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It is strange as it is not even when server is full sometimes only 1 or 2 people on. I think more to it today as both vanilla and mod server seem down. My guess would be some sort connection issue and not a game issue that has caused them to go down.

It must be something in the config/plugins to be honest. On the same dedi we had another private vanilla server running for a few people that had an uptime of over two weeks.
apologies been mental here in work today

i have restarted the server a few tweeks are needed should have them sorted later tonight but will do my best to keep an eye on it for now
yep you broke it nutty :P

Block location: World: (3052,58,2970),

I cant fix that from here need to do it from home
and hope i can remove the block :(
yep you broke it nutty :P

Block location: World: (3052,58,2970),

I cant fix that from here need to do it from home
and hope i can remove the block :(

lol i dont have any digital quantum chests. You got the full error report yrth so I can maybe do diagnostics :). Just done some research into this error it is rare one tht happened when break AE pipe that is connected to a gregtech block.
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You use the quantum tanks thought don't you? As far as I know they use pretty much the same coding but store liquid instead of items..

But the coordinates don't match up so can count them out. Also further investigation shows that 90% of gregteech blocks use part of the quantum chest code. Pretty sure automatic assembler(most likely one) is the culprit or industrial electroliser as they are the blocks I was working on.

Eidt worked it out in creative mod the block is actually an ME controller causing the problem . This would be right looking at the coords.

The actual bug is caused by placing an ME storage bus on gregtech blocks but removing the controller will work (tested multiple times same result crash).

in other words dont use me storage on gregtech blocks or = crash I was trying to add to assembly machine

3 way I think best way to resolve this are

1. restore backup
2. remove Asssembly machine
3. Remove ME controller

From the wiki
Combining a Storage bus with a GregTech Industrial Electrolyzer, Assembling Machine, or Quantum Chest will cause a recurring and unavoidable error in either single-player or multi-player, grinding the server to a halt when the error first happens, disconnecting everybody. Upon reboot, it will continue doing this whenever the chunk with the offended item is loaded. Possible fixes to this bug I have explored - after ensuring to start off with a full world backup of the problem world in case you mess it up further):
BEST: Restoring a recent backup, if you make regular back-ups.
ALSO GOOD: Edit the world file using MCedit to remove the Industrial Electrolyzer, Assembling Machine , or Quantum Chest or ME controller
BAD, BUT NOT SO BAD: Changing the GregTech Machine ID in the GT Server Config Files and then changing my client's configs to match, then starting the server and connecting. This will unload the machine causing the problem. It would also be possible to do a similar thing with Applied Energistics via the config (though I'm not aware of the Item ID to try there.) You will have to replace both your items and items any of your users lost during the unload of either mod, though if there aren't a lot of chunkloaders, the damage could be minimal.
WORST: You could also temporarily remove the mods outright, start the server/game, allow time for the items to register as disappeared, then stop the server and reinstall them. Keep in mind that this option will destroy machines, ores, and items in inventories if they happen to be loaded in time.
WILD CARD: A final option would be to, after first making a world back-up and figuring out the chunk's region file with one the available online calculators, to then delete the offending region file where this happened. This deletes a 512x512 area of your world and resets it to its original state. Generally ill advised unless you somehow know that whole chunk is junk, anyhow.
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Still down :(

Yrth has been looking into it sadly wont be fixed until 2moz.

Atm only 3 ways can see it being fixed.

1. Download the world files and remove the corrupt block
2. remove gregtech or applied energistics mod load the world removing all related blocks (this will peeve of a lot of people)
3. Delete the chunk. Deleting the chunk will basically remove all the work I have done since I started playing as the chunk is smack bang on my main systems and invntories tbh I would quit minecraft altogether if this happened lol as I dont have it in me to redo all that work
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Couldn't Yrth just open the world in mcedit, delete the offending block and restart the server?

*edit: I'm not saying it's a 5 minute job, especially if the world has to be downloaded then reuploaded, just wondering if the job's any more complex than that?
i don't live in the uk so don't have same BB abilities
BB = 10MB down less then 1MB up

i have take a copy of the world file may have repaired it currently uploading
having to do this in work as they have 10MB up will see if server will start after upload
I can not log in. I get the following error.

2013-06-20 13:43:40 [SEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] FML has detected item discrepancies
2013-06-20 13:43:40 [SEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] Missing items : {30832=Item 30832, Type advsolar.ItemAdvSolarHelmet, owned by AdvancedSolarPanel, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 30833=Item 30833, Type advsolar.ItemHSolarHelmet, owned by AdvancedSolarPanel, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 30834=Item 30834, Type advsolar.ItemHSolarHelmet, owned by AdvancedSolarPanel, ordinal 1, name null, claimedModId null}
2013-06-20 13:43:40 [SEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] Mismatched items : {}
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