I'm thinking of upgrading my G card for this game as my 560ti is hardly cutting edge. however allot of the time this games says its CPU limited, now im running a 3570k at 4.6ghz (mobo, ram, cpu & SSD make this the most expensive free to play game in history) so im not going to upgrade that anytime soon.
Would switching to a 770 be worth the outlay? I know id get smother play in allot of other games but 80% of my gaming time is mainly on PS2,Neverwinter and xcom right now and only PS2 is going to benefit from a Graphics card upgrade.
Would switching to a 770 be worth the outlay? I know id get smother play in allot of other games but 80% of my gaming time is mainly on PS2,Neverwinter and xcom right now and only PS2 is going to benefit from a Graphics card upgrade.