*** Official OcUK Chess Thread ***

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Ok guys, we've put this off long enough: I want to see some hardware!!

Show me your sets, books, playing area and anything else you have to show off!


Here is my father’s hand painted waterloo set. I only own a tournament set which for some reason I can’t find; probably back in the U.S.


Distressingly, as we’re the only two who play, and haven’t together for a very long time its mostly unused, hence the dust. Far more distressingly, somebody cleared a game and placed the pieces incorrectly, creating sun damage on all the white squares of the a,b,g & h files rather than the more acceptable ranks 1,2,7 & 8.
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Thought I should say I leave my PC on all the time (I am only on an EEEBox atm) with the browser open so if I do not answer challenges I am not being rude just most likely have the TV not showing the PC connection but the football or a DVD or something.
Just played a complete muppet in one of our team games - quite clearly have him beaten in both games and he just offers a draw every move. Fortunately down to one game with him - but I think this is rather bad sportsmanship but maybe that is as I am new to the game. Seems to me when you know you are beaten just accept it see where you went wrong and come back stronger.
Joined up a few days back and joined the OCUK group.

Username Simong_1984 - feel free to play me if you want points :p

Can't beleive how many of you know different defensive strategies etc. I just play it by ear!
Joined up a few days back and joined the OCUK group.

Username Simong_1984 - feel free to play me if you want points :p

Can't beleive how many of you know different defensive strategies etc. I just play it by ear!

Most of us are the same, simply learning book as we go. ;)

Feel free to challenge me if you want. I have a little less games on the go now, so the stress factor has certainly reduced.

As an aside note, does anyone think it's worth making the group private as opposed to public? I've noticed a member join whom I'm not sure actually has any affiliation and seems to be a member of many groups - not sure if there's another 'agenda' there. If of course, none of you take issue with this then forget I ever mentioned it. It's not exactly the end of the world! :p

Elbot, do you have a match analysis thingy of our last game by any chance?
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As an aside note, does anyone think it's worth making the group private as opposed to public? I've noticed a member join whom I'm not sure actually has any affiliation and seems to be a member of many groups - not sure if there's another 'agenda' there. If of course, none of you take issue with this then forget I ever mentioned it. It's not exactly the end of the world! :p

I'm guessing your concern mainly comes from the vote-chess team-talk? I can’t see anything else someone might find interesting enough to be Machiavellian about, but it's definitely something to consider.

If we were to go private it would require someone policing join-requests, a simple post in this thread linking to their chess.com profile would be enough verification but it'd still require human attention. (I don’t expect we’ll be getting very many join requests though so it mightn’t be too much effort :p!)

Elbot, do you have a match analysis thingy of our last game by any chance?
The one on the 24'th? As I said in our chat, but for the benefit of anyone else that plays me; I run chess.com's engine analysis on every game I play so always feel free to ask for it, it obviously has to be taken with a pinch of salt but I always find it interesting at the very least and very revealing at best.

When I can afford to I’ll look into buying a Deep Rybka 4.0 based analysis engine. I’d happily start processing anyone’s PGN on request when I get that set up but I’m getting way ahead of myself.

Here’s our game from chess.com’s processing in PGN:
Edit: It seemed to leave out our Opening, rather annoying!!
D16: Slav Defense: Soultanbeieff Variation
(Let me know if you want it in another format)

[Event "Let's Play!"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2010.06.24"]
[White ""]
[Black ""]
[ECO "A50"]
[ChesscomGameID "40026379"]
[Annotator "Chess.com Computer Analysis"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1470"]
[BlackElo "1856"]
[TimeControl "1 in 3 days"]
[Termination ""]
{Inaccuracies(?!): 1 = 3.0% of moves | Mistakes(?): 5 = 15.2% of moves | Blunders(??): 0 = 0.0% of moves}

1. d4 {(Book Move)}  Nf6 {(Book Move)} 
2. c4 {(Book Move)}  d5 {(Book Move)} 
3. Nc3 {(Book Move)}  c6 {(Book Move)} 
4. Nf3 {(Book Move)}  dxc4 {(Book Move)} 
5. a4 {(Book Move)}  e6 {(Book Move)} 
6. e3 {(Book Move)}  Bb4 {(Book Move)} 
7. Bxc4 {(0.5)}  Ne4 {(0.67)} 
8. Bd2 {(0.53)}  Nxd2 {(0.49)} 
9. Nxd2 {(0.44)}  O-O {(0.42)} 
10. O-O {(0.41)}  a5 {(0.37)} 
11. Qf3 {(0.4)}  f5 {(0.45)} 
12. Rad1 {(0.44)}  Rf6 {(0.51)} 
13. d5 {(0.13)}  exd5 {(-0.06)} 
14. Nxd5 {(-0.02)}  cxd5 {(-0.05)} 
15. Bxd5+ {(-0.51)}  Kh8 {(-0.54)} 
16. Nc4 $2 {(-2.02) MISTAKE - Your opponent made a mistake! Better was 16. Bxb7} 
({BEST MOVE (-0.48)} 16. Bxb7 Bxb7 17. Qxb7 Rfa6 18. Nf3 Qf8 19. Rd5 R8a7 20. Qb5 Rf6 21. Nd4 f4 22. e4 Rc7 23. Rd1 Nc6   $15)
({MISTAKE (-2.02)} 16. Nc4 Qe7 17. Qf4 Na6 18. Qe5 Be6 19. Bxe6 Qxe6 20. Rd5 Nc5 21. Qxe6 Rxe6 22. Rxf5 Nxa4 23. Rd5 Kg8 24. Rd7   $19)
16... Qe7 {(-2.08)} 
17. Rd4 {(-2.1)}  Na6 {(-1.99)} 
18. Rfd1 {(-2.46)}  Bc5 {(-2.09)} 
19. Rh4 {(-2.39)}  Nb4 {(-2.4)} 
20. e4 {(-3.3)}  g5 $2 {(-2.91) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 20... fxe4} 
({BEST MOVE (-4.64)} 20... fxe4 21. Qxe4 Qxe4 22. Rxe4 Rxf2 23. Ne3 Rf8 24. Bb3 Bf5 25. Re5 Nd3 26. Rxd3 Bxd3 27. Rxc5 Rae8 28. Rxa5 Rxe3 29. g3 Re1+ 30. Kg2   $19)
({MISTAKE (-2.91)} 20... g5 21. e5 Rfa6 22. Rh5 g4 23. Qb3 Qe8 24. Rg5 Nxd5 25. Rxd5 Be7 26. h4 Be6 27. Nd6 Bxd5 28. Qxd5 Qxa4   $19)
21. e5 {(-2.79)}  Rg6 $2 {(-2.68) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 21... Rfa6} 
({BEST MOVE (-4.12)} 21... Rfa6 22. Rh5 Nxd5 23. Rxd5 Be6 24. h3 Bxd5 25. Qxd5 Rd8 26. Qf3 Rd4 27. Ne3 Rf4 28. Qg3 Rxa4 29. Rxg5 Ra1+ 30. Kh2   $19)
({MISTAKE (-2.68)} 21... Rg6 22. Rh5 Nxd5 23. Rxd5 Rc6 24. Rd1 Bxf2+ 25. Qxf2 Rxc4 26. Qd2 Be6 27. Qd6 Qxd6 28. exd6 Rc6 29. Rxg5 Rd8 30. Kf2 Rcxd6   $19)
22. Rh5 {(-2.73)}  g4 $6 {(-2.46) INACCURACY - Perhaps better was 22... Nxd5} 
({BEST MOVE (-2.93)} 22... Nxd5 23. Rxd5 Rc6 24. Rd1 Be6 25. Nd6 Rd8 26. h4 g4 27. Qg3 Rd7 28. Rd3 Bb4 29. Qf4 Bxd6 30. exd6 Rdxd6   $19)
({INACCURACY (-2.46)} 22... g4 23. Qc3 Nxd5 24. Rxd5 Bb4 25. Qc2 Be6 26. Rd1 Qc7 27. b3 Re8 28. Rxf5 Bxf5 29. Qxf5 Rd8 30. Rxd8+ Qxd8 31. Ne3 Qg8 32. Nc4   $19)
23. Qc3 {(-2.71)}  Nxd5 {(-2.42)} 
24. Rxd5 {(-2.7)}  Bb4 {(-2.73)} 
25. Qd4 {(-3.16)}  Be6 {(-3.53)} 
26. Rd6 $2 {(-4.53) MISTAKE - Your opponent made a mistake! Better was 26. Rb5} 
({BEST MOVE (-3.45)} 26. Rb5 Rd8 27. Nd6 Qc7 28. g3 Rg7 29. Rxb4 axb4 30. Qd1 Qa5 31. Rh6 Bd5 32. b3 Be4 33. Qd4 Qa6 34. Qxb4   $19)
({MISTAKE (-4.53)} 26. Rd6 Rc8 27. Rxe6 Qxe6 28. b3 Rg7 29. Qe3 Rd8 30. h4 Qc6 31. Rxf5 g3 32. Qe2 Bc5 33. Ne3 gxf2+ 34. Rxf2   $19)
26... Rc8 {(-4.44)} 
27. b3 {(-5.36)}  Bxd6 {(-5.42)} 
28. exd6+ {(-5.41)}  Qg7 {(-5.41)} 
29. Qxg7+ {(-5.58)}  Kxg7 {(-5.41)} 
30. g3 {(-5.52)}  Bxc4 {(-5.69)} 
31. bxc4 {(-5.62)}  Rxd6 $2 {(-5.23) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 31... Rf6} 
({BEST MOVE (-5.75)} 31... Rf6 32. h3 gxh3 33. d7 Rd8 34. Kh2 Rxd7 35. Kxh3 Rd4 36. Rh4 Rd2 37. f3 Re6 38. c5 Rd8 39. Kg2 Re2+ 40. Kh3   $19)
({MISTAKE (-5.23)} 31... Rxd6 32. Rxf5 b6 33. Rf4 h5 34. Re4 Kf6 35. Kg2 Rdc6 36. Rd4 Rxc4 37. Rd6+ Kf7 38. Rxb6 Rxa4 39. Rb7+ Ke6   $19)
32. Rxf5 {(-5.59)}  Rxc4 $2 {(-5.39) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 32... b6} 
({BEST MOVE (-5.59)} 32... b6 33. Rf4 h5 34. Re4 Rd2 35. Kf1 Kf6 36. Kg2 Rc2 37. Rf4+ Ke5 38. h3 R8xc4 39. Rxc4 Rxc4 40. hxg4 hxg4   $19)
({MISTAKE (-5.39)} 32... Rxc4 33. Rxa5 Rf6 34. Rb5 b6 35. Rb2 Rxa4 36. Kg2 Kg6 37. h3 gxh3+ 38. Kxh3 b5 39. Rxb5 Rxf2 40. Rb7 h5   $19)
33. Rxa5 {(-5.42)}  Rd1+ $2 {(-5.09) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 33... b6} 
({BEST MOVE (-5.57)} 33... b6 34. Ra7+ Kg6 35. h3 gxh3 36. Kh2 Rd2 37. Kxh3 Rxf2 38. Ra6 Rf6 39. a5 b5 40. Ra7 b4 41. Rb7   $19)
({MISTAKE (-5.09)} 33... Rd1+ 34. Kg2 Rd2 35. Rb5 Rxa4 36. Rxb7+ Kg6 37. Rb6+ Kf5 38. Rb5+ Ke4 39. Rb7 Raa2 40. Rf7 h5 41. Rf8 Re2 42. Re8+ Kf5 43. Rxe2 Rxe2   $19)
34. Kg2  Kg6 {(-4.87)} 
35. h3 {(-4.89)}  h5 {(-4.89)} 
36. Rb5 {(-4.91)}  Rcc1 {(-Mat10)} 
37. Rb6+ {(-Mat09)}  Kf5 {(-Mat09)} 
38. Rb5+ {(-Mat08)}  Ke6 {(-Mat08)} 
39. Rb6+ {(-Mat07)}  Kd5 {(-Mat07) BLACK WINS - Play might have continued...} 
({CONTINUATION (-Mat07)} 39... Kd5 40. hxg4 hxg4 41. Rb5+ Kc6 42. Rb1 Rxb1 43. a5 Rg1+ 44. Kh2 Rh1+ 45. Kg2 Rbg1#   $19)
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With regards to locking the group the only one I have seen so far was that chap I mentioned a few pages back. Everyone else seems to be on here. As for the vote chess it is not like we have GM or IM's disclosing trade secrets - if we suspect we are being spied on we can always use the forums here and then lure them into a false sense of security on Chess.com by adding "move the horsey" etc.

Edit: If we want to lock the group though I am more than happy to check here a couple of times per day to see if new people need adding etc. I only tend to work one day a week now so I have plenty of time to do such things in my semi-retired state!
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Uh oh, my timing is off. I've had some games with 24 hours left last night and I might not make it home in time to play them! Default wins all round!
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