*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

It's ok in the evenings, as there's quite a few old faces from Werner on. Decent fights the past few nights that I've logged in.

Morning / early afternoon is full of mostly CN & PLA players warping around, or taking full clips while they are afk.

No offence intended, but boy some of them skip across your screen like a broken strobe light :eek:

Swifty, you aren't Chinese, are you ? :p

Hell no! I pwn those yellow belly MAX abusing fags! :p
I miss Surgile/Jackhammer. Those were the days.

Gah surgehammers, the bane of our (TR) lives! ;)

Just Like every other old Planetside player I am really looking forward to this, glad they are talking about consulting the community during development and that there is no sign of BFR's! My mates and I had some of our most memorable, epic online gaming experiences playing PS (though when I last tried to revisit it the game really had not aged well)

This has so much potential, l just really hope that Sony get it right and don't mess up what was once such a winning formula - looking forward to going toe to toe with the Barneys and Smurfs once again :D
Cool. Might be on later if I can get login sorted. Annoying you cant download the updates without logging in or signing up, and not gonna create another account they make me put payment details in for lol.

Childishly excited.

btw, what do you mean you get it for free?

It costs 3 cert points. (3 battle ranks) but if your character is 5/6 years old it is free.
It costs 3 cert points. (3 battle ranks) but if your character is 5/6 years old it is free.

Awesome, that's fantastic... hope my character(s) are still there! (Didn't have time last night to check as had to download the 1.5GB patchat it was already 1am).

Hopefully, I'll be able to login for free for a while, and get to check out the beta :-)

Such good news, one of my all time favourite games. I can't even remember why I stopped playing it! (other than the wierd world break up thing).
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I really hope Planetside 2 is as epic and dynamic as the first one. I'm It's amazing that no other games /publisher/developers has even attempted to make a similar game, with a graphically better more capable engine.

Planetside ended for me when werner was shut down. :( otherwise I'd still sub..But no way am I paying to play with 100+ pings..

Cant wait for Planetside 2, re-open Werner in Europe/holland too, while your at it !
Ping was at 240 for me last time I connected up, pretty much limited me to support stuff.

They're making all the right noises, the only major departure so far is the skill training. I prefer that to kill based xp to be honest. I used to love mucking around behind enemy lines taking out gens and generally being a menace, but there was always that niggle at the back of my mind that I'd be getting more xp in a base assault group.
I read somewhere they are removing BFRs, :( I like mech tech! It would be nice to see all the vechs from the original game, just dont make any one of them too overpowered and try to encourage the use of multi manned vechs.

Not sure about gaining XP when your not even playing. :confused:
great game, then the pings got mental and I stopped playing. Principle was excellent, 2003 wasn't it when it came out? As others have said, surprised there hasn't been a sequel already, plenty of potential here :D
They shut wener down huh? Oh man, that sucks! £10 a month for incredibly bad pings? Sounds a little nuts to me, but at least they kept the game alive.

I do remember the BFR's but never really played much after they came out (I think). I do think the variety of vechs is a definate plus though, and hope they keep it diverse for the sequel.
Aye pings are an issue but the main group of people I play with are US players, hopefully now they can bring it down to the 130-140ms range, even as an MMO. I just hope we still have the option to play in different regions.

Though I always hated having to have two characters to play with different people, just wanted one character that can play on any I want. Within good reason of course.
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