*** Official OcUK Minecraft Server - Discussion and Rules ***

Mod + Server Crash issues and LAG
Hi everyone, after discussing the issues with the current server we are once again at a point where we can change things up, this may not be the best news for some players who have put time in to builds etc.

We would like to move to the FTB launcher and make use of the newly released Ultimate Pack, this would mean obviously a wipe and a start again which we were hoping to avoid entirely. But with the current issues and the obvious downturn in users on (related to the issues i assume) we think this is the easiest and best way forwards.

We would like some of your thoughts on this and please take a look at the FTB mod pack which is available here http://feed-the-beast.com/#download_wrapper again the pack to look at is the ultimate pack
will you be adding any mods to the ultimate pack, or will you be using it as is? I can almost guarantee that ars magica wont be on there since the author doesnt want it in any modpack, and it was the main reason that I played on the server these days (although coursework has pretty much stopped all of my minecrafting right now)

oh, he seems to have changed his stance on mod packs slightly. maybe it will come to the ultimate pack after all (i didnt see it on any of the lists i could find so i assume it isnt on the ultimate pack yet)
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I dont mind starting again. Shouldnt be too bad. But I'm easy like that lol.

EDIT: Can we have mystcraft worlds to ourselves still? And add our own maps? (Like spawn was)
I'd be more than happy to start again, just discovered my mystcraft world doesn't have any caves or lava lol.

I've not been on much recently due to work being so busy and not to keen to carry on building if we are starting again :)

And pretty much every time I have tried to get on over the last week the server has been down lol :)
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Hey all been crazy busy trying to work on mod server stuff.
So i guess it is time to explain some thing and what will be happening.

1. Stability

The server has been far to unstable. Since we where having to keep up with mod releases on a daily bases and this was taking a huge amount of time from the admins. SO we have decided we will no longer be doing that and have gone for the option of stability.

2. Launcher

Right so along with having to keep updating the server we also had to keep the client updated. this again was taking up a lot of admin time so we have decided to go the path of FTB. yes that right FTB we are working on a private mod pack and will be submitting it soon. But if you guys want a start on what will be there have a look at the FTB ultimate pack. We will have other mods added to it for our server.

3. What does this mean for the current map.

Sorry but this does in deed mean we have to scrap the server map. as there is far to much that needs to be done to try and convert the map to a new system. To be honest it is not doable. This is down to the fact we wanted to make the server as stable as we can and to do this we have to start from a clean setup. This is a reset of ALL block id's.

4. Events

As you all know we have not run any proper events on the mod server. This is something we wanted to change and this reset of the server will let us do this. As this would mean the admins will have more time to work on events.
With the new setup we even plan on having some event worlds. this will let players start event on their own time and have to wait for admins to run or even load the event. Currently it will require the admins to reset an event world but that is not too difficult.

5. Moderators

The roll of the moderator in game is to help other and to help with any griefing issues that may arise. NOTE there has not really been any of thees issues on the server for some time. When the server become more active we may have need for more moderators currently we have Hunter as head moderator. NOTE moderator don't have the ability to restart the server or manage back end stuff. Moderators are there to help players in game.

6. Server setup regards world and mining world's

In order to help with lag/corrupt world issues we have come up with a world layout.

1. we will have 6 Void worlds. (1 x nexus 3 x player useable void worlds 2 x event worlds)
2. Over world will be the normal world again for player to use. This includes nether and end.
3. Digger will be setup for mining and will be auto regenerated each month.
If you leave anything in the digger world it will be lost and not replace when reset happens

7. Donation rewards

Currently there are not set for the mod server but there are plan for this to happen soon. all suggestions are welcome from the community as to what they would like to see as rewards.

We do understand that players had a lot on the server and it is a great loss
and we apologise for this but at this stage we are left will little option. It is the hope of the admin team that we can make the server a lot more stable and to have more time to interact with the community.

It is our goal to make a more stable and enjoyable server for all. The downside to this is we are again locked to having the minecraft version that is released by FTB. This to be honest is not really an issue as we are always waiting on 2/3 mods to update and are held back anyway. This just means we will have a more stable upgrade process when FTB update. This also means MAC users should be able to use the server as FTB works with MAC systems too.

I know this is a lot to take in and hope the community like what we have planed we hope to have the server back up and active by the weekend

this has also been posted on the LT site please us that section for comments
That all sounds great yrthilian. If anyone wants to try the FTB modpack, i've got a small server of my own running the Direwolf20 modpack.

Just been playing around on it whilst the modserver has been up and down :) If anyone is interested drop me an email and i'll get you whitelisted, it's only temporary but i've been having fun trying some of the other mods like applied energistics and such (Not sure if this will be on the mod server)
ok so progress is going good.
so far we have most things in place for the new server
we have got an almost fully rendered map for the over world
you can all look at it on the LT site as it is running live.

you will not be bale to access the server as of yet until we have finished the other sections and the instance files for the launcher.

for now you may need to download the extra fills to add to the ultimate pack until FTB accept our new pack. we will of course post instructions :D
Sorry to sound an idiot but what's the point of the mod server?

I got Minecraft for my kids mainly but have had a dabble myself (mostly with Sky Survival) but i'm not sure what the point of the OcUk server is.
Sorry to sound an idiot but what's the point of the mod server?

I got Minecraft for my kids mainly but have had a dabble myself (mostly with Sky Survival) but i'm not sure what the point of the OcUk server is.

It's the same as any multiplayer server :confused:

People play on it together.
Sorry to sound an idiot but what's the point of the mod server?

I got Minecraft for my kids mainly but have had a dabble myself (mostly with Sky Survival) but i'm not sure what the point of the OcUk server is.

The mods add so much to minecraft, some of it is great fun and some of it is just plain crazy how in-depth they get.

And its always nice to play alongside other people, show off crazy builds and get help from more experienced people (I ask a lot of questions lol)
I think it's lost on me, I end up just thinking why am I doing any of this. My kids would spend all day on it if I would let them though.
ok so progress is going good.
so far we have most things in place for the new server
we have got an almost fully rendered map for the over world
you can all look at it on the LT site as it is running live.

you will not be bale to access the server as of yet until we have finished the other sections and the instance files for the launcher.

for now you may need to download the extra fills to add to the ultimate pack until FTB accept our new pack. we will of course post instructions :D

Sounds like things are going along swimmingly :) Does the pack you are requesting contain ars magica by any chance? That was the main reason I was on the server because I've kind of "done" the technical mods, having been through them on 1.1, 1.2.5 and 1.4.x.

Mithion has said that his mod can be used in the DW20 pack "and one other" and also doesn't seem to mind if it is used in a private modpack.
This is what will be added to the FTB Ultimate pack
that we will be submitting to FTB for approval

I am still working on meeting the requirements for FTB to allow this pack

PowerCrystals Mods
Ars Magica
Mcore - (required for Ars Magica)
I think it's lost on me, I end up just thinking why am I doing any of this. My kids would spend all day on it if I would let them though.

Minecraft has not set purpose. It is a sandbox game you make your own goals/purpose. There is no winning or loosing in minecraft.

It is all about imagination and skill of building whit what you have access to.
The MOD+ server add in mods to the basic game that let player have machinery and magic. This bring in a whole new dimension to how one sees minecraft.

Being able to work with other players helps build a community. If you look at
http://minecraftedu.com/ this is a great example why minecraft is great for children and may even help you see the game in a very different light.

If you look around you will see minecraft has become a huge success in how it is used and how player interact with each other and the skills it help develop in children and in people in general.

I started on MC about 3 years ago on this server now i am one of the head admins and manage a lot on this server. I am also learning new programming skills and how to run a Linux server. So from a playing point and a back end point MC has a huge amount to offer those whom will embrace it.

There are mods out there that can change minecraft from a sandbox game to an RPG game to great adventure map downloadable from site for free that you can explore and enjoy by following tasks. I believe one of the people that make great MC maps is hipixel located http://hypixel.net/

hope this help you in seeing why MC is seen a good as it is to those whom enjoy the game
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I certainly see the benefits to my children of playing minecraft over other games and I do appreciate it is a good game. I think it's just a personal limitation in that I need an objective in games I play. I am quite enjoying the Sky Survival 2 map which my kids can't get enough of but I lose interest in the standard game.
This is what will be added to the FTB Ultimate pack
that we will be submitting to FTB for approval

I am still working on meeting the requirements for FTB to allow this pack

PowerCrystals Mods
Ars Magica
Mcore - (required for Ars Magica)

Thats made me a very happy bunny :D

Just to warn you, if you are updating to minecraft 1.5.1, Mcore is no longer needed for ars magica. It is needed for 1.4.x and below though.

Also, in 1.4.7, I'm pretty sure that the ars magica sounds are not present in the latest version of the mod. They can be found in one of the earlier versions of the mod, or in the dropbox if need be. In the 1.5.x version of the mod I believe they have been bundled together.
I'm helping a mate run a FTB ultimate server, definitely the way to go for some sanity although clearly it's on 1.4.7. I do like the launcher and it's due an update shortly.
yes we will be stuck on 1.4.7
until FTB finish there testing and launch
The usual mods are to blame though
but they have been working on things much
faster this time round :D
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