*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

Planetside is responsible for some of my best gaming memories. I got it on release and played it for about a year after core combat (game ruined by that IMHO!)

I can't wait for 2!

Was still a great game with core combat to be honest. BFR's were a bit lame though

Cannot for the life of me remember the name of my old outfit, driving me mad >_<

P.S can some mod make this the official PS 2 thread!
Core combat had some awesome moments in it, I loved the multiple platform levels added a nice bit of variety to the game.

BFR's ruined everything, it gave me the feeling that all other vehicles were obsolete when you had these on the field. On top of that they were just a ridiculous design, being able to fly and barrage the inside of a base? no fond memories since they came into play :(

Cannot for the life of me remember the name of my old outfit, driving me mad >_<

I remember mine, The Gondorians (NC) - we had quite a lot of people, ring a bell for anyone? leader was an absolute LotR nut as you might tell ;)

I also remember KickAss having some really decent players though I can't recall any names.
I sort of remember the Gondorrians. I don't remember your players though.

Remember Formido?

Core Combat was OK in that the levels were great for different weapons (MCG, MA) but mostly it just made me wish the surface stuff was more varied.

I hated the weapons, vehicles and ziplines though.

BFRs were pretty much Hitler.

Also **** Annwyn.
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Has there been anymore info on the MAX units? I just want the old Pounder back and a corridor or stairs to hold. Them was the days :D
I only played PS1 for a few days when it was in its prime as I was addicted to another MMO at the time. Was PS1 quite casual friendly or does it require a lot of time to get competetive?

I like the idea of being competitive straight away like a typical FPS yet having areas to dedicate time to like a traditional MMORPG.
Jeez, Sony! I want to like PS2!
I mean, its not going to stop me playing the game, as its free to play, but I'm definitely not going to spend as much money on the game as I perhaps would have.
The anatomy of a PlanetSide 2 battle in 2,000 words

Too much text to copy and paste, but go read it! One key point that stood out is the lack of auto turrets. So if there's nobody in a turret, its not going to shoot you. Or at least that's how it appears though Higby mentions that that's something they are going to look at in the beta, to see if the game works like that, or if they really do need turrets to shoot back against people automatically. Also, hacking a base disables the spawn tubes entirely! :o

Also, they released a time-lapse video showing how a weapon is designed:

The Sky Lance is a prototype anti-air weapon in the upcoming PlanetSide 2, and you can see its creation in this exclusive video.

The weapon appears courtesy of the Nanite Systems corporation in PlanetSide 2, and you can witness its design progress from a rough sketch to finished concept. Senior artist Roel Jovellanos provides commentary on top of the video of his work, adding insight into the process. Even if you aren't a PlanetSide fan, time-lapse videos like this are always fascinating, so give it a watch.
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From PSU:
What’s unique about the ProSiebenSat.1 deal is the number of players who have NEVER posted on the EQ2 forums who logged in just to state that they are canceling after 5, 7, or 10, or even 12 years of active SOE subscriptions.

We have seen dozens of players who have logged in to report that they have ALREADY cancelled — past tense — with some even posting the cancellation e-mail.

ProSieben say:
ProSieben - Response to Your Feedback! Friends, As we approach the weekend, we wanted to share that we are working on a plan to keep our communities together with the ProSieben deal. Again, we thank you for your patience - we'll provide more information as soon as it is available.

Smed says:
We are working on a plan to insure we don't split the communities up. More info to follow.

So fingers crossed! In other news:


The Pulsar is the primary assault rifle for many soldiers in the Vanu Sovereignty. Powered by the Vanu Sovereignty’s proprietary battery ammunition, the superheated bolts of plasma it fires lose some potency over distance but remain deadly even at long ranges.


The V.S.’s standard anti-vehicle weapon uses the same battery-powered ammunition system as the Pulsar and Beamer. Unlike the faster firing and unguided Lancer, the Fission features a slower plasma projectile guided by lock-on technology.


The Beamer is the Vanu Sovereignty’s unique sidearm. Lacking any particular disadvantages, the Beamer fires accurate laser projectiles that deliver ample stopping power without sacrificing rate of fire.
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If anybody in the US fancies picking me up a copy of PC Gamer for the beta key, i'd be more than happy to paypal them some major beer tokens!
Cannot WAIT for this game to be released! Tempted to resub to PS to simply make sure I've got myself a Beta key when they're available. I've been following the updates on FB for quite a while now, and whilst I'm a TR guy at heart... I'm really, REALLY, liking the look of the Vanu's stuff. I cannot wait for the day where I'm in a Galaxy getting ready to hot drop over some facility to take it out of the NC's ownership.

Also, go Soul Reapers!
lol, likewise on the pc gamer :-)

I might ask my wife to pick me up a copy on Wednesday :-D

Beta key is only in PC Gamer US, not the UK version.

Also, looking at the VS weapons I'm not keen on the Fission. It looks like its just the TR's striker, unless t's fire and forget like the Sparrow Max is.
Quite excited about this, PS took a lot of my time in my younger years and was my first mmo.

As I'm the US next week I guess I will just have to accidently on purpose find a copy of PC Gamer.
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