*** Official OcUK Modded Minecraft + Vanilla Server - Now with guides and how to's***


Could you drop me a trust message about how you want to do the next server payment. If you want me to pay it that's fine (obviously you'll need to send me the money) but if you want the server ownership transferred over then we'll have to put stuff in motion (i.e. you'll need to create an ovh account, provide them with proof of identity, etc, then I can transfer the server).
Just had another go on ME^3 but it's not going to be possible with one person! Far too many mobs :p If nobody is interested you might as well delete it.
more a case of people having time mat, a lot of the people that are white listed and wanted to play tent to play late or weekends it seems. are you still struggling?
seem to be having a lot of lag on the direwolf server. takes like 10 seconds to open a chest etc. anyone else having this problem?
For a brief moment I thought the addition of Funky Locomotion would let me rebuild my legendary omnidirectional frame quarry from 1.2.5 (and 1.4.7), but alas no. The front of a frame slider does not act like a frame itself when it is moving, making it impossible to make a moving drillhead which can be transported, and therefore impossible to make the frame quarry :(
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Possible to be white listed?

Thinking of getting my Minecraft on while wanting to chill rather than play CS

Thanks :D

I've replied to your builder request for Vanilla server access on the linktart.enjin.com thread - just answer the few questions on the post and we can grant your builder permissions. Cheers - Ham :)
all answered mate

Nice one - once you've hopped on the server I can grant you builder permissions (can't do that until you log on). The server is running 1.7.9 but you can use 1.7.10 if you use packs such as optifine/minimaps etc.

Cheers - Ham :)
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