*** Official OcUK Minecraft Server - Discussion and Rules ***

The test server will be up tonight until the server goes live with probably some extended periods of downtime depending on how much needs fixing/updating :D

I'll start building a list of players commands you guys can play with but I'll probably miss loads as I haven't been a player for a rather large amount of time so if you noticed any commands I've missed please let me know and I'll get them added.

Also great to see you returning Zumii!
If it was set for an earlier date surely you would have already taken the appropraite actions and a delay shouldn't have affected things?

Eitherway, I'm positive one of the lovely admins will take a look into it and let you know what or if anything can be done for you. Just give them a chance to get to it :)
Yeah I did take my stuff out and then went back on yesterday afternoon and put it all back as nothing was happening. Anyway, yeah, I'll see what they say.
The test server will be up tonight until the server goes live with probably some extended periods of downtime depending on how much needs fixing/updating :D

I'll start building a list of players commands you guys can play with but I'll probably miss loads as I haven't been a player for a rather large amount of time so if you noticed any commands I've missed please let me know and I'll get them added.

Also great to see you returning Zumii!

Awesome! Hopefully I'll manage to get on without any problems this evening and see what's what. Thanks a lot.
I solved the elevator tracks problem, turns out they don't work like that on bucket servers for some reason. However they will still push carts off onto tracks opposite them if you have an unpowered elevator track level with it.

See the tutorial vids as that probably doesnt make much sense otherwise!

Yes, you can get sand by macerating cobble, but I agree it did use to work out quicker mining it unless you had several macerators on the go. Have you had a look around the new mining world to see if there is a desert biome somewhere on there?

glad you've found a workaround for it mate :)

if there is a desert biome in the mining age then we have serious problems because it uses checkerboard biomes which can only have two different biomes without corruption. i think there are plains and forest biomes in there or something

perhaps someone with silly amounts of resources can get a couple of MV solars powering a heavily overclocked macerator next to a cobble gen in the mining world with a few diamond chests nearby to keep the sand
So i've been added to thw whitelist... do I download the LinkTart Client to play?

Plus, I will probably be trying the vanilla server tonight when it's live too :)


Download the client from the above URL and that is all you need to get up and running on the Modded server, all of the server details are already saved in the client!

As for the Vanilla test server you just need a stock version of Minecraft 1.4 (you can have both modded and vanilla clients installed without any conflicts) and then add the server details mentioned above :)
Most of the kinks have been ironed out now and the server seems fairly stable! Keep testing and let us know via this thread or on Linktart if you find any more issues or commands that aren't accessible :D

Thanks for testing!
Are the old build moves from 1.0 land to new tekkit land on hold for the moment? Just wondering, as would like to continue that build :)
I've just finished my wool farm so if you need some wool drop by and I'll give you some. Eventually I'll make an enderchest for shared wool and a diamond chest near my sheep farm for extra shared storage.

If you need any IC2 or RP2 paint then give me a holler because i've just made the full set but i'm a bit OCD about how i arrange them in the chest :p

i've also got more wood and rubber than i can cope with so thats on the list of stuff i'll give out for free as well

Its set up. The shared wool chest is red, green, blue and there is also a diamond chest for extra wool to be shared if you need it. the shared chest should start getting stuff in a few hours, once my personal chest has two stacks
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FYI Maxi, just had 2 mins on the Vnilla server and discovered I cannot drop a bedrock toolblock. I can't throw it with Q and when I sling it from my inv it just comes back as soon as I right click on something. The wooden pick is, however, fine.
FYI Maxi, just had 2 mins on the Vnilla server and discovered I cannot drop a bedrock toolblock. I can't throw it with Q and when I sling it from my inv it just comes back as soon as I right click on something. The wooden pick is, however, fine.

Bedrock is unable to be dropped, I think you can get rid of it by using the /lb toolblock command again but I haven't tested it!
I see some houses on the vanilla server, and as it seems to be working, does that mean it's now live?

It's definitely a test server at the moment so there's no guarantee that anything will be kept. Maxi can comment for sure as this one is his baby but I would imagine it would be wiped once he's happy that everything is working as intended.
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