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Don't blame you on the beach front. And your right about superpi, its very inconsistant.

Last night I did about 20 runs at 4.86Ghz. Most came out at 9.6 something and then one out of the blue hit 9.563 secs :eek:

Problem is that only gives my joint 3rd with two other people so really 5th which is where I am already. I just need a flukely run at 9.55secs and 3rd place is mine!

Wprime is the same. You can do run after run and then just get one which is 0.1 sec quicker for no reason. The other thing I have noticed on wprime, all my fastest runs have not started out the fastest eg 25% complete is slower but once 100% ist quicker :confused:

Anybody know what I need to load to a basic install of windows 7 to get all the sections of pcmark to run please?

Oh, and this heat is stopping my attempts at the moment. The missus is back home so I can't have my fans on full pelt :(. I noticed last night that one of my cores is peaking above 70C when running at 4.9Ghz which normally coincides with an error on superpi. Guess I'm going to have to wait for her to be away again or cooler weather.
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For PCMark05 to run on Win7 iirc you need to download the relevant version (x64 or x86) of Windows Media Encoder 9 and then it needs to run in compatibility mode - I found that running it as Vista SP2 worked, but avoid XP mode as that killed Win7 on my laptop to the point that I had to reload...

Talk about the weather... kiss of death me saying that yesterday - it's chucking it down now! Still, warm rain saves on showers eh?! ;)
Just to say thank you for the laptop overclock app links and sorry for being a bit disrespectful. My comment "Are you with me now?" was tainted with a few percent of arsyness.
God bless mate. ;)
Hi guys, just thought id pop by and say hi, im gaz123 in your HWBOT team, just recently signed up to it and to this forum.

iv only added a few benchies from my 24/7 setup E5200 @ 3.75ghz and a couple @ 4.1ghz, i'll have to wait till i can upgrade my cooling to push it any futher, but i hope there of some use..
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Hi guys, just thought id pop by and say hi, im gaz123 in your HWBOT team, just recently signed up to it and to this forum.

iv only added a few benchies from my 24/7 setup E5200 @ 3.75ghz and a couple @ 4.1ghz, i'll have to wait till i can upgrade my cooling to push it any futher, but i hope there of some use..

thats great!!! the more the merrier! :)
Hi guys, just thought id pop by and say hi, im gaz123 in your HWBOT team, just recently signed up to it and to this forum.

iv only added a few benchies from my 24/7 setup E5200 @ 3.75ghz and a couple @ 4.1ghz, i'll have to wait till i can upgrade my cooling to push it any futher, but i hope there of some use..

hi- welcome to the forums :)

good to see new members!!!

enjoy your stay
Got a few more points for the team. Finally got pcmark05 working and got a score for that but need ssd to score higher :(

Did a Vantage run and suprisingly scored some points against i7 processors :D

Got a ribbon in pifast :D
Oh, and this heat is stopping my attempts at the moment. The missus is back home so I can't have my fans on full pelt :(. I noticed last night that one of my cores is peaking above 70C when running at 4.9Ghz which normally coincides with an error on superpi. Guess I'm going to have to wait for her to be away again or cooler weather.
4.9ghz:eek: very nice greebo,:) this weather aint helping though as you say, even at night im still getting pretty high temps compared to a few weeks ago.:(
These what your planning on putting in your new build?

I just got an E8500 and GTX275 so will get on with some more benchies in the next few days. Just need some new thermal paste, kinda ran out so theres only a few scraps on my CPU, its at 1.36V but managing to hit 80C with water cooling! No benchmarking til thats sorted!
no - the xeon isnt under nda

this one is so shhhh!!!!!!

hwbot dont even have an entry for it

ducky - i have a box of AS5 in my desk - do you want a tube?
Ive ordered some last night so should be here tomorrow or weds Im hoping, but thanks for the offer :)

And if hwbot has no entries, thats straight up first place haha. Not an i5 is it? or whatever theyre going to be calling it now?
Just read about that world recored in wprime 1024 with that brazilian guy using 8 Xeon EX X7460 on a mobo that can actully take 16 of those :eek:, i was like wtf, and there is me with my little single slot with a E5200 haha...

ok so he did it in 45secs, but my 11m run cost far less i bet, or do these kinda people just happen to work in the right places, ahwell time for me to stop being jealous now.
no - the xeon isnt under nda

this one is so shhhh!!!!!!

hwbot dont even have an entry for it

ducky - i have a box of AS5 in my desk - do you want a tube?

thanks rich.... where was my offer on thermal last week when i had posted that i going to order and i did not know what one to go for... :( i thought we were all a team. :)
Damn the way they count the points is just stupid ;).

I thought I would register with my current cheapo build and play around a bit with stock coolers but it seems like my stock cooling is getting compared to ppl with LN - hence 0pts.

Also when they compare GPUs, its an overall score as well, so even tho my 4830 @ 719/1125 with stock cooling is probably in top3 there, I wont get even in the top1000 because of the CPU/mobo/ram haha.

Looks like the best way to get points is get yourself dual xeons or some server mobo with 16CPUs, 32GB of ram and 2SSDs in raid0 on LN and then use every single old useless crap GPU that you can, starting from the old aging x300 series as this way you'll get first place with every GPU you put in.
Yeah I don't like the way they do it either. Mu gtx260 should be up there near the top but like you, even with a 4.8Ghz q9650 I can just scrap a point or so since the dual processors/high end i7 wipe the floor in the graphics tests which score highly with top processors.

I think the graphics card tests ought to be split into processors type sub sections as well.

At least with my q9650 I can get great points in my class.

And as for your suggestion about a high end cpu/ram/hard drive system with any old graphics card, that is exactly what rjkoneill is doing ;)
Plus the fact the top people get stuff for free from the manufactures, not knocking them at all, they earned their spots, and get sent stuff to test.

I like this sorta competion amongst people as well its helped me learn more about overclocking and stuff over the years, just wish they would split it up better, as in elite, and normal people really.

I mean how many people have a chance vs kingpin or hipro, or that person that came along with 8 quad core xeons...

im just happy my world rank is'nt that bad, thought id be way down near the bottom lol

Worldwide Rank: #7251 of 18701
Country Rank: #170 of 563 in United Kingdom
Team Rank: #3 of 16 in OcUK

lmao im 3rd in our team, come on guys sign up and spank those i7's iv seen u all have..
Got my AS5 today so can get on with some proper clocks!! Its knocked about 15-20C off my temps in IBT! haha, lesson for you, dont use tiny scrapings of thermal paster and hope it will be fine!
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