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Is mod server down not been able to get on the last couple of hours.

Edit: Seems up now

Ok for the last crash Yrth said RPMFrame//com eloraam.redpower.machine.TileFrameMoving caused it. Yrth this is caused by a block on the frame causing the crash not the crash itself have you got the rest of the error and I can determine the block causing it. (i suspect I know what block caused it but need rest of the error code to know 100%.)
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A rather scary addition!!
New website though still rough around the edges has some nice new features and is almost ready to go :)

I fixed game server chat (and enabled cross-server chat) and made a shiny ajax mumble channel viewer. Now if only my css skills didn't suck :p




I knew this hard setting would be 'hard', but these guys killed the entire village in seconds and turned on me... :D The one in the middle is even holding a door he ripped off lol...

Yeah, just checked the wiki and interestingly:

If any type of Zombie kills a Villager, there is a chance that the Villager will transform into a Zombie Villager (100% in hard difficulty, 50% in normal, 0% in easy and peaceful). This often occurs during sieges.

Zombie Villagers can be cured by throwing a Splash Potion of Weakness at them, then giving them a Golden Apple by right-clicking on the Zombie Villager with it. A loud hissing sound will be heard if successful, and the Zombie Villager will begin to shudder. The transformation will take between 2 and 5 minutes, during which time the Zombie Villager will still attack and must be protected from other attacks and Sun damage.

Not sure if that's new or I just never heard of it before. Sadly they all died in the sunlight anyway :cool:


And me..
The zombie sieges are quite old too. But I'd never seen so many zombies attacking a village before :-D And I belive they don't break the doors down unless the difficulty is on hard. I've certainly noticed it's more challenging moving at night now. The skeletons have automatic sniper rifles :-(
First time I've ever seen them but I'm a Minecraft noob really :)

I presume the zombie attacks of this kind haven't been in vanilla before?

Zombie sieges of villages and the breaking down of doors has been around since 1.2.1 over a year ago, infected villagers appeared in 1.4.2 about 8 months ago. The scale of these events as shown in toStrings pictures, number of infected villagers and whether zombies can break down doors is all determined by the server difficulty level. The number of zombies in the picture is slightly misleading in that about half were originally villagers at the start of the night seige, being on hard difficulty the infection rate is 100% so the numbers you see are the original zombies and subsequently infected villagers combined. To really see the full game and mob abilities playing on hard is the only real option, the added bonus is enjoying the challenge it presents.
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I'm not a 100% sure but haven't they also changed the way mob difficulty works in 1.6? For example if you keep killing mobs in a certain chunk they will spawn more frequently. I know they were messing around with this a few months back, I'm not sure if they actually implemented it though.
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