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Ah right, forgot my mobo bios was locked. Learning all the time here.
Right that was an absolute bugger to get too.
They couldn't of put the pll chip in a more inaccesible place. :)
Got too suss the setfsb interface out now.
Any pointers? Bit stuck here.
*Ha got it. Now to over clock. :D
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Ah right, forgot my mobo bios was locked. Learning all the time here.
Right that was an absolute bugger to get too.
They couldn't of put the pll chip in a more inaccesible place. :)
Got too suss the setfsb interface out now.
Any pointers? Bit stuck here.
*Ha got it. Now to over clock. :D

I take it from that you found the text file with the listings of common PLL's etc - most of the time these do seem to be pretty good, but there are some pretty common chipsets (like the Intel i954gm) which don't seem to be easy to find the right setup for. I'll see if I can hunt down any other apps which might help laptop owners gain the odd point here and there as most of the CPU-Z results seem pretty easy to get even if you are only a handful of MHz over stock...

Good luck! :)
I take it from that you found the text file with the listings of common PLL's etc - most of the time these do seem to be pretty good, but there are some pretty common chipsets (like the Intel i954gm) which don't seem to be easy to find the right setup for. I'll see if I can hunt down any other apps which might help laptop owners gain the odd point here and there as most of the CPU-Z results seem pretty easy to get even if you are only a handful of MHz over stock...

Good luck! :)

I meant taking my laptop apart to find the pll chip.
Took the back panel off and the chip happened to be in the one place that was still covered by casing. Dell trying to prevent overclocking?
I could see the text file all along only the number on the chip is slightly different to the list.
i.e. They all start ICS and I was looking for something starting 9LPR. I am noob.
Right next problem. Set the Clock generator to my corresponding pll, hit "Get FSB", all good. When I change the fsb and hit "Set FSB" though it just reverts to the previous settings.
Tried with ticking "Ultra" even though FsB is under 410 still and no joy neither. :(
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Hmm, if the number is slightly different to the list then probably you haven't quite got the right one yet hence it's not setting correctly - I have found several which will 'read' my settings fine, but won't set them, so I would try some more if i were you. (I expect you already have though...) I used cpu-z at the same time to keep an eye on my fsb settings, as I wasn't convinced that setfsb was showing the new settings correctly.

Also I found that sometimes the first few bumps would 'take' ok, but then subsequent raises wouldn't show in cpu-z, almost as if setfsb had stalled. The solution was to reboot and then do a single raise of the same amount as whatever was the total raised previously and then start going from there again in smaller increments - till it BSOD's on you (at which point I had to remove the battery to get it to boot again!)
Hmm, if the number is slightly different to the list then probably you haven't quite got the right one yet hence it's not setting correctly - I have found several which will 'read' my settings fine, but won't set them, so I would try some more if i were you. (I expect you already have though...) I used cpu-z at the same time to keep an eye on my fsb settings, as I wasn't convinced that setfsb was showing the new settings correctly.

Also I found that sometimes the first few bumps would 'take' ok, but then subsequent raises wouldn't show in cpu-z, almost as if setfsb had stalled. The solution was to reboot and then do a single raise of the same amount as whatever was the total raised previously and then start going from there again in smaller increments - till it BSOD's on you (at which point I had to remove the battery to get it to boot again!)

Pretty sure I have the right number.
This is what is on my pll chip.

ICS9LPRS365BGLF being what is in the list. You with me now? i.e. I was just looking at the starting numbers in the list first. That's got to be the right number yeah?
Maybe setfsb can't override Dell's anti'overclocking.
Pretty sure I have the right number.
This is what is on my pll chip.

ICS9LPRS365BGLF being what is in the list. You with me now? That's got to be the right number yeah?
Maybe setfsb can't override Dell's anti'overclocking.

Blimey, chill dude - just trying to help!

It certainly sounds like the right number, however as I already stated it's worth trying some more - setfsb is quite an old prog and I had to do quite a bit of googling before I got the answers I needed for my setup.
Blimey, chill dude - just trying to help!

It certainly sounds like the right number, however as I already stated it's worth trying some more - setfsb is quite an old prog and I had to do quite a bit of googling before I got the answers I needed for my setup.

I am chilled, I descibed before I was looking at the starting numbers of the pll codes, so was just asking if you were with me as a turn of phrase, from a friend to a friend

Just rebooting and trying again.
*Right rebooted and still the same in fact I have noticed It starts at 407/760, then what ever I try to clock to, it then downclocks me two to 405/760. :(

Yep gonna need some help with those apps, for clocking laptops, if I am to go any further Faceplantsi.
Had similar problems trying to overclock the GPU on this laptop before I got my desktop rig. Eventually I got to overclock it reverting to older Nvidia drivers, though just before I got my desktop, the latest Nvidia drivers at the time 184. I think allowed overclocking on my lappy again.
Cheers for the help mate, not gonna get up there with you guys at the top of the OCUK hwbot team. Though I could make an effort on behalf of the team. I too was only trying to help. Sorry about any misunderstandings. Safe yeah?
:D One point Faceplantsi You went from saying "Hmm, if the number is slightly different to the list then probably you haven't quite got the right one."
I clarify what I said earlier then you jump down my throat in the next post and state, "It certainly sounds like the right number,"
Maybe you need to chill mate.
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i have literally put those 2X 3850X2's through every 3d bench going to beat si today

he will overtake me by tomorrow i guess :p
Moved up to 5th now :D Sorry marine Iguana ;)

Got some more ribbons and cups to.

Going to bed now. Almost got a cpu-z at 4.97 Ghz boot it froze. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
I have found several which will 'read' my settings fine, but won't set them, so I would try some more if i were you. (I expect you already have though...)

No I had not, because earlier you stated this...
BUT you have to be able to identify your PLL chip for setting clock frequencies and incorrect settings could cause probs so take care!

Just reread the post, inconsistant help/advise, or did I just not get your drift? So let me get this straight, is it safe to try settings other than the one that corresponds with my chip?

Chillin' an' waiting upon those apps you mentioned.:cool:
I'll see if I can hunt down any other apps which might help laptop owners gain the odd point here and there
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Well done guys on getting some fine points/scores for the team.
I've hit a brick wall atm with the hardware i have :-(
I tried my kids pc as it has my old E6700 in it with some nice Crucial balistic ram too but no luck as the mobo (P5KPL-CM) is utter [email protected] cant even get to boot past 3.2ghz no matter what i try and there's a serious lack off options in the bios.
I'm gutted now that my P5B Deluxe got fried when a power blew a while back as i've no other boards to try.
we have a new leader today... unlucky faceplantsi mate...;) have you killed your wifes laptop yet? :)

Had to go up into the loft last night cause she wanted a monstrous gert big fan which was up there as she was starting to melt... (the missus that is, not her laptop...) and had a dig around whilst there in some boxes of stuff which I'd moved out of my house when i met my missus a couple of years ago - found two old Acer Travelmate laptops - a 2350 and a 4600, neither up to much, except that there were hardly any scores for their respective CPU's - so just managing to get SuperPi to do a 32M run guaranteed points :D So managed to get a few more today and a couple of ribbons too... just managed to edge Rich again, but for how long I wonder? ;)

Oh, and no, I haven't killed the missus' laptop yet although I did give it a damn good try - when 'setfsb' throws a fit it does so in style, refusing to let you reboot till you've unplugged everything and taken the battery out too... still works thank god!

i have literally put those 2X 3850X2's through every 3d bench going to beat si today

he will overtake me by tomorrow i guess :p

Sorry Rich, couldn't resist the challenge!

No I had not, because earlier you stated this...

Just reread the post, inconsistant help/advise, or did I just not get your drift? So let me get this straight, is it safe to try settings other than the one that corresponds with my chip?

Chillin' an' waiting upon those apps you mentioned.:cool:

Sorry dude, guess I was a bit inconsistent there - I have tried other PLL settings and some may seem to work at first - getfsb shows the correct default bus speeds etc but then it BSODs or just locks solid needing a battery out hard reset before allowing a reboot. Although it is of course best if you can find your exact PLL, it sometimes seems to work on others too - so not an exact science (but then no overclocking is...)

Other apps that might be of use are 'systool' which also allows fsb adjustment via selectable PLL's (seems to have some different selections to setfsb - I did my i954g chipset laptop with this one)

Also, 'chiputil' could be useful for identifying troublesome intel chipsets. Then these are less useful but there is 'CPUCool' which also has FSB adjustment ability (this is available as a seperate standalone app 'CPUfsb').

Have tried them all, and found Systool to be the best, but others may be of use to some...

Si :)
Congrats on more points for the team. I still hate you with your obscure hardware and easy points and ribbons :(;)

lol, you wouldn't if you knew how many reboots it took to get a SuperPi 32M run, or a wPrime1024 to complete... damn things would get to about the 20th pass of SuperPi and then bomb out, leading to much colourful language and a bruised thumb! :eek:

Oh, and thanks! :)
Your tewlling me about reboots? It took me 7 hours last night just to get two higher submissions and I spent 5 hours the night before acheiving nothing!

I am determined to get that 4.97Ghz cpu-z screenshot and beat 9.56 sec in superpi.

PcMark keeps skipping two tests and I haven't figured out why yet but I reckon there's some marks in there for me.

And as for superpi 32m, I haven;t really bothered too much since it keeps generating errors 90% in but looking at the times it had generated so far I would be lucky to any points and that was running at 4.85GHz. I figure the key to superpi32 is ram timings and not brute cpu speed? A 4.5Ghz cpu was beating me but even then, looking at screenshots, it seems everybody can run it faster than me but 200Mhz less cpu speed.

I have googled it lots and there are lots of programs, tweaks etc to speed up the superpi times and I guess the people in the charts have all done those tweaks. Not sure I can be bothered tbh.
I know what you mean about the tweaking etc - usually I just give it a clean boot, turn off almost every app that's loaded with startup, turn up the cooling and go for it!

SuperPi is a bit of a mystery to be sure, I can run and rerun over and over and achieve near as dammit the same speeds, then do a single run another day and beat the lot of them - it follows no discernable pattern... d'oh.

I am gonna cool the benching for a bit, was getting a bit obsessed with doing every bit of kit I could find, but gonna enjoy the sun and summer as it looks like being a good'un - and with a beach just a couple of miles down the road... well, no contest really! :)
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