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Regarding cobblegen lag issues: there is some kind of redpower block that will automatically take in blocks and only spit them out in stacks of 64 which reduces lag loads.

also, is there some way of stopping the redpower timers and wires stuff acting as light sources? I know that creates a hell of a lot of lag

There is still masses of cobble present in the short runs (I presume you are referring to direwolf showing around eloraams build)

Even easier then that put a chest on the back of the block breaker then use a retriever with a retrievunelator(sp :P) next to the inv you are supplying hooked up to the pipes to the chests it will only pull whats required and in stacks of 64 0nly always keeping the inv on the machine full.

insulate the wires and put a torch next to the timer.

Noo, I know what the minimap is, I was wondering what the machine was

It was the machines exploding for some reason or another. maybe it was a hv supply and the paste didn't include the transformers.
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There is still masses of cobble present in the short runs (I presume you are referring to direwolf showing around eloraams build)

Even easier then that put a chest on the back of the block breaker then use a retriever with a retrievunelator(sp :P) next to the inv you are supplying hooked up to the pipes to the chests it will only pull whats required and in stacks of 64 0nly always keeping the inv on the machine full.

insulate the wires and put a torch next to the timer.

It was the machines exploding for some reason or another. maybe it was a hv supply and the paste didn't include the transformers.

yeah, I was referring to Eloraam's cobblegen but your idea of chests on top of the block breakers and a retriever or a regulator to get some into your base is even better

However, I wasn't wondering what the specific thing that exploded was, I was wondering what the entire machine in that room was doing because I couldn't think of a reason for the cobblestone to be in that weird pattern and I also don't recognise what the stuff in the bottom corner is
To solve the mystery!

They are block breakers in the bottom left and some auto crafting tables. The weird pattern of cobblestone is to house snowmen. Snowballs -> snow blocks.

Wasn't worth the build-up was it ;)
Well if no one told me then I'd be ever more curious as to what everything was.

I've just realised that instead of retrievers and chests on top of every block breaker a regulator on top of every block breaker would combine the stuff into stacks of 64 and spit it out without needing a timer. All you'd need is some very simple electronics to stop the cobblegen when the main storage chest gets full to stop the regulator spitting everything into the pipe and filling the pipe with cobble that has nowhere to go

Hmm, i think something is causing RP2 to go buggy in my SPM world because i cant get regulators to accept inputs from their input side (but it works from the side of the block) and the regulators wont output into a tube at all. very strange. i was trying to make a lag free cobblegen design in my testworld so i had to go with your suggestion of the chests and retriever in the end with an item detector set to stuffed mode to stop the machine from making too much
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Ok so i managed to recover the map and get it going again.
so far no issues have come up in the last 12 hours at lest.

This took a lot of work to fox and i also implemented some tweeks
to the server side that looks to have improved things a fair amount.

Regards Vanilla,
Some want it most dont. For this we are going to
keep to the majority sorry. But... I am looking at Vannila as
an option within the current server this is the main resion for mystcraft
I have a few options comming out of this that should let us limit
all bar vannila items in that world. In this we can cater for both types
of player groups. But it does still meen you need the custom launcher
but i am also looking at disabling most of the ingame controls for the
added stuff like NEI and any other gui enhancments. Bring the feel back
to vannila for you guys.
to everyone thinking eloraam was waiting for 1.4 to release the next redpower 2, direwolf20's server play season 3 has just proved otherwise. there is a very early alpha version of redpower 2 up and running on the 1.3.2 server :)
Good start!

Reaper out of interest are you running a bukkit server with forge installed? I'm waiting for a bukkit port (for MC 1.3.2) before I start putting mods on my own one.

Had a play last night but running forge in the default jar obviously lost me worldedit/worldborder which is to much of a pain to do without.
Updated to new client and am presented with this when trying to join.
Think I'm gonna need my player.dat cleared :(

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