*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

Hi, I finally got planetside 2 to work properly on my windows 8 machine. It wouldn't load any of the text in English which for someone new to the game rendered it unplayable. This went on for months of me periodically checking if it was fixed, tried it again at the weekend and all was well.

I'm really enjoying it so far, trying to play as an TR engineer and having a lot of fun so far. Has anyone got any tips for staying alive or what to invest in cert wise, I keep getting picked off by snipers when I'm repairing things or is it a case of needing better situational awareness?
Even when repairing things keep moving and try and use your certs to upgrade your repair speed and get a shield or nano upgrade so you suffer less damage you will eventually get use to it as it's a very addictive game :)
Yeah, strafe to the left and right randomly when repairing, it becomes second nature after a while. Cert up nanoweave armour, repair speed and also the ammo drop as much as possible, as this is easy certs in a big battle.

Note also that if you equip your placeable gun and press B, it switches it to an ammo package.

Then cert up to get two anti infantry mines, cos there's nothing like getting a kill message while you're sat somewhere scratching yourself :D
Starting to slip out of playing this regularly again, it needs more content, KOTV is no where near as busy an outfit as it once was either, sometimes can't even get leaders for alerts. When alerts aren't on it's just the same old same, hardly anyone wanting to work together and one faction having a noticeable pop advantage.

I wonder if the other EU server is better, currently on Woodman.
Bored myself. if it wasnt for 252v I doubt i'd play at all. Just a bit bored of it now. Needs all the new toys and maps they have been banging on about since I joined...

Don't get me wrong its a superb game. When it works. The late night Vanu 60% pop on miller doesn't help. Game seems more balanced now. So glad they finally sorted the harasser out. Amazing how little they are used now to advance like a tank :D See less and less of the people who used to farm in them every single day.

Obviously looking for the next OP thing to farm.
Starting to slip out of playing this regularly again, it needs more content, KOTV is no where near as busy an outfit as it once was either, sometimes can't even get leaders for alerts. When alerts aren't on it's just the same old same, hardly anyone wanting to work together and one faction having a noticeable pop advantage.

I wonder if the other EU server is better, currently on Woodman.

Vanu on Miller seem to have been going through a minor surge in the last couple of weeks, The Vanu Alliance have started doing coordinated Friday night ops between outfits and we managed to capture two continents last Friday. The pop seems to favour NC early in the evening but swings towards Vanu later on.

It's kind of strange though, even when the NC have the pop. advantage they seem to mostly be uncoordinated, whereas even though the TR usually seem outnumbered they're often very coordinated.

I've never played on Woodman though, so I don't know how they directly compare. It's a shame your characters can't take a holiday to another server.

I'm kinda concerned about how much Hossin is going to dilute the player numbers on the other continents.
Thanks for the advice, one more thing. Are there any servers that are better to play on than others? currently playing TR on Cobalt but as I'm only lvl 6 I don't mind starting again on a different server if it means better game play and more squads/outfits. Last night was fairly quiet with maybe only 40vs40
Might try NC on Miller.

If you do decide to go that route and want organised play I really recommend Wasp. Joined last month but had known them for ages, and really back into the game again after my previous oufit died. We normally have 4-5 squads when we have a planned operation and run infantry/armour/air when able, plenty of nationalities and overall a good community.

Besides, who wouldn't want to use industrial mix (yellow and black) as their camo?
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Thanks for the advice, one more thing. Are there any servers that are better to play on than others? currently playing TR on Cobalt but as I'm only lvl 6 I don't mind starting again on a different server if it means better game play and more squads/outfits. Last night was fairly quiet with maybe only 40vs40

People will generally say the server they play on is the best because they're invested in that community and more people to play with is always good.

My suggestion would be look at the recruitment section on the official forums and find an outfit you like the look of that you can join and then start on their server. From my own experience Miller (where I play NC with Wasp) and Woodman (where I have a VS alt) seem to be well populated with active communities, faction balance varies. I don't know much about Cobalt and Ceres I'm afraid.
Anyone know why whilst shooting & aiming I sometimes have my knife attack activate but I'm not doing it it's just happening when I'm firing my gun and it's definitely slowing my kills
Dunno but if it's happening to us both it sounds like a bug rather than a user error.

My mouse is a deathadder 2013 if that makes any difference.
I downloaded this a few days ago via steam and finally got some time to play it last night, or so I thought!

I opened the launcher and it wanted to download another 8gb of data :( seems its a known bug with steam and the launcher and I have to turn off auto updates via steam.

Anyway it should be done by the time im home from work so will give it a spin, any suggestions on race etc or should I try them all?
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