*** Official OcUK Minecraft Server - Discussion and Rules ***

The problem isn't Buildcraft, it's people using it. I was jumping about and found someone near me that had about 10 quarries of varying size, they all had flowing water, the chests were full and spitting out cobble and the piping was all over the place.

I've NEVER had a problem with my quarries, I filter the cobble to lava so it's destroyed and I have loads of room in chests. The only bug I've had I think is an IC bug where the box that powers my quarry from my MFSU seems to cause problems where the other machines on the same loop don't get power. It went when I took down my quarry though.

I'd like to see rules about quarries being hidden once they're finished (or built underground of course) and warnings given out to people that don't maintain their quarries. I can see the point in rules about making sure they're off while people are logged out and limiting size, but it's not great for those of us that are responsible with them.
Can't you just disable quarries for now, and disable the block that makes them?
At least until some proper rules are made. The world looks pretty ugly with all the massive holes as well, and I find the hole themselves casuse me to have fps lag, just because there's so many blocks on show (even if it's under the ground and I can't see it directly?!).

Another part of the problem is people are making this massive quaries and hooking them up to a single chest for storage and then placing one of those world anchors (meaning their chunk is always loaded) and going offline for 2 days, meanwhile everyone else suffers.

Failing all that, maybe a quarry request thread, and if people make make a mistake and lag the server, then remove the quarry and fill it in, and give them a day off..
MissileMoose, was there a reason you switched off my machines last night?

I didn't see your post, apologies.

Yes there was. You disconnected and left two empty machines powered up. I did you a favour, since they were draining the power for no reason and contributing to the servers CPU usage.

I have a quarry, not over water, underground. Logged on today to find the bottom of it flooded with water (lots of movement). No idea how one source block flooded so far and so much. Usually water doesn't travel that far?

The problem with quarries and water sources is due to the way they mine. When it uncovers a water source it will spread water out over the flat bottom of the hole the quarry is digging. When a block underneath that is removed, the spread of water doesnt shrink, it just flows straight down and spreads again. Repeat this process over and over again and you soon end up with a completely flooded quarry shaft and a laggy server!

Quarry's aren't very time efficient

I can make 50 diamonds in 15 mins and then exchange them for mats with other players.

Whoever you are trading with has to get those materials somehow! :p
If you ask me, and nobody has, quarries should be banned. Those ridiculous world anchors should also be banned. I don't see the point of automating everything to the extent that a lot of the hard work that is the basis of the game can be done when the player isn't even logged in!
If you ask me, and nobody has, quarries should be banned. Those ridiculous world anchors should also be banned. I don't see the point of automating everything to the extent that a lot of the hard work that is the basis of the game can be done when the player isn't even logged in!

Even as a user of both these blocks, i agree. They have kind of killed the fun of the game a bit, handy when you want to make a giant hole somewhere for more purpose than simply mining resources, but beyond that they're actually pretty ****.

Make Quarry's and world anchors allowed only on a request and approval basis and it'll improve things greatly (Guessing world anchors are required in some respects to stop nuclear reactors blowing up?)
I'll put my hand up and say that I have been using mining turtles to a reasonable extent beneath my home and I've actually excavated a fairly large hole at bedrock, however I have always monitored the turtles during their program (manually mining bits they uncover but don't pick up, cleaning them out from time to time etc) and never left them to do their own thing.
Guessing world anchors are required in some respects to stop nuclear reactors blowing up?

I would actually say if you have a reactor like that you should also be able to control it skillfully with redstone/computer to make sure it's not running if a chunk that should be loaded, isn't.
I would actually say if you have a reactor like that you should also be able to control it skillfully with redstone/computer to make sure it's not running if a chunk that should be loaded, isn't.

I've not played around with the computers yet so didn't know they could be made aware of chunk loads, sounds good tho :D
While I dislike the lag that is being caused by the quarries, I actually like having them. To me this whole addition of making minecraft more industrial is what sparked new interest in it for me, I don't like having to mine everything myself, and If I want to make a large underground house with plenty of room for expansion I like being able to use a quarry to take away the tedious task of removing thousands of blocks myself.
I would actually say if you have a reactor like that you should also be able to control it skillfully with redstone/computer to make sure it's not running if a chunk that should be loaded, isn't.

Sil can you program a computer to detect chunk loading then say turn on the cooling system then the reactor once the chunk is fully loaded?
I don't think you can tell it detect chunks, here's why:

Think about it, how will the computer know if a chunk is unloaded? The computer would have to see that chunk itself to tell you.

Anyways, protip about the world anchors. My house is NOT made of them. It will very rapidly become clear when you look how many world anchor blocks there are :D

And to add to the discussion about quarrys. I think, in all honesty, they should be like nuclear reactors. You have to have permission for them. Why? Well, everyones quarrys are busy causing abnormal amounts of lag due to things like waterflow, overflowing chests ect. A request system will ease that greatly in my opinion.
Does anyone else have the problem of the Technic Launcher sometimes being unable to connect, so it says you can only have offline mode? Unable to connect to minecraft net (people are on the server).

Also, quite often I'll get 'this program has stopped working', so I click close it. It still loads and then I can log in (assuming it's not saying I can only play in offline mode).

To add to this, I sometimes get java exception or something along those lines >_<. It's quite a gamble trying to log in, I just keep trying until it works.
I have the connectivity thing. Just closing it and opening it again works fine for me.

I crash if I fullscreen it whilst it loads though. So don't do that kids.
This issue with quarries is beeing worked on.
I am almost finish the how to manage your quary video
I am also including a hole set of rule for quaries.

All issues will be dealt with regards how they are used and managed.
I will be strick with enforhing the rules after the amount of work i put in this weekend
on fixing as much as i could find.

Regards world anchors ALL players are to remove them from where they have them.
World anchors i am request them to be disabled for now as there are too many in use.
you need to remove them before we disabel them or you wont be able to login to that location when they are removed.

I hate to have to bring in more rules for the server but since someplayers are unable to manage their areas properly i am forced to bring them in. You may not like them but well
with the issues of the weekend we have no choice.
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