*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

I play TR on Miller and this isn't how this works at all. First of all there is no meta game... we made something go red for a short period of time, yay?

Indar hadn't been capped for months because nobody cares enough anymore due to that whole lack of meta game, it only ever used to get capped in the off peak hours as capping on peak is impossible... which again renders anything related to continent capping utterly pointless straight away


Indar hasn't been capped ever since the Warpgates started to be rotated. Personally for our server in Miller, I think it's more balanced when we TR used to hold north. Back then Indar would change hands each day, even NC could cap it every so often.

On a other note, the sweet tears from NC/VS from TR locking Indar is awesome and the tears that rolled when the NC's Sniper Rifle (cough the phoenix) got nerfed. I only ever died to it a few times but watching videos of players using it to snipe infantry was retarded.

Some good nerfs are coming up soon, the Scattermax and Shotguns are getting "balanced", but I don't understand how they can balance the Shotguns. The TTK in this game is so low that any damage reductions will make the weapon crap, have to wait and see.

The TR's Striker is fun to use, when my outfit makes squads of us using it, then it's pretty much like what you see in this video. :p

You guys seen the new tank armour in the game? The Magriders version looks pretty sweet to be honest, makes me think of the Dark Eldar.

TR's version looks like a idea stolen from the 60's version of the Batman mobile. :rolleyes:
I spunked some £ on my MAX last month. Dual AI and AA :D
AA has repaid me in certs already.
MAX upgrades is the one class I would deffo say it's worth the £.

I also bought the Hailstorm (60 mag, higher fire rate, slightly lower DPS), and now wish I had bought the Armistice though (30 mag, slightly lower fire rate, higher DPS).

Didn't know you was registered here as well. :p

I tested both SMG's in game and prefered the Hailstorm, it seems to kill better even with lower DPS.
13 certs after not playing for 2 weeks?! Gee thanks. Got 7 overnight last night :rolleyes:

Flying feels weird after such a gap..

You need to login every 24 hours to claim it. :p

Tempted to get an AA thing for lightning, if such a thing exists?

It's called the Skyguard, it hurts aircraft really hard, but it's hard to control, the recoil is stupid, personally I think it's crap when you can get a AA Bruster Max but if you can learn to aim it and control the recoil it eats up aircraft.

Kinda funny you asked that, I just trailed it a moment ago and was enjoying it.
Join large platoons/outfits that stick together - simply leave ones that are scattered all over the map as they are utterly useless.
You'll enjoy the game far more with organization, solo is great fun too but you have to know what you're doing :p

A good way to find a decent platoon is the ingame squad page, look for public clan platoons (e.g *clan-tag* [INDAR PUBLIC]) as they are usually the most organized.

As for weapons, all of the standard ones are decent as it is.
Don't worry about weapons til you got a feel for the game, then check out VR training to try out any weapon/vehicle/upgrade you might consider buying.
Can someone tell me the objectives of taking over bases? Im totally new to PS2 but find when I attack a base with loadsa other people Im running around aimlessly. Do you have to destroy certain things? I have found myself ontop of the base building blocked by the enemy forcefield and I cant get to them.
So do you recommend i buy a certain gun or anything? Game is downloading atm any tips for a new starter?

Go into the VR training (option at the bottom when you use the terminal with a globe of the world over it) and try out the guns with various attachments. Changing attachments often completely changes the gun's performance, so always try it out in VR before spending your hard earned cert points.

Same goes for vehicle add-ons.
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