enderchests work but are not protected in any way as of yet.
as 1.3.2 has them in the game as standared i think we will hold off on adding yet another mod to protect what the original mod did not protect.
but what you suggest sounds like a good idea BUT there is no way to protect them
from other players useing the same colour and nicking your stuff. If you fins a colour set and no one else is useing it great.
surely people can be trusted not to nick other people's stuff though?
since buildcraft teleport pipes dont mix so well with redpower frames (and are quite buggy in general for me) the enderchests are the only reliable way to teleport items, and the only way to teleport items across dimensions
Does anyone have an image of the old map? Yrth is unable to find my build to move it across and I'd like to try and point him in the right direction
halfmad posted an update in the group Minecraft 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Halfmad’s build move request
X: 3278
Z: 3865
X: 3398
Y: 50
My build is very tall guys so please let me know if that’s going to cause an issue, dumping me anywhere in the ocean is fine as it’s an island anyway that I’m making.
Is anybody having an issue with Blutricity?
My solar pannels and thermopiles arent generating and my batboxes are empty. I wondered if it was because of the build move, so I've broken blocks and replaced them, but still nothing. I've moved an array, so I'll see if that charges up.
My frame house is currently stuck in it's bunker.
The issue here is there are no logs to follow IF someone does nick your stuff
as Lb does not record enderchats stuff. we can make all the rules we like but would have no way of backing them up.
I will look into the matter some more after i get buildmove and other major issues resolved.
There's no rush, i'm not even planning on joining the server until the build moves are done and the major issues are sorted. I really wouldnt mind if there was just a message saying something along the lines of "Please don't steal stuff from other people's enderchests. We can't prove if anyone has or hasn't stolen stuff but please don't be an arse"
and here i was defending the other members
Updated with pics
(now to plan my revenge )