*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

NC Time!


The Mag-Shot is a semi-automatic, magazine-fed pistol that is the standard issue sidearm fielded by New Conglomerate soldiers. It is lightweight but very poweful, making it viable a sidearm choice no matter the armor currently being worn.


The Bolt Driver uses an electromagnetic propulsion system to drive an extremely accurate, high velocity projectile at distant targets. It is prized by New Conglomerate snipers for its stopping power over long ranges and has become the primary weapon of choice for many soldiers entering the field of battle.

Edit: Each faction gets its own sniper, the Bolt Driver is indeed NC only!
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Does anyone have any insider info on when Beta will be releasing ?
Server setup ? Most SOE games are Hosted from Amsterdam ? correct?
Is the bolt driver definitely common pool or are there separate sniper rifles now?

Is more bullets / less damage ever particularly useful? Especially with the rifles :/

Does that pistol mean the NC aren't "the shotgun empire" now? Hope so. That was one of the dumber balancing decision they made.

Yeah, p sure Werner was hosted in Amsterdam.
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Bolt driver is common pool. And given the pistol name, I'd assume its still a shotgun. Though perhaps that will be an option for it?

In unrelated but far more important news:

There's now a space to enter a beta code! They say they haven't given any out yet, but still, that implies they are getting very close to giving out beta keys!

New inventory concept.
Bolt driver is common pool. And given the pistol name, I'd assume its still a shotgun. Though perhaps that will be an option for it?

Scratch that. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. First of all, RadarX the PS Community Manager posted:
Just to avoid confusion, this is a common pool weapon. It's prized by NC snipers because they prize their sniper rifles. Wouldn't you?

But now Matt Higby, creative director has tweeted:
Every empire has it's own sniper rifle! We're only featuring a subset of empire specific weapons in these features.

So the bolt driver is indeed, without question, NC specific, with the other factions getting different snipers. Here's betting the TR get the HSR! :D

Edit: More in-depth info from Higby!

This is going to go a bit more in depth than it needs to to answer the question, but I figure you guys deserve a bit of extra explanation for being awesome and providing me with so many good times reading speculations.

Many of our weapons are built similar to the Chinese QBZ or German G36 where several weapons (carbine, assault rifle, LMG, sniper rifle, etc) are built off the same platform. We have a huge number of variant parts that can mix and match to create different unique weapons. A lot of the parts will be unique to certain weapon types, so a barrel on an assault rifle won't necessarily be the same as on your LMG so that we have distinct silhouettes and looks, each of these weapons also behaves completely differently in game from an ammo count, accuracy, firing rate, damage, etc. standpoint.

The Bolt Driver is an NC specific sniper rifle, each empire will have their own ES sniper rifle, but due to the way our weapon platforms work, they'll have some variation even within the sniper rifles, this is the "sidegrade" concept you've heard us talk about a lot. While an NC sniper might start default with a high-damage, slow firing rate, magazine fed bolt driver, that player would be able to unlock variants of the bolt driver that might be semi automatic, or breach loaded for extra damage, or anything in between that makes sense for us to make. TR, and VS will be similarly versatile. So, if you want to be the high damage sniper guy, you don't necessarily have to play NC! You can be on TR and unlock a higher damage sniper rifle than the default which is semi-auto and has low recoil to allow for successive shots. Similarly if you want to be a super high firing rate VS player, you can unlock a pulsar that has some higher burst potential at the trade-off for, say, damage over distance, or ammo capacity, or whatever we think the best tradeoffs are to make the guns balanced and fun.

Now, that being said, it may very well be that the highest possible damage sniper rifle will be available to NC, and TR can get to have a weapon as powerful as one of the best NC rifles, but not quite as beefy, and likewise the NC might be able to get a very high fire rate gauss rifle, but not quite as high as the highest fire rate weapon available to the TR. This will allow us to retain the unique empire feel without having it be a straight up "these guys are always like this and those guys are always like that" vibe.


edit: by the way, RadarX saying it's common pool is just email fail on our part, I had said it "was common pool" meaning in PlanetSide, not "that gun was supposed to be common pool".
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The Sweeper Shotgun is arguably one of most iconic weapons in the New Conglomerate's arsenal. Availability and ease of use make this short ranged, high powered weapon a favorite among many New Conglomerate soldiers engaged in close quarter combat.

So the sweeper is now NC only? Combine this with the assumption that NC will be keeping the Jackhammer means that... the other factions will have empire specific shotguns? Though will the sweeper be redundant if NC have the jackhammer too? I mean, in PS it worked because everyone could use the sweeper with the MA cert, but it was the common pool shotgun, which is where it gained most of its use. NC with HA never used the sweeper. So the sweeper will now have a much smaller audiance.
And it means that the VS will get a laser shotgun?
Really hoping they won't make the NC the shotgun empire again.

It caused so many balance problems.

Also I'm sort of annoyed the sweeper is now ES. I used to play TR and VS with it a lot.

:common pool hero:
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Really hoping they won't make the NC the shotgun empire again.

It caused so many balance problems.

Also I'm sort of annoyed the sweeper is now ES. I used to play TR and VS with it a lot.

:common pool hero:

Apparently they are looking at having around 75-80% of the weapons being empire specific, and the other 20-25% being Nanite Systems. Which is an interesting split, but also introduces interesting differences between the empires.

That said, Matt Higby spoke about balance, basically saying that the empires will be similar enough. Like with the sniper rifles, they will all be roughly the same. Like how the NC's will do more damage, the TR's will fire faster, and the VS... will shoot lasers? Not sure on that one yet. But the weapons can all be sidegraded to enhance certain aspects. The TR can fit a mod which raises the damage and lowers the refire rate, for example. Which means they do the same damage as the NC one with the same refire. But the NC can then fit that same mod, meaning they get more damage again, but fire even slower.

Those are all examples not provided by Higby, but the point should hopefully be clear. There will be overlap between the empires, you should be able to play whatever playstyle you like on any empire, so you can play with your friends, rather than picking the faction which has the weapons you prefer. Of course, some factions will do some things better, but its all situational.
Can't wait for this! I was shockingly bad at it but used to love getting into a Galaxy then 1 minute into the flight ask "Are we nearly there yet?" every 5 seconds:D

The lightweight Tempest is the favored submachine gun of the New Conglomerate. Though inaccurate from afar, the Genudine produced Tempest provides substantial stopping power at close ranges, even while on the move.
Can't wait for this! I was shockingly bad at it but used to love getting into a Galaxy then 1 minute into the flight ask "Are we nearly there yet?" every 5 seconds:D

I liked the way you could forcibly eject your passengers if you were the pilot :D


First image was posted in the last page, but a larger version here, along with a large pic of the vehicle selections screen. Also shows something of the skill system. All in blur-o-vision thanks to matt higby not wanting to ever use the printscreen button.
PC Gamer has posted that their April Issue will feature PlanetSide 2 and a Priority Access Beta Key!

We heard you might want access to one of gaming’s most exciting PC exclusives, so we went ahead and sorted that out for you. Issue #225 of PC Gamer US features PlanetSide 2—a veritable Manhattan Project of ambitious massively-multiplayer FPS design being tackled by the same studio that created EverQuest. Each physical issue of the magazine (subscriber copies and newsstand copies) includes a unique beta key for PlanetSide 2 that can be redeemed on the game’s website. Woo!


Per Higby on Twitter.
PS1 players, Fan Faire 2011 attendees and PC Gamer keys will have first access to beta once it begins.




Interesting that they are having separate turrets for each job rather than the general wall turret they had in PS1. Will be interesting to see how they are spaced around the base walls, anti-air I assume will be right near the centre and high up to deal with aircraft, while on the outer wall there will be a mix of AI and AV?
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