I think although there wont be a blatant pay2win aspect there might be some more subtle ones like double XP or priority access to vehicles when there is a limit on the number of them. World of Tanks has pay2win aspects yet still works quite well for those who don't choose to use them.
However this is all speculation as we don't really know how far they will stray into it until the game launches.
So far I've picked up the following about cash store items:
#1: Purely cosmetic/possibly useful (camo).
#2: I'm sure EXP boosters have been mentioned, and that there will be a constant need for exp due to the sheer scope of the progression system (they've said it would take literally years to unlock everything).
#3: MAYBE weapons/attachments (can also be earned just by playing). I think I remember hearing the phrase "anything from the store that affects combat can also be earned just by playing."
They do seem to be aware that Pay2win = game fails. Balancing is a, erm, female dog when it comes to this type of thing but if they're really committed to making unlocks sidegrades or versatility only then they can chip away at the balance issue until they get it right.
The only restrictions on vehicles I'm aware of are:
#1: Your cooldown timer for that vehicle isn't still counting down. This is 15 minutes by default and can be greatly reduced via the cert progression system - but only one vehicle at a time.
#2: You
personally have enough of a particular type of resource (resources are granted to you at intervals, the amount depends on what territories your faction owns).
#3: You can only summon a vehicle at particular places, eg. galaxies/liberators can only be summoned at a tech facility or warp grate iirc.
I do remember hearing Higby saying there are no arbitrary limits of the number of vehicles a faction can have deployed, just the ones I mentioned above.
btw I am not in the tech test, this is all public info
If you want to protect your fanboi IP then feel free but do not sit there like you are some kind of authority on the subject.
Erm that's pretty much what you were doing by saying "It will fail because it's F2P". To be fair you did expand on that statement a few posts later but you've got to expect some reactions when you make such a sweeping statement.
I would be highly surprised if the finished game does not see you being bested by someone with money because they bought something you did not. "They only won because they abused purchased item X, Y or Z" seems only inevitable and maybe not on launch day, eventually.
I'm sure such statements will be made XD Whether or not they'll be accurate or not is another matter.
I envisage something along these lines, because it's more or elss what the devs have described so far: You start a particular class with a primary weapon that's a good all-rounder but can unlock weapons which are better at close quarters at the expense of long range effectiveness and vice versa. Or simply spend the certs/exp/resources you earned while playing that class on another class or a vehicle upgrade.
From what I've gathered so far, the biggest effect the cash shop will have on progression & unlocks is through exp boosters. Which makes sense to me as a regular exp booster purchase would take the place of a subscription.
And if it's not as fair as that, then everyone in the beta who realises it, me included, will be throwing their teddies at SOE until they get it.