*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

That is an extremely mild 'nerf', there is no way that is going to be anywhere near enough.

I agree, I always said I wanted the speed boost totally removed.

This goes on to a bigger issue is that I think the general moving speed for infantry should be reduced so it's a much more slower pace instead of us all running around like speed bunnies on hex, I would also increase the time to kill.
I agree, I always said I wanted the speed boost totally removed.

This goes on to a bigger issue is that I think the general moving speed for infantry should be reduced so it's a much more slower pace instead of us all running around like speed bunnies on hex, I would also increase the time to kill.

Never really had a huge problem with the pacing of the game myself; but I think Max weapons on the whole do way too much damage. I'd rather see all maxes have weapon damage nerfs and HP buffs so they're more of a tanky-pusher than infantry farming bots.
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Love how people have spent all this time running into NC Maxes (with 6 shotguns) with their faces and crying that it's OP (even after the nerfs), yet now we have official word that the Vanu max has always been the best in terms of K/D they were just too busy whining to use it.

It won't be anywhere near enough of a change to the ZOE but hopefully every second Vanu won't be a Max now...

Glad I can go back to using faction colours now that I can change Charlie squad from Vanu pink...
Nothing wrong with Vanu pink..

If you're Vanu.

As NC if I had Vanu set to their faction colour, yes I could tell on the minimap if say infantry were TR or VS which has it's uses. But when you have vehicles all factions have access to like Flash, Harasser, Sunderer, Lib, Galaxy it just got tiresome having to think is that Charlie Squad or VS? if you see what I mean.

Now I can just set Charlie Squad to say, Blue and have VS on Pink/Purple again.
TR was about to win a alert on Miller / Esamir with 60%+ with 26 minutes left on the timer and they shut down the server.

SOE Devs are so short sighted, why couldn't they add something in their alert script to give whoever owns the most before they shut down the server, the win right away or even disable alerts 4/5 hours pier to a server shut down. :/
They shut down mid alert all the time.
I'm not sure about the VS maxs, the people i know who used them before ZOE always played as a outfit with engs glued to them at all times. when i see TR maxs they are zergging around or sat in a spawn room shelling things with fractures.
NC maxs are rare outside bio labs when they one shot you after you walk round a corner and they are sat there.

You cant balance this game based on K/D and if Hibby thinks you can than this game is going to end up broken as hell.
Patch notes I like or dislike.

  1. Vehicle projectiles now originate from the camera! This is great news since the Prowler is now fixed. I have always said the problem wasn't with the turret offset but with the camera and it's now been fixed.

This is going to take some getting used to for me I think, I'm so used to the offset that I automatically compensate for it now - good barrage of fixes though looking forward to seeing how they all pan out.
TR was about to win a alert on Miller / Esamir with 60%+ with 26 minutes left on the timer and they shut down the server.

SOE Devs are so short sighted, why couldn't they add something in their alert script to give whoever owns the most before they shut down the server, the win right away or even disable alerts 4/5 hours pier to a server shut down. :/

Oh come on, an alert, you'll win hundreds more, I'll settle for a patch being deployed in good time without breaking anything (much), a little xp is the least of my worries on patch day.
Oh come on, an alert, you'll win hundreds more, I'll settle for a patch being deployed in good time without breaking anything (much), a little xp is the least of my worries on patch day.

Sucks man, sucks.

The patch is only 151mbs... was expecting more and I guess the servers will be online sooner then we think.
Oh BTW im intrested to know how if VS are overpowered and easy why population on Ceres is around 18% at some points compared to over 50% TR and around 30% for NC?

Name one other FPS where people moved away from the overpowered gear and used the weaker stuff on purpose.

BF3 users stayed away from the FAMAS or autoshottys cause they were so weak didn't they? never saw one of them before they were nerfed hard.

The same goes for all MMOs and FPS if its overpowered you see loads of them, yet last time i saw the stats (a while a go) VS had the lowest pop and it was constantly falling.
At launch the Magrider was OP, it was nerfed then rebuffed and seems to be in a good place now. The Saron is still silly though.

ZOE Max since it was on the test server has been crazy silly op, probably still is after this patch.

Other than that VS are and have been fine as far as I'm concerned not over or under powered, possibly 1 or 2 things VS may feel need tweaking slightly but overall (ZOE and lack of population aside) you're in a good place imo.

If I had to place the 'easy' label on any faction it would be TR purely on their weapons and vehicles compared to the other two. I'm sure someone will rapidly disagree with me there but having played NC since beta and now played a bit of TR properly it's quite a difference. Not that I think any side is 'hard mode' or 'easy mode' but if I had to choose.
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Infiltrator cloak is bugged again, if you use low settings and Night vision, you can see the cloaked player as clear as day, like you used too a long time ago.

This explains why I been getting killed on my cloaked Flash when I shouldn't had been spotted. Screenshots at the link below.


TR on Miller won the first new alert too! 20k XP!
I still don't get why they don't change it so that infs are completely invisible to night vision and show up clearly with heat sensing. It would give people a reason to spend the 200 certs on heat vision for vehicles. Is there anyone in the game with that cert at the moment?
Personally i think ZOE suits the randoms and thats why you see the big boost in MAXs on VS, Locked down TR maxs with engineer support can make some bases impossible to get close to, Scared Mesa was a good example lastnight with a good mix of fractures and bursters then the place is hard as hell to take. Add the strikers and your not getting close.
NC max ability is so situational its a joke, but i still fear scat maxs and feel if they are used right at the right place they are a win button but thats kinda what they are ment to be.

Mags? they were ment to be the glass cannon MBT that had the whole float like a butterfly thing going. Async gameplay balancing is never going to be easy but right now i prefer my lightning to my mag. Mag feels like a whale.

Saron? i like the new version its very effective up close and doing hit and run on a harasser is great fun ripping up prowlers who are looking the wrong way its very diffrent to the old version which i didnt like. Still with i could have a vulcan on my mag though.

Balancing in PS2 isnt that bad in the most part (Strikers need a nerf IMO compared ot the other ESLs) but untill they create a meta game worth playing then balancing isnt a major problem, right now its a grind, a fun grind but a grind.

The key is balancing the game on the whole not so that some randomer HA can't win against a max/tank/ESF solo.

Its not a SP game your ment to be out gunned sometimes! even as an outfit never mind as a solo player.
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House I'm terrified of NC maxes, not so much of TR ones (no idea why, honestly it's an irrational fear!).

Similar with tanks, Mags take too long to respond and the lightening is just FUN to drive, love chucking it off cliffs, never played NC/TR though and I do fancy playing in their versions of heavy tanks..
As an NC max is my 2nd lowest play time after inf. I just find them too slow and heavy, the range too short, and they're waaay too situational. I'm at the stage where even in a biolab I hardly ever even think of pulling one out anymore.
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