While waiting for the mods to update to 1.3.2 and for the server to get sorted I thought I'd spend today making the craziest machine I could think of in my single player world. Inspired by Direwolf's server play i decided to build a multi directional tunnel boring 9x9 frame machine. Unlike Direwolf I haven't wimped out on the build and mine will go and dig in all 6 directions (forward, backwards, left, right, up and down).
(click for full size)
i'll post more pictures in the morning, i'm too tired to do anything more with it today
So far the entire machine can move in 6 directions thanks to the twelve frame motors crammed underneath the 9x9. Each of the six drill heads moves in 4 directions (which was a bugger to get working) and are controlled by wireless receivers for each direction and digging. The 9x9 room is lit up with redpower lamps on a wireless receiver in the classic Direwolf skylight fashion.
I still need to add a few more frames to the back of each drill head to give them the range of movement needed to dig a big enough hole for the machine to fit through, clear up all the experiments on the floor and get this thing running on a redpower computer. oh, and make it look half decent
I would love to use a ComputerCraft computer but I don't have the mod installed and I don't think they work with redpower IO extenders, which would make life a lot easier with my 38 wireless frequencies to manage
what do you guys think?