Not in the thread but is in my activity? Argh god I hate the LT forum!
Might help track down MrMoose's build.
Got your build halfmad and MrMooses, Halfmad get yourself over to 967 64 176
Ok i think i found your issue.
It would appear some of your stuff is in an active state
even though it is not and is draning the battry box of all power.
I have traced it to the frame motors but your setup is complex
and i dont want to remove anything and then end up forgetting
where it was.
So what we will do is when you are online give me a shout and we can work on tracing all the frame moters and wiring to find what may be doing it.
it is most likly a redwire issues as they seem to have problem with being on when copied.
I have how ever managed to rewire in the battry box's and have the charging up the only issue we will have is when they get drained the whole system has to be rewired and that is not fun. at least not untill we fint the problem block that is doing this.
This has probably been answered but I've only just started looking into playing around on minecraft again and I noticed there is a new world up and I'm wondering if there is any way to get some of my stuff from the previous world (the one that I used to use teckit launcher to connect to) transferred over? I don't want my build as I want to make something new, all I would need is 2 or 3 chests with some of the machines and equipment that take AGES to build from scratch.