Libs got their armor buffed? Oh lordy so that's why there were 9 DIG libs over Vanu Archives yesterday shelling the TR.
Yes, they been buffed against mostly tanks weapons so they require more hits then before or in some cases, the same amount of hits but not, something. lol, anyway it's all in the patch notes.
They also got three new weapons.
There is a new Nosegun that allows the pliot to aim now, you have like a 180" view of fire now but it's not as good as it sounds since you have to switch to first person view to aim it otherwise it fires forward in third person (unless my controls are wrong?) since the view inside is crap, it's not as useful as it sounds.
There is a new belly gun which fires smaller HE rounds called the Duster. It sounds great, it looks great to fire, it sounds great but it's pants. It's totally useless, it has such a large cone of fire that hitting anything is a joke and to control the shots you have to fire slowly, fire any faster and the shots start to go everywhere, that sounds balanced right? Well the good old Zepper does is miles better then this. I'm suspecting a buff to this weapon soon since it's pants.
The final weapon is a new tailgun which fires heat-tracking rockets at targets which is nice if the enemy are close but at any distance then it's pants too.
But all weapon mounts have more degree's of fire now so the Walker can "almost" fire at the same time as the belly gun.