Last week SOE announced PlanetSide 2 and released an official Q&A at the official site, highlighting the key features of the persistent MMOFPS. Now PlanetSide 2 fansite PSU released a new Q&A which includes more details about the gameplay.
Some of the core gameplay systems may interest most of you. You can learn new skills through training, and you can train your characters offline. However you can only train the skills that are available in your battle rank, and it will be slower to train offline. Resource will have great impact on your gameplay and make it more strategic. Depending on the kind of resource you can access to, you will be able to unlock different weapons. As for territorial control system, due to the structure of the systems there will be a large variety of heavily contested areas such as large forests. Vehicles will be greatly involved in this part, and there will be bonuses to capturing territories that are connected.
There are some questions from the community, too.
When is beta?
Beta will ready when we feel the game is ready for people to play and test in. There is no solid date at this time.
What are you most excited about in Planetside 2?
I am most excited about the world system and the territorial control system, for example being able to capture a ridge or a river bend. Also the engine is capable of things volumetric clouds where vehicles could fly in and hide in the clouds.
Can you tell us if 3rd person will play a role in PlanetSide 2?
There will only be a 3rd person view for certain air vehicles, infantry will not have a third person view at all. There may be things like cameras that an infiltrator can throw on a wall to monitor who is coming up the stairs or around a corner.