*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

Woodman is a decent server as far as population balance goes, seems to be fairly even these days.

Last time I signed on to Miller, the TR pop was as high as the other two factions combined. Not fun for anyone.
Woodman is a decent server as far as population balance goes, seems to be fairly even these days.

Last time I signed on to Miller, the TR pop was as high as the other two factions combined. Not fun for anyone.

Miller still has too many TR compared to NC and VS but it is getting better now we're recommended lots of new players. The big plus with joining Miller is there are lots of organised outfits who work together to coordinate operations and many experienced players to help you learn the game. As long as you join an outfit Miller is a great place to be with a (mostly) good community.

Last I logged into woodman you had too many VS though so no server is perfect.
Saw an advert for this on TV, think I'm going to get this when I get my new computer. A few of my friends play it and say that it's really good, I like the idea of an open world MMOFPS. Is there a decent ranking and leaderboards system?
Saw an advert for this on TV, think I'm going to get this when I get my new computer. A few of my friends play it and say that it's really good, I like the idea of an open world MMOFPS. Is there a decent ranking and leaderboards system?

There are leaderboards but I doubt anyone but the killwhores and stat padders pay attention to them.

It really shines when you're with your friends playing as a team in the middle of a massive battle and you play a part in your faction winning that whether it be dropping an entire platoon onto a base (48 people) from Galaxies (airborne troop transport),blowing up a shield generator, defending a control point or keeping the skies clear of enemy aircraft.

Yes there are scoreboards for each battle as they happen but as the battle never really ends these reset quickly and aren't really of much significance, it's more about those great moments where you and your friends make the difference.
Anyone been getting weird frame rate issues with this game since GU11?

I loaded in to be locked at 15FPS lastnight in the warpgate. Rebooted and it went back to normal then 20 mins later it came back.

Was fine later on but its just so random, one of the guys in my outfit swears blind its a network issue and when you are lagging the frames crash but im not so sure.
Yeah, stutters were killing me (literally) last night. Seemed to be whenever I got near a forcefield. Every single patch I seem to have to drop my graphics settings down another notch :(
after the latest hotfix the frame rate issues are gone but today its bombing me back to desktop every hour or so.

SOE QA department is one bloke in a cupboard with no lightbulb.

And they just took another 3 month sub so meh, who am i kidding im playing this till BF4 and the xbox one come out at least.
TR Miller pops are high because we retained more big outfits from Planetside 1,all the old Werner outfits had a meeting and decided to play miller. We now win pretty much every alert coordinating outfits across the 3 conts. I'm outfit leader of BRTD (JeffBeefjaw) if anyone is interested in playing in a highly organised outfit with compulsory comms pm me in-game for an invite or check out our website linked in my sig.
How to "fix" population

6+ Continents and bigger servers

If 3-4 conts are pop locked and a good fight then the oversized faction can go ghost/zerg cap the other ones.

It worked for PS1, VS were under pop on my server when I joined but unless you were not one the main fights it didn't really matter.
More conts are coming starting with Hossin and then Searhus. The battle islands are also being shown for the first time tonight in time for the MLG event in which BRTD currently have 3 players.
We now win pretty much every alert coordinating outfits across the 3 conts.

Yes TRAM has a high degree of coordination and some good outfits, but the population advantage you've enjoyed for a while now plays a big part as well.

I enjoy fighting BRTD, FU and a couple of other TR outfits, compared to certain TR players you're generally good guys I can respect when achieve something in a good fight. But I'm just saying population advantage of 10-20% hurts when you're fighting against it and it has hurt Miller as a server. The last couple of months have been testing times for non-TR on Miller, if the server hadn't gone recommended many long time NC/VS players would probably have quit or taken a break soon.

Thankfully things are evening out a bit, still a long way to go yet but hopefully we can have all factions fighting on fairly even numbers in the near future.
But now with miller being the recommended server we regularly see triple pop locks with people logging in only to find they are trapped VR, meaning the prime time fight pops are pretty much equal. TR just do it better, tbh I feel sorry for the nc they have become the whipping boys of the server, just sitting in bio labs and consistently coming last in alerts.
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But now with miller being the recommended server we regularly see triple pop locks with people logging in only to find they are trapped VR, meaning the prime time fight pops are pretty much equal. TR just do it better, tbh I feel sorry for the nc they have become the whipping boys of the server, just sitting in bio labs.

As you say though, TR retained more people from PS1, and kept more of those who joined in PS2, or people rerolled from NC/VS. We now need to train up the new NC/VS players arriving and more importantly make sure they're retained whilst hoping that not too many people join TR and make it worse. Then we'll hopefully see some good fights between TRAM/NCTO/TVA. That's if SOE don't wreck the game with their pursuit of MLG/PS4 in the meantime but whatever.
I can't wait for PS2 to come out for consoles, and I hope it is incredibly successful, after all console success will equal more content for PC, won't it? :)
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