*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

I was originally in Kuntras Killas, then Tempest and finally settled in MoX (Werner TR). We did (and still do when we have a reunion :D) spec ops stuff mostly (MoX pretty much invented the gen bust and hold), as well as cont opening / drawing enemies from locked conts.

PS is special because it is one of the few FPS where good tactics and squad play really do outclass individual talent every-time. Due to our play-style MoX don't have all that many CR5's (altho have had some of the best), but can hold a gen with 15 BR10's just as well as 15 random BR25/CR5's.

Planetside and MOX, wow that brings back old memories.

I was there in the beginning when MOX first joined Planetside, it was about a few weeks after its released. I was in another small clan with Fallen. We merged with MOX back when Dar was running things. I even remember being part of the vote to decided if we all become adv medics lol. I have to say an awesome decision that was.

Gen bust and holds, gal drops, holding a tower with just a hand full of troops and a max in the middle of a massive VS invasion.. awesome times.

I loved that game back then, I left shortly after the BFRs came out, it just got rubbish after that.

I miss them guys Fallen (not so much him :P), Dar, Pain, Gordie, Lanski, Gramps, Chug, and the rest. Fun times.

Can't wait for planetside two will definitely make me blow of the dust of my gaming pc. Will most likely need upgrading, not played any pc games at home in years.
Played in the beta and from launch until shortly after the BFR disaster, great game but sadly underfunded and advertised.

The bridge battles were pretty cool to look at but a little dull to take part in as it was usually a stand off; give me a good small - medium troop battle outside anyday. :)

I played NC mostly on Werner as Raoh, funny enough, in Formido with MrBrett and co if anyone remembers them? We were only a small outfit but we tended to do a lot of the work than no one else wanted to - like a lot of the good outfits did. :)

If they bought PS back with updated physics and graphics etc but kept the same freedom and squad tactics then I'd be there in a shot - they can leave bfrs though. :)
Planetside was fantastic for me it was the best multiplay experiances I have had. I forget what they call it now but the first add on ruined it for me. It sounded good 'urban warfare' what we got was a let down.
I loved that game would defo be back in a shot if PS2 came about, but as most have already said leave the BFR's out.
Also, the Thunderer was the best vehicle in the game. Superiour firepower, and good speed and turning abilities. And one-shots most softies :3
Like a Vanguard on speed, gunning around in one of those things was one of my favourite things, until we ran into a minefield and blew up, of course :(

What was your favourite vehicle, and why?
MoX pretty much invented the gen bust and hold), as well as cont opening / drawing enemies from locked conts.

I'm sure you'll remember fighting against a VS outfit called Starwolf (Barkmann, Allicorn, Aveox etc) then - we made it our business on the VS side to stop you and do our own genbusts/unlocks.

I distinctly remember MoX members being the first to turn up to any gen busts were were doing.

Good fights and good times - roll on PS Next.

I loved that game would defo be back in a shot if PS2 came about, but as most have already said leave the BFR's out.

Smed's already confirmed BFR's wont be in PS next.
Also, the Thunderer was the best vehicle in the game. Superiour firepower, and good speed and turning abilities. And one-shots most softies :3
Like a Vanguard on speed, gunning around in one of those things was one of my favourite things, until we ran into a minefield and blew up, of course :(

What was your favourite vehicle, and why?

Reaver - Nothing more satisfying than doing a rocket run on MAXs, especially AA.
I played under my same username here. I'm pretty sure I was a pretty early member of the CR5 group, TR on Werner. Anyone remember me? I did lone wolf it most of the time :)
What was your favourite vehicle, and why?

choice of 3

Liberator, nothing else could make me giggle so much as bombing a VT or very busy AMS even bridges (im smiling now)


Aurora pre nerf u could 1 shot a vanguard from 20 meters

my mate would drive and 2 of us gun. He would crash into the target get out and throw a jammer. We would just secondary fire, all shots at once, into the side of it. They nerfed it after a week or 2 cos it was so insanely powerful and funny. Thunderer tho was pretty awesome before it got a touch nerfed. TR one just ment you got 5 kills instead of 3 lol i loved killing TR scum.

I rolled vanoob on some yank server and 2 of us picked up magrider engineer just the basics to tank 24/7 taking it in turns to get one. i flippin loved the magrider, arguably the best tank in the game by miles cos of that rail gun thing, i used to chop down reavers if they tried anything..
Not mine! :p

Thankfully the rubbish reaver pilots greatly outnumbered the good ones :p

I do miss my sparrow, it was a different way to play. In some ways it was simply point and click, but there was slightly more to it... slightly. Positioning was key, trying to find somewhere you could get them from without them being able to escape, waiting for them to get nice and close before starting to lock on, things like that. I deffinately wouldn't trade it for any of the other empires AA max's.

Actually, thinking about it, I don't think I would switch anything in the NC arsenal for an opponents. Maybe the lasher, but that would be it.
Best thing ever, spotting cloaker in their friendly minefield, lobbing EMP at them detonating the mines killing said cloaker :D never laughed so hard :D
A liked being a cloaked guy, finding an enemy AMS, and then calling down an orbital strike on it. I usually stayed there cloaked, and enjoyed watching the panic as freshly spawned people tried to get equipment before all dying.
Laying three mines in a confined space and luring a BFR into it. It failed more often than it worked, but it was always fun to have a fully shielded BFR just blow up under someone :)
Damn, I miss this game. It was definitely one of the best MP games I've ever played. Mass Galaxy hotdrops, Tank battles, MAX rushes, dogfighting. PS had it all.

I remember in 2003 when I saw my 1st Orbital Strike. Me and several others just ran into it to see what it was and then.... :D

Good times.

**** you, SOE. For ruining one of the best games, ever.
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