*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

So I've just started playing this and was wondering how I get my framerate to go over 60fps?
It doesn't matter if I use Very Low settings or Ultra my framerate seems to stay at 60-ish.
I've turned off V-Sync and the UserOptions.ini has the framerate limit set to 250.

Any ideas?
Heh I didn't realise the 252nd had some members in this thread!

<------- Zongoose

Thinks there only me, apart from yourself :D Not long joined to be honest. About 4 - 6 weeks ago. But had Linedash and RTiger has friends since I started playing has NC. If they had public platoons open or it wasn't Ops night I'd always join. Needed a regular group to play with so 252 seems like a good choice. One I'm very happy I made. Great bunch. With some very skillful players and good leaders.

@ The guy whos stuck with 60fps Im sure but dont quote me on this but you can set a target range for the smoothing. One of the guys I play with was getting ever so slight tearing with it enabled, sure he said he set it to 61 in the ini and it cleared it up and im sure one of the guys wanted to know if this could be changed from 60 has he runs a 120hz monitor and someone said you can set it to what ever figure you want. But set it as close has close to your screen refresh rate as you can get without introducing tearing.

As far as im aware it works very much like Nvidias Adaptive vsync. So instead of locking at 60fps its actually just capping to 60fps. So all the benfits of V-sync but without the down side of input lag... Hope that helps.
Turn off smoothing?

I think that's meant to keep your fps around 60.

@ The guy whos stuck with 60fps Im sure but dont quote me on this but you can set a target range for the smoothing. One of the guys I play with was getting ever so slight tearing with it enabled, sure he said he set it to 61 in the ini and it cleared it up and im sure one of the guys wanted to know if this could be changed from 60 has he runs a 120hz monitor and someone said you can set it to what ever figure you want. But set it as close has close to your screen refresh rate as you can get without introducing tearing.

As far as im aware it works very much like Nvidias Adaptive vsync. So instead of locking at 60fps its actually just capping to 60fps. So all the benfits of V-sync but without the down side of input lag... Hope that helps.

Thanks lads, that got it.
I used to be in 252 but it was at a time when members kept fighting and bickering over everything.

Been in WASP for some time now and enjoying every minute.
Is Iron Warrior (INI)Warriors or warrior. If so finally saw him last night. He was stalking our platton for a few hours in his Harasser. Thankfully I managed to stay out his way.
If it was you dude Awesome fight Against INI at Briggs last night. Our Predator push was unstoppable(20 of us all pushing foward insta killing all Armour on sight.) lead to a dominating Victory for the NC at peak time.(SOmething that doesnt happen often on Miller.)

Last night actual restored my faith in the NC theres must have been 600+ of us all fighting over Briggs and The connecting bases.

I think his name is [INI]iwarriors, I hunted his prowler the other night unloading a full clip of photon pods up his ass and a few hailstorm to finish him off, felt glorious as I hate Harasser farmers.
I think his name is [INI]iwarriors, I hunted his prowler the other night unloading a full clip of photon pods up his ass and a few hailstorm to finish him off, felt glorious as I hate Harasser farmers.

I dont really know the lad, so I don't have that much venom aimed towards him. I was just happy to not get road killed by him. :p
I have been a little disappointed with this game. It just doesn't do the same for me as Planetside 1 did. Shame really.

I never played PS1 but from the videos I have watched and things I learned about it, PS1 was so much better. PS2 is just like small cheap rip-off, but to be honest, most games are these days, there is never as much detail or dept to them as we was used too back in them days.

PS2 is still awesome though.

Back in INI, get to play alongside I-Hack-Needs to get our more-Warriors again ;)

Nice to have you back m8. :D

You'd left? and yeah, seriously IW take it easy this weekend, remember to eat :P

Bro, if the double XP lasted more then it did then you would be reading about some gamer that died playing a game in the UK. I farmed my pants off. :p

Is Iron Warrior (INI)Warriors or warrior. If so finally saw him last night. He was stalking our platton for a few hours in his Harasser. Thankfully I managed to stay out his way.
If it was you dude Awesome fight Against INI at Briggs last night. Our Predator push was unstoppable(20 of us all pushing foward insta killing all Armour on sight.) lead to a dominating Victory for the NC at peak time.(SOmething that doesnt happen often on Miller.)

I think I remember that, we was driving around NS Officers, Mao Southen Gate and Briggs. The farm was unbelieveable. My favourite moment was when the NC decided to foot zerg it to the Northern Mao Gate and deploy a Sundy or two behide them Ant Hills.

The XP didn't stop rolling in even when the battle was finished, but there was some pesky NC buggy and Magriders ruining the fun every so often.

@mehuk. Thought it was, The poor chap must be drained. I was on till late last night. When he was driving around Indar in his Harasser when I left. Logged in this morning at 7am for a quick half an hour before work. He was still driving around In his Harasser.

Wanted to carry on but I think a crash stopped me from playing more and soon as I laid down, I was out, didn't wake up till the late afternoon, think my 100% XP boost was gone by then. :(

Is this worth a shot? How many players and how well does the game run? Doing nowt tonight and i'm bored! :p

This game is awesome, but since you coming late to the game, you going to hate it or love it when some high BR kills you like it was pay to win.

There is no other game like this, which keeps bringing you back. :D

I think his name is [INI]iwarriors, I hunted his prowler the other night unloading a full clip of photon pods up his ass and a few hailstorm to finish him off, felt glorious as I hate Harasser farmers.

I semi-remember something like that happening, same thing kinda happended the other night that raged me, was it at the Paraside?

I remember losing like 90% of my health in a second (Indar lag) before I jumped out that's if I did jump out.

I dont really know the lad, so I don't have that much venom aimed towards him. I was just happy to not get road killed by him. :p

Such a small world and we never killed each other yet, maybe we have, don't know ;)
So, I played as much as I could because it was double XP and was well rewarded for my time wasted in PS2. Think I made like 15k certs all together and spent it all again. There was moments where I making more certs in 30 minutes then I do in a day of playing, remember checking a few times that I made like 500 certs in a hour or two, one of my friends hit 1000 certs in a hour and half. lol

Sony messed up though, they should had put the 100% XP boosters on sale thoughtout the event, that would had made them a load of money.

Fully pimped out my Galaxy by spending least 10k on it. Bulldogs are maxed, Walkers are almost maxed, need a other 1500 certs to unlock the final ammo upgrades to give each one 90 rounds per magazine. All have TH. Been debating for months on what preformance to use on the Galaxy and I decided to use Precision, I know players feel that HIGH-G is better, but personally I don't think it is, it feels slow and lumbersome with it where with Precision you can turn and roll so good so went with that. I was thinking of giving Zoom to the Walkers but it's pointless, the cone of fire on the Walkers is a joke. You can't "snipe" with it. Each and every shot is random, kinda makes Zoom pointless. TH is so much better.

Kinda funny, I have never been a Galaxy pliot but it is now the only vehicle that is almost completely certed.

On a other note, this OMFG patch isn't named just for the fun of it because that is what I scream everytime I crash for the 100th time in a day and it's only getting worst. Never in my life, never in a game have I had a crash that crashed my Internet. Crashed it so hard that I can't even disable and enable the Internet Adapter again to fix it. The game won't even shut down, can't even close it in task manager.

First time it happened, it deleted my Playlist in WinAmp. I had a playlist when I was playing PS2 and when it crashed, I didn't have a playlist. Sounds stupid and you can laugh, but that's the "true true" as one of the "vally people" would say.

I also have to report that the rocks outside the TR's Warpgate are OP as the Tree's are in this game. My Prowler did a 360" flip/nose dive and exploded when I "clipped" one. Lastly during the week, I made this German kid and his squad rage like never before, while flying over a base in the Canyons they managed to destory my Mossy while I ejected with like 5 AA Zoe Maxes. So I pulled a Prowler from Tower next to Tawrich and killed their Sundy as they was loaded up and was about to move out. Killed 5 of them in the Sundy and killed the few that managed to escape. Well, from that moment, the hate /tells started and it ended up with this really angry german kid (youtube meme) calling me "Princess" and many other colourful insults. lol During the time, I retreated to the vehicle bay of Tawrich so I could reply back to the /tells and noticed "his" squad moving around. They was setting up a trap and ambush.

Didn't fall for it, killed them again, but first time I managed to get a whole squad hunting me. lol I'm not that good, my infantry stats suck. :p
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That's a bit strange tbh, I've had maybe 2 crashes since OMFG? My main issue has been the god awful lag this weekend so ended up playing on Woodman quite a bit. May need to join a VS outfit there now I have some stuff certed properly.

and yes... rocks and especially trees are the true gods of PS2, would love to see a stat for how many aircraft have died to trees since launch.
Yeah i gave up this weekend due to lag, tried to battle through it... but when my hit markers are not showing until like 10 seconds after... and then to die like 20 seconds later when im in the middle of nowhere, just didnt make it fun.

Wasted so many med kits trying to get back to health - all for nothing :D

Wanted to climb a few ranks as December with kids (and a PS4) is going to keep me off the field for a while no doubt.

Though will they do something for thanksgiving? Im sure Christmas/New Year will have an event or 2 as well... XP/Cash related.
Last Christmas, double XP lasted two whole weeks. I wasn't able to enjoy it since I was at my brothers, but this time... this time! :D

Tbh there wasn't much to enjoy IW. Back then the hex crash exploit was still in, the devs basically did a patch with some bugs in (including that one) and went on holiday for 3 weeks or so. You'd be fighting at a base and oh someone just crashed the hex as you were about to win, bad luck.

I spent pretty much most of the two weeks farming TR in Mani Bio Lab (this was the golden age of the scat max after all), even managed to get Daddy when he finally ventured out of the teleporter with his Max. With the amount you must have gotten certed by now I'd think you could just relax and play the game without 'farming' certs, but hey :P
This game is awesome, but since you coming late to the game, you going to hate it or love it when some high BR kills you like it was pay to win.

This is what happened to me, put me right off.
That and constantly being shot by tanks when I thought I was high enough up they couldn't should over the ledges...

It also seems you need to be in a squad to really get much done, which I didn't want to do, at least not right away.
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