it means im rushing through the game
I seem to be stuck again :(

I've got Martin to outside of Cloud Ruler Temple.

Jauffre seemed to "bug" halfway there after a fight, and would no longer follow us. After ages trying to get him to work again he disapeared from where he was stuck, and spawned at his home again.

Using the map travel method I've got the entire group back to the Temple, but need a key to get in . . .

I'm missing where to get the key from? I'm guessing that Jauffre may have it? If he does he's not too keen on opening this damn door for us :P
2 quick questions if anyone could help.

first off im signed up to the fighters guild but no matter who i seem to ask in the guild i cant seem to get any quests given to me to complete.

secondly (and i think the answer is a straight no): is there any way to change your major skills once started as im currently lvl 7 with my blade and block skills high but i also chose destruction and unlike some skills just randomly shooting fireballs doesnt seem to have much affect on increasing it... im 12 hours in so i wont restart but if there is an easier way to raise my destruction skills any help would be appriciated

im also thinking constantly about what im going to do next time i play it through as this time im very kind and law abiding... i wanna be a murdeous theif next time :D
Balders said:
Sorry if this question comes across as a bit thick, but just how does the rotatey persuade thing work? I don't mean about the rotating segments, that's cool, but what does the number in the middle represent, and how do I get someone persuaded? Is there a target number I'm supposed to hit?

Do you just keep doing it over and over? I've received speechskill bonuses and what not, but the person I'm trying to get info out of still doesn't want to say much...
The number in the middle denotes the character's disposition to you. The higher it is, the more they like you (When you do side-quests for some people, you'll often get their disposition up to the max 100 just by completing the quest for them). Each time you click a segment, the number will either go up or down depending on how large the segment was, and whether it was in a good (smiling character when you hover over it) or bad (unhappy character) part.

So, for example, let's say the largest segment size was equal to 4, the next largest 3, then 2, then 1. And then the four areas either add or subtract the number of the segment you click within them to the total disposition. The 'best' one (with the happiest face), adds two times the number within it, the next best adds one times, then the two bad ones subtract one and two times the numbers. So if you got the largest segment into the best area and clicked it, you'd add 8 to their disposition, and if you got the smallest segment into the worst, you'd only take away 2. Thus, the aim is to get the larger segments in the better two areas, and the smaller in the worse. I don't know how much sense that makes, as said it's kind of a difficult system to explain, despite not being all that complex, but I hope that helps. :)

As I said before though, if it confuses you, simply click the large segments in the good areas, and it should inevitably go up at least slowly. A character never changes which areas they prefer, so once you figure out which they like and don't, you can rattle through loads of tries really quickly.

EDIT: Also, anyone after Nirnroot (has anyone actually found ten yet? Does he give you the recipe or are you dependent on him stocking you with the potion?), there's 2 or 3 bits of it right against the water's edge on the beack by the Imperial City Docks.
hi ppl stuck on mission in imperial city where shop onwer (jensine) getting taxed by rogue guard but cant get her to tell me about it a she seems to be where green marker is and i got her disposition maxed any ideas ?
Weebull said:
The number in the middle denotes the character's disposition to you. The higher it is, the more they like you (When you do side-quests for some people, you'll often get their disposition up to the max 100 just by completing the quest for them). Each time you click a segment, the number will either go up or down depending on how large the segment was, and whether it was in a good (smiling character when you hover over it) or bad (unhappy character) part.

So, for example, let's say the largest segment size was equal to 4, the next largest 3, then 2, then 1. And then the four areas either add or subtract the number of the segment you click within them to the total disposition. The 'best' one (with the happiest face), adds two times the number within it, the next best adds one times, then the two bad ones subtract one and two times the numbers. So if you got the largest segment into the best area and clicked it, you'd add 8 to their disposition, and if you got the smallest segment into the worst, you'd only take away 2. Thus, the aim is to get the larger segments in the better two areas, and the smaller in the worse. I don't know how much sense that makes, as said it's kind of a difficult system to explain, despite not being all that complex, but I hope that helps. :)

As I said before though, if it confuses you, simply click the large segments in the good areas, and it should inevitably go up at least slowly. A character never changes which areas they prefer, so once you figure out which they like and don't, you can rattle through loads of tries really quickly.

EDIT: Also, anyone after Nirnroot (has anyone actually found ten yet? Does he give you the recipe or are you dependent on him stocking you with the potion?), there's 2 or 3 bits of it right against the water's edge on the beack by the Imperial City Docks.

found some at the back of the Mage Guild in Ssleywenr or whatever its called :)
McDaniel said:
cool how hard was it?

Last mission was pretty hard, VERY VERY exciting, got totally immersed into the game and a lot of teeth clenching (and butt cheek!) moments!

Like I said, not followed any Elder Scroll games before, but the last mission is sure to cause concern.
Weebull said:
loads of info re disposition

Hi mate, thanks for the reply, but I already "get" how to make the number increase, the question I admittedly didn't word very well originally was; how do I know what level I need to get this up to for the person to "trust" me? For example, say I go up to a character to ask about houses and they say the line about not telling someone they don't trust...if their starting persuasion figure is say 35, what should I aim to hit to get them to trust me? Do I just keep doing it over and over and over again?
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